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<br />— 500#S—K[.OPP&BEIRTLETTCO.,PrinEi7e�,I,zthographinp¢ndCount�Supplies.`bma<<e. - __._ --_- --.___... �_.�__ _ �--- _ __
<br /> I''�t0�V1 I hereby certify that tliis instrunzent was entered on Numerical Index and '
<br /> filed for record this--- - -1�#�Y1 ___ - ------day of._---------_�e.y---------- ---.._---------.
<br /> 3. D., .i9_ll - � �t- -____ -- -- - 3._15_o'clock -- - -P.iVl,
<br /> _ .__ __----?�arY- -�d.-Ke_rz1_&--Husba.nd _ _- Warranty
<br /> .-
<br /> T� Deed. _l 1���_� %��
<br /> ,��_--��i?:"'!
<br /> - - - -- -- - -
<br /> Reg i�te r of Dsede �����x
<br /> -- -Anna__Pickett--_ - - _
<br /> - --- - �
<br /> - --- -- -- - - -- - ------ Depu�y;-
<br /> Know A.�� l�en by rI'�e,�e Present� :
<br /> ���at �.�rX-�d.Ksrn__�nd_.�_illiam__B..-Ke-rn - _ - -. - _ -- --- - - - - - .- ---- --- _
<br /> --- - - . ---- ---- - --
<br /> -- _.. -- -- -- -- - _ __ __ _ __ ( wife a�d hu�band� - - - -- - - - -
<br /> of the County cf____ _ _____ Ad8A8 ___ ___ ___ __ ___and State of_ _________H9br88_Ya__ _________Grantor__S.__, in c�nsideration
<br /> of the sum of - ThT@A _2hOt18�'1d --_ _ _ - - ---- - ------- - -- - - - -------- --- ------DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand pa,id, do__ __ _here�y GPA:^�T, ��tPG.�iII�', SELL, Ar,D CONVFY unta_. ._ _AYli1�l_P�,_�kQ_�t_-- ------___.--- ---- -._._---
<br /> of tre County' of_---------- -----H8t11 _ ------_ -- - -__ .__-- ----and State of_- - __----l�ebr3$k_A_ ._.--------- - ----------- ------ - -------- -----__, Gralitee-----__,the following
<br /> d�seribecl premises, sii.Ua,ted i1� tre C'aunty of__ ___ ____ _ ___-- _HSIl_________ ________ ______and State of Nebraska, to c=��it.
<br /> -- -------__Lo�---Number_ Seven. (7�- in--F3lnak--'Numbar---Qne--Hu�dreci--anc�-Th-i�een --(-11-�)--in--Iia�.-l._Road--Addi�iQn--
<br /> t__o_ _ ax�nd___Island,---Nebraska,- aa su�ve�retl� -p3�att�d-s�d -r-e�c��t�e�i. ---- __-- -----_ _------- --- ----- -:_ ------------ �
<br /> --- --Sub�_e ct----t o_the__sum_ 9f__�1224.OU--be ing-the _unpai�i__ps�r_t-i_on---�f__�__�15Q4.4�---m�Ege--ns��r_Q�--re�s�r�__in f avor
<br /> -----_of---The Eqt�itahle_�uil�iing--& L_oaa._As_BO_ciat_is�n-of- Grand _Island,---�Te_br_aska.---------------------------------------------
<br /> - - - _- - --- - - --- - -- -- ------- -- - ---- ---- - -- -- - - - _ -- --- --- - ----- ----------- ----
<br /> To�ether witP1 all the ter�emar?ts, lier•editar�ents, and appurter�ariees thereunto belon�illg, and all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim alld
<br /> Demand w�a�soever of the sa,id G`rantor________.__, and af eitl�et° of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> TO K.4VE ANII TO hrOLI.� the above-described prenlises, with the a,ppurtenances, unto the said Grantee_...._____and to________hgr _
<br /> __________.____heirs and
<br /> a,ssigns forever. And____ ___ _WQ___ .__ _______hereby covenant__ ____with the said Grantee_________that______W@. ________hold_________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> tiile,; tra.t___._____�e..___________ha98___goorl riblit �,nc� Ia�vful authority to sell a,nd convey the same; that they are free a,nd clear of all liens ancl incumbrarzces
<br /> whatsoever_._@SG�pt---88--et$O_St8--8�ett@Lt -.__--- -._ _.. -- - ---------- -- - --- ---- - ------ - ----- - ------- ------ -- -- ---- ---- - - ------
<br /> ---- --- -_.._ --- -- --- - - - - -- --- -- ------------- --- -- - ---- -_.- ---- --------- ----- ------- ----------------------
<br /> - - ---- - ----- - - --- -- -- _---- -- -_ - And-------- -- - - ----- -- �8 - -- - -------------covenant---- ---to warrant and
<br /> cleferid�e id premises against the lawful claiins of alI persoizs whr�ms�eti�er, -----__--. ______ .__ ___.-_-----_--------_--.- -__--_.-
<br /> --- ----- - --- - - --- -------------------
<br /> Dated �he- -- -Ei$�lth..- -- ----- - --day of_- -�aX---- --- - - ---- --- -- ----A, D,, 19_1-7.--- •
<br /> w����ss --------------------b��r_y_---�.Kern--------------------------------------------
<br /> �tilliam B.Kern
<br /> -- ----- -- -- - (3ert_r__u�Q--:E-._�illi�.ms-- - -- - - -
<br /> --------- -------- -!�raCe__Juhnke - ----- - - ---- --- --- � - -
<br /> �ss.
<br /> y, _________A. D., i91�___, before me, the
<br /> I ----- -- - •At�31� -----CoUnt D�1 thls_ -- ------ P -��--- --------daY of ----- Y----------- - --------
<br /> under�signed, �, Notiary Publi�-------- ---------.---------------within and for said CountY, Personally came-------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> - ---�tary �d��er�-�-A�_�_l�.a�__B,Kerr� ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------------------------------ - ------ -----------------
<br /> �ifa & Husband
<br /> _ -- -- -- - --- - ------- -- -- ------ --- --- - --------- - ------ - --------- ----------------------------- ---------- -------- - ----- ----------------
<br /> to me personally knou�n to be the identical person�_________whose name_8_..__er8________________________a�xed to the above instru-
<br /> xnent as grantor.__$___.__, and_______�h@y___._..___severally acknowledged the same �o be_tl'�Q�_�_____________.voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> (SEAL� IN T�'ITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed rr��Cand atI'ixed my of�'icial seal at____________________________________________
<br /> H8t8_�_irig8�.___Bt8_brE►Bk8__________________________on the date last above written.
<br /> �' B�A1a�cander------------�----------
<br /> ---------�---------------------*---
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> Mycomrnissior expires-------------------------�aS'--�-----------�.��3-------------------------------------�-�----------
<br />