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��I � �-� �� � <br /> D D ° 0 ° D � �:� <br /> 0 <br /> _ �_W: -y=� �__�_ __ - __ -_-_ _-__- -_-- ___ _ _ ___ - __-_ -__ _ __ <br /> ______ __ ___ .�__ _� __ � .__ ___ ____ _ - � <br /> __--- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ <br /> ---- SOD78 7fLOPP&B:4RTLETT GO..Printin9,LilTio-grapTiang and-�unty�pptxes.•�}^nu�ie. `- - _ _- --- --- - - --- -- - <br />� :-:,,_�_v_..:._ _�'�._ _:_- - -_---- "-_ —,-_—__ . .:__._ _-__ = =- -:---__--.—_-------— ----------^. —�_ <br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrument w�s entered on Numerical Index and <br /> filed for record this- - -_ 11 - - -- -day of- -�a3!--- - --- --- - --- , <br /> --- --- - -- -- - �-- - - ---- -- - --- - - - <br /> �. D., 19 11- � at -_-- -- - --- �� - --o'clock -- - --- !�_._M. <br /> - C�tTl._.R.��ucher $�_.�ttif& - - --. - Warranty ,,,__T, � ,� <br /> Deed. ' <br /> � T0 ���%� �-- �.� � --- - -- ! <br /> -�,�-�<�- - ,� - - - --- <br /> Register of Dee e c�a� : <br /> - --- - Alf_are�ta_�_.Krils - ------- - - - , <br /> -- --- - --- -- - -- --- - - - ---- - --- - Depuiy.--- i <br />� <br /> Kno�vv All l�Ien by Th�e�e Prese�t�: <br /> ,! That- ��rl__R.4oucher and__Er�ma__A.��u�her, -husband__and--wifa,- - -- � -- - ---- ----- --------- ----- -: - ---_ --- - ------ -- ---- --- -- <br /> of the County of_--------------a3�.1�I�4�.9-�-8----------------and State of---------.-�I8�xa6k�. --- - .-------------- ----------------------------__GrantorB----, in c�nsideration ' <br /> of the sum of- -F�f'�y__�d_210_�_7�QQ --- - ---- - --------------------- - ----- -------- - ------- ------------ ----------------------- ----------------DOLLARS, ! <br />' in hand paid, do---------- ----hereby GRA�1T, B�1RG�IN, SELL, AR'D CONVEY unto- -----Alf�@tt$---B._KrilA------------------- -------------------------------------------- - <br /> of the County of--- --�'H�1�� ------ ------- ---------------and State of_----- ---KQt�T2lS.k3___--- -----. -- ,------- ------------, Grantee-------,thefollo►a�ing <br /> described preniises, situated in the Courity of_______.___________HAll_____._._____._______________________and State of Nebraska, to «•it: <br /> ----Lo,�__numbe_r-:I�in�---(3}----i-r�-Hlock---Si,a�--�6)- i� Cal�e�� A�dition �a--�e$�t- ba�n--in t��and tsl�ar�d,-------------- <br /> -- - -Ne_braska• - -- - - - -__ = - - - - - - - - : <br /> I - --- -- - - - <br /> Together witli all the tenements, liereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon,�ing, a,nd all the Estate,Right, Title, Interest, llower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> I Demand whatsoey�er of the said Grantor_____________ and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof, <br /> TO K_�iVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenanc,es, unto the said Grantee_._ -____and to____________h�_r___.___.._________heirs and !; <br /> I a,ssigns forever. And____.._____�P9__.___________hereby covenant______with the said Grantee___.._______that________�t�t_______.__hotd________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; that___________.A[e__________haV�__good right ane3 lawful authorit,y to sell a.nd convey the same; that they are ft�ee and clear of all liens and incumbrarices <br /> Iwhatsoever----------- ----------- - ----� - - -- - --------- - - ----- - ------ ---� --------------------------------- <br /> -------- ---------------- ---- ---- -------- - -- - ---- -- ---- -- --- -- - --- ---- ---- - --------- - - ---- -- ---- ------ - - ------�-- ---------------------------------------- - <br /> II ---- ------- --- --- ----------- - -- - -- ------- -------- -- -------- . --- ------ ----- -------- -- ------ - ----------------- -- --------- --------- ---------- ------- ----------------- <br /> -- --------- ------ -- -------� - ---- - -- --------- ---- ------- -- - --- - - -And----- ------ - - - --- - - --- �[9- ------------covenant- ----to warrant and ' <br /> I defend�o�s�aicl premises against the lawful claims of all persons wllomsoever, ------------__.-------------------- ------------------------.----------------------------------•------------- ' <br /> --- - ---- ----- ----- - - ---- - ---- - - - - --- ---�---- ------- ---- ----- - - --- - -�- ---- --- -- --- - - �--- ----------- --- --- ----------- ------------------ -------�_--- <br /> Dated the- - ----- 15tI1--- - ----- - ---- --day' of_-- -- AX?T�1--- ---- - -- - --- ------ ----------A, D., 19_ll--- • <br /> ' WITNESS ---------------�arl__R.flQ�iChsS_---- ------------------------------------ <br /> I <br /> ------ ----Emma--A,4oucher_---------=------------------------------ <br /> - ------ _J��_��i�ilt_Qn-- - --- - --- --- - <br /> ------- ---- --- - --- -- -- ---------- -�----------- - ---- - ------- � ------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> , STATE OF NEBRASKA, ' <br /> ss. � <br /> ----------$aliride�s------County, On this------------1���1--------------------day of_----------ApTil------------------------A. D., i9_ll----, before me, the � <br /> nndersigne�l, a Notary Public--------------------------------------------------within and for said County, Personally came------------------------------------------,------------------------------------- � <br /> -----�axl- ft_.4��che�--and--Enma-- 1�._4�u�her------ --- -- ------- ------------- -------------------------�------------------ ------------------- � <br /> ------- ---- -- ---------�- --- ----- ----- ----- -- --- ----------- ----�-- ---- ------ ---------- --------------- ------------ -------------------�---------------- <br /> ��E�y� to me personally known to be the identical person___�___.__whose name_�_____________BT9____._____,__________a8ixed to the above instru- � <br /> inent as grantor____�3______, and__________'�hey_____._severally acknowledged the same to ue__________�hHir_____.voluntary act and deed ! <br /> for the purpose therein expressed, <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed rr�y�i and afI'ixed my ofr'icial seal at_____________________________________,______ ' <br /> ----------------------�_8hQ4--�-----�Ig-b-:.-------------------------------on the date last above written. <br /> ----�------------.��._C_.Hami.l�_On------------------------------------------ '. <br /> Notary Public. <br /> My comznission expires-----------------------------�-- -------I?eC--11-------------------------------------------------19-11----- <br /> � <br /> , <br />. _ � , <br />