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c� ��� <br /> —7 r� � <br /> U � � r� � D o1 D D <br /> �� u �� � � r� <br /> __ _v : _ __ _._ _ _. __ ,_._ __��__.��---- <br /> � 5001$—KLOPP&S.4?�TLT"l'1'CO.�.Printing,Lithogr¢yhiizn and Courity SuppCies:�O�nch¢.'� ` � �--. __ .�:�=_ ,__—��_,. ,-----�� '�� <br /> F��'�`� I hereby certify that this instrur�ent was entered on Nurnerical Index a,nd <br /> _ __ -----Lemu�l. .A,_(��rrison &__W�f�._- -- <br /> filed for recor�d this-- _--. 11. _ -----.---day of_-----�de,'�--- ----_._- -----------. <br /> SpeCi�l :�. D,, .i9_11__., �t___..__ _. _ __ - -_ ..__l� --o'clock - - -- -- -- �• ---M, <br /> - --- _ _ <br /> - <br /> ._ - -- � 1Warranty <br /> TO Deed. ' ' <br /> �� � <br /> �6gf�t�l�-Of I36A B-- _ i��ee�jc ._ <br /> - _ _ - Carl--R,Goucher _ - _- - - <br /> _ _ __- -- ---- - -- - -- - -- - -- <br /> liepc��y, � <br /> � I�now 1-�11 �en �y Z'l�ese Pres�nts v � <br /> 7ihat - Le�e�l A.�arri�on. and Mar3� F.�Ea�rie:on ,his -w�f� --- _ - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- <br /> _ - - -- <br /> of the County of--- ----HSll------ ___ ----__---- --------- ---�nd S"tate of-- ------------NeY�TaBkA_ ------. _- ----_ -------- ---.--- ---------._Grantor--$--, in consideration <br /> .�_......._...... __...___...___--____...,._----...___---__�._..._..___.._..._�.�._____________..�_ <br /> of the sarn of F_ifty -- _ _ _ __._.. ._ _- - - ---- --- -------DOLLARS, <br /> - ---- - - --- ----- - --- - - --- --- <br /> iri harid paici, do_. tlereby Gt�:E1NT, BriRCAIN, SELI�, �NP CONVEY urlto____C_�1___R._4�r4LtCh@T___ _____ <br /> of tne Couniy of____ _._--- -----.--- _____ ___ ---- - - ----- ---and ,State of ___---Nebr�BkS-- ---_- _--------_. _------------._ ---------------., Gr�,ntee------,the following <br /> �Iescrihed prelnises, sitt�ated in the G'o�zr7ty of__-_____ ____ _ Hall________--_-_ __________and State of Nebraska, to ��•it: ` <br /> --_Lpt_�Iins -�-9-)- -in.-Illock Si� --�6-� ---in-Ca1�.ege-: Adc��.t ip� to. �e��-�.awn --��- ���r�c� -Ie�andj Ne-hr-�eka-.------ -- <br /> --_ __This--dee�d -is-made--ta--pe�fec� �t�e titla-�o said lot; �a- the r�aEnt�e he�e-3n--Cs�l:-�:�o���et, -- <br /> -----------_ s�i�d---�ot--h�ying--�e_en .praviQUSly---�3aede-d to---him--b�--Edwarc� �tilli-ama--a�d-alac�--deade�-d--tA--ue--h� � <br /> ---- �ai_s�__Ed�ar_d__�illiame, thr�ugh-err_or-. - -- ---- - -- ----- -- . <br /> -- -- --- ___ - - -- - - --- - ------ -- --- -- - - --- ---- --- - ---- - --- - - - ---- ---- ---- ----- - ------------ <br /> Together ti�ith aiI the tenelnerts, hereclitalr�ezzts, ana appur�enan�es thereunto belon�ing, �,rlcl all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Deznand tivhatsoever of tl�e said Grantor___.____, a�d of either of them, of, in, or to the sa,me, or �,ny part thereof. � � <br /> TO H4ti'E A1�7I� 1'0 HOLI� the a,bove-described pren�ises,with the appurtenanr,es, unto the said Grantee__________and to_____ _ _�i1B__.______________________heirs and <br /> a,ssigns forever, And_____�e_- ____.___ -__.____hereby r,•��ei�alit______��ith the said Grantee_________.__that________...�@_____hold________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; that_____-_�Q___ _ _ _ .________ha_Y8_gccd rlghi al��l la�.�fvl autrority t,o se,ll and convey the same; t�ra�,`'t�iay..�e-�ie-��-e€�°',�.��~� °r����r+�ees <br /> w�#�s�e�--------- ---- -- --- - -- --- -- ---- - - - - -- - ___. ------ --- --- - - - ---- ----- -- --- - ----- -- . <br /> ----- --- ----- -------------- -------------------- < <br /> --- ----- ------- --- - ------------ ----- - --- --- - --- -..--- - - ---- -- ------ ------------ ------------------- ---- <br /> --- - -- - -- ---- --- ---- -- ----------- - --- --- - - ------ -.._ ----- -- --------- ------ -------- - - - ---- -- ----- -- ----------------------------------------------- <br /> -- - - -- - - - . _ -..- - -_.And---------- 4V9_ - --- - ---- -------------------covenant------to warrant and <br /> h : <br /> defenr��QBaicl preniises against t��t ----any.__act-s---of---aai�-�aa�t_is�---flf---�the--fitst---p��-.----------- <br /> - --- - -- -- ------ _- --- -- - -- -- - - -- --------- ----------------- ------ ------- - -- - ---------- - ---------- -- -------------------� ------------------ --------- . <br /> 1)ated t,1ie- F_�.TB'� - -------- ---�_da,y of_- -bl�� --- --- ---- - - <br /> -- - -------A, D,, 19-11---• : <br /> -WiTNESS ` <br /> ---------------------�►@IIi11�3_�__.�.Cr9�r 3 84ri---------------------------- <br /> - - -------- ----�ary-F_.aarrison ----------------------------- <br /> I : <br />' -- - - -- ------- -- - ,Jarae-s-E.I��11 -- - - - - -- <br /> STATE OF NEBRASK%l, <br /> �ss. <br /> -------Hal]ti---------------- -----County, On this-----_F_1���-------------------------day of_--------------------�gyr.----------------A, D., 19----11, before me, the <br /> undersi;�n.ed, a i�Toiary 1'ublic------------------------------------------within and for said County, Personally carne---------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> .6l���1_-Li�Si�rr 1 B�n--.G�nQ-__���---,L'--r LTt����Q�---11-1�---�.�r�-�-,J----------------------------""--------'----'-'----------- <br /> tr��� to me personally knowil to be the identical person_6______i�hose name__�____�8_______.__________________af�xed to Ghe above instru- <br /> �rient as grantcr__S_______, and_____�hQ�__________severaliy acknowledged the same to be________t�16�Y'____.____voluntary act and deed <br /> for Ehe purpose �herein expressed, > <br /> n <br /> Il�' �VITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my and aflixed my official seal at_____________________________________________ . <br /> _____________�T_�T1C�___�.8�8�ridy___�IQbr�___________________________on the date last above written. <br /> --------------------------------------------------J�E_.P112------------------- <br /> Notary Public, <br /> 1VIy cominission expires------------- - - --- ----------------------July__-----------16th---------------------�9--�3---- <br />