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T��A �� �-� <br /> -� <br /> DD ° 0 ° D ,r�� : <br /> 0 <br /> ___-.:.____ _� ___ ___^__ ,�_ ;_�_ _� ._ _� �__�_- _____ _-- - -_ ____-_____ __ _-- _____ _ _ _ <br /> __- � _� . .-_-- ___�=�_� ___ � � _ <br />_,_ ________, _ _500�8-KLOPP c@ BARTLEI'T CO.,Pranting,Lxl'nographinp and County Supplxes_O�iahc. � <br /> - ------.-----_-..-_------ _-_:_.-__'--- �_- -__-----_- -- --_- _----_--- -— <br />-----__ .__________.._.���_ _____�, ...._ ._ __- - ---.___ <br /> -__- ___- . _ --__- __.- -•_---------- --- - - <br /> -._1—.__— <br /> i <br /> FR�� I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and ' <br /> - - ----- - - - - - -- - - .. - __ - - - - -- <br /> filed for record this_. -- 17 - -- -day of_ - - �e�y --- - ___- ------ ' <br /> :�. D,, 19-11 , at --_--- lC�_.15- -- - ---o'clock.- -- - -- A�--M. ; <br /> -------_E�ens_�e_18r1d_&---wif-e-------- -_ __------- Warranty ! <br /> TO Deed. � � �� <br /> �G�2�_l�_/���� <br /> - —�-�� ` - — — — — -- — — --------- — - <br /> Register of DeeG� ��acaa�k �' <br /> - - - --- -K�tss Kawnans-- - --- - - - -- ' <br /> - - - - - ---- -- _-- --- -- -- -- -- -- - - ---- ; <br /> Deputy. <br /> Knaw 1�11 �VIen by These Pr�sents: � <br /> That- Eugen_e__Be_�._�d--�11t1 Asmedia__A.Beland --husband--and,-c�cife--- - -- ----- -- - ------- - --- -- ----- ------------- <br /> of the CoUntiy of_ _ __________ _ __and State of_ _______ _ __.._ _ _______ .________. ----___-Grantor___8__, in consideration ; <br /> Hall, - - <br /> ------- -------�------------------------DOLLARS, ' <br /> ofthe sum of------..Otze__Hsuldred__Fif�y _(���Q.���__&_no_�_140----------------------- -- -------------- -- ,, <br /> in hand paid, do.____---- ---hereby GRA�'1T, BARGAIN, SELL, AND CONVEI' unto___--K;i"�8_.K8,1�Ti�2?5-------- ------- ------ -------_ .-- ----- ---- --- ------ -------- - . � <br /> - - -- - ---- ------ --- - --- ----- --- ' <br /> of the County of_____________________ _ ________________, Grantee_______,thefollowin� ; <br /> H831- - -._ ---- _and State of -- N@�2���k8 -- - <br /> described premises, situ�,ted in the County of_______ _____._________HSlI _.and State of Nebraska, to «•it: ' <br /> Lot___Numbered__Fifty_--thre__e_._�5�_)_.__of__�iaw��orne__Pla�@__said_Ha�rt_horne___Pla�e___bein�__a___sr�b_-divi�io�_____ <br /> -- ----of_ �---p�.rt--Qf---�he---North---�eat---quar_�e-r---(N-.�V..4_�_of---Se-at i-on--twen-ty�-t�o---(22} in To�rnship--E-leQen----(-1-1) ' <br /> - - Nort� 9� R�n�e_ N_in� l9�-�[e$t Qf ths- Sixth -j&)� �rir�ci�al �ex idian, -- - ---- - --- - - - - ------- - --- ' <br /> e -- --- - --- - - - .- - -- - - ---- - - - - -- - -- -- - -- -- _ _ - - ---- -- ----- ------ -- - ----- - - - ------ � <br /> - - - - - -- - -- ---- _ -- - - - -- - - _- --.. --- - - -- -- - - - - - -- - - -- -- - ------ -- ------ - - ----- - - -------- ------ <br /> - - -- --- - - - -- - --- - -_.. - - -- - - --- - --- - - - -- - --- - - -- -- -- - ---- - - --- - - -- - - - .. -------------------- <br /> --- ------- - ---- -- - - --� ---- - - --- - ------- -- - - - - - '-- -- - --- ---- ----- - --- - - - �--- - - -- - - - -- ---------- <br /> To�ether witIi a11 the tenements, hereditalnents, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, �,nd ail the Estate,Right, Title,, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and , <br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_ , an� of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof, <br /> TO K4VE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee__ _____.and to____ .____h8r____________________.__heirs and <br /> a,ssigns forever. And____.__________.W6_________hereby covenant__._____with the said Grartee___________that___ _____�g____._ ___._hold..__._..said premises by good and perfect ' <br /> title; that__.._________ l�te________haY_@__good ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of �,11 liens and incumbrances ' <br /> whatsoever------------- ---- -- _--------- ------ - --- -- --- - -_-- ----- - - -- - - ------ ---- - �- - ----------- -- ----------------- --------------------------- ' <br /> - - - ---- --- -------- ---- - -- ----- ----- --- - - �-- -- - ---- -- -- -- - ------ -- --------- ------ -- --- --- --� -- - - ---�---- - ------------- - ---------------�- <br /> ---- ---- ---- - --�---- ---- --- - ---- - ---- ----- ------- - - --- - ----- --- --- ----- - --- - ---- ----- -- ------ - --- - ------- - ------- -- --------------------------- � <br /> ---------- - - --- -- - -- - -._.-- --- --- - _... ---- - -- - <br /> - -- - - - --And- ---- --- - - -- -- �e ------ ----- ---- ----�-------covenant-------to warrant and ; <br /> t he ----------- I <br /> defend 31� said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, ___.._______._____.____.______________________________________.__________ ____ � <br /> - --- - ---- --- -- - - -- - -------- -- --- ------ ------- ----- ----- - -- -------- -------- �---- ------ i <br /> --- -- --- - --- ----- - - - ----- --- �--- -- ---- , <br /> Dated the- -- --- - - 16th- - Y p ' <br /> - - -- ----da of_----- -�dS - -- - -- --- - -------- - ---A. D., 19_ll ---� <br /> WITNESS --------------------Et�gBn�_�eI_8u�d, ---------------------------------•-- ' <br /> .Armedia A.Beland <br /> ---- -- - -----�.4.�_.Har_r_i-s-on - --- ------ - --- . � <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> - �ss, <br /> ------- ----- -H811--- ----County, On this- - - ---1_��h-_. - --- - --------day of_---- ------�AY- ----- ---- ------------A. D., 1911- -, before me, the '� <br /> undersigne�l, a Notary Publi�__________________________________.__________within and for said County, personally caine__________________ <br /> � ---_------Eugene---Beland_�nd-_Armsdia__A_,Bel�nd--_�--�,u�baxtd__and_.xtif_�-�------_-_,---_-- ' <br /> - ---- - --- -- ----------- - ---- ---- ------ -- ---- ------ ---- -- - ---- ----- -- --------------------------------------------- --�--------------- -------------- <br /> (sEAL� to me personally known to be the identical person__B..__,__whose name_g__________.��e_____.______________affixed to tae above instru- ; <br /> ment as grantor-s_______, and_____theY_._________severally acknowledged the same to ue__._�h_e__��_____________voluntary act and deed <br /> � ; <br /> for the purpose therein expressed, ' <br /> n e <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�l and afi�xed my ofCicial seal at______.______________________________________ i <br />, ----------------�S811C'�__�B18t21d� , <br /> ____N�hr_.,______________________on the date last above written. i <br /> T.Q.C.Harrigon ' <br /> ------------------------- ---- ------------------------------------------�-------------- <br /> Notary Public. � <br /> I My commission expires------------------ ------- ------F_�b1'u8r�r---1Q--------•---------------�------•--- - �2----- ' <br /> _.19_ , <br /> � <br /> � <br />'I ° i <br /> l <br />