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�- �� � �� ��r� <br /> D � O D D � �,``' <br /> D D � � a <br /> _�-_ . -�. __��_ __- _ -. _ __ _ - __ __- __-_- --- _-_- __ -- _ — _— _ _—_- _— __ ____ <br /> _�.� __ _- __ _ __ _ _ _ <br /> 5b0�$_�I���f'3:73et 1�7'L�2 T CO.,Prantang,Lxthographang and G`ounty Supptxes O�nahc,. � __ _ _ __ - ___, `__ _ -- _ <br />----.._—.---- ---�'=. �___ .—� - .. .�_----__,:.—�- _ _ _ _ � <br /> -__ — <br /> --��, _—=-- - -.-_- —..— — _--.— --_- --- -_-- _- � <br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> -- ---- - ---- - -- - -- -- - -- - - - ----- - - <br /> filed for record this__..___. -- lOth----------day of_------------IL�X-------------.- ----------- <br /> 3, D., i9_11 , at-- -- - - ---�Q-�30 - -o'clock-- ----- : A_._M. ' <br /> ------------�ob8��---�_.Ke_Lly--.._eingl8__.---- ----- Warranty ` <br /> � Tp Deed. t ' - ° ��, <br /> �GL� ��?:� ^�_�fl�'z � <br /> _ ---- — -- — <br /> Register of Deeds ' �omn��c <br /> -- - -- - -Rober�._Cunninghar,�- --- - ---- ' <br /> - - -- - -- -- -- - -- -- ----- - - --- --�-- ----- <br /> �eputy. <br />' Know All 14�ien by These Presents: <br /> That- Robert--l�_.Kelly_--: an..unmarried man.-- - -- - - - -- -� - - - -_- -- - -- - -- - - - - - ---------- ' <br /> of the County of_ .._--------------.Bt�ff$10----------------and State of--=------NBbT2�ka_------- -----_ ---.----._ --------------------------------Grantor-------, in consideration ' <br /> of the sum of-- - -SeVei3__Ht12iCir_e_d"- - -- -- -- -----�--l--�----�---'-- ----------------------- ------ ----------------------- -------------DOLLARS, <br /> in hand paid, do___ _ __.____hereby GRANT, BARG�IN, SELL, Al�'D CONVEY unto_ _ ___ _ROber�_ Ctillnii'iglialn____ __ ______ <br /> of the County of_ -- -- - -- - H811 _ - -_- ----and State of_.. _ _N�bTS�ka - ---- - - - - - - ---, Grantee- ,the following ; <br /> described premises,situated in the County of________________________...___�iSll._-_-_.____..___________a,nd State of Nebraska, to wit: <br /> -----------Lo�---�'�r--(4)----�,n__B�.QCk__F4urteen---�14-�---��---Th.�---.BQnn�e--�rae---Asl�li��on---to--rr_�i'i_d__Island,----------------------- - <br /> -- - �s__$�vey�d pla��1___rQCOrdss]..-- -- - - ---- - - -- - - -- --- - --- - --- -- --- - , <br /> -- ----- -- --- -- _ -- - - -- ------ - - _ - - - - --- -- - - - - -- - - -- -- --- -- _ - -- --- - --- -- ------ - --- ---- - - - -- <br /> - -- ----- ---- - -- ---- -- - - - - ---- - ---- - - - - - - ---- -- --- - - -- ---- -- - - -------- ------ - --- --- - -- - -- ---- ----------------- � <br /> - � ------- - --- - - - --- - - - - - ---- - --- - -- --- - - - - - ----- - -- - - - -- - ---- - - --- - - - -- - --- - ----- - ----- ------ --------- <br /> - -------_- - - - --- -- ----- --- ----- --- - - ---- - - - - -- -- - - -- - - -- -- -- -- --- -- -- -------- --- -- - - - -- --- - -------- - ------ <br /> - ---- - - - -- --- ----- ---- -- --- --- - ----- -- - ----- -- - - ---- - -- --- - -- --- - ------ ------ � - ----- - - ---- - -- ----�------------- ----------- <br /> Together with ail the tenements, hereditam_ents, a,nd appurtenarlces thereuritio belon�ing, znd alI the Esta�te, It,i�ht, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and ' <br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor___________, -a ��' '"� °�°�, of, in, or to the sanie, or any part'thereof, <br /> TO H%1VE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the saicl Grantee______.and to____hi$_____________________._____heirs and ' <br /> a,ssigns forever. And___._________.�_________.______hereby covenant_______with the said Grantee_________that____._____I__________hold_._____said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; that_.___.___I______________ha.V@_good right and lawful authorit,y to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens and incumbrances ; <br /> whatsoever------------ - ------- ----------- ----- -- ----- - - --- -- - - --- - ----------- --- ----- - --------- - ----------- --- ------ ---- -- -------------------------- � <br /> - --- ---- --- --- - --- ---- - - ------ - - -And------ - -- -- ------� -- -- -------- ----------------covenant-------to warrant and i <br /> the <br /> defend �6 said premises against the lawful claims of all pensons whomsoever, -------------.--------------------------------------------.-------------,----------------------,-------------- ' <br /> Dated the---� - ----��. _day of- M81�--- ------- ----- --------- -------__A. D., 19�1----� ' <br /> - - -- - - -- ---- - --- <br /> WITNESS ------------------ROb9Y't---3�.Ke],ly_ -- -_------ <br /> T.�I.l�aus <br /> -�----- ---- -- -- -- ---- ----- - ----- ------- -- ----- - - -- - ----- - <br /> -------- - -- �- ---- --E.If.Hal�em�ln------- - --- - - - -- ------- --------------------------------------------------------------- , <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> �ss. <br /> -----------------Bt.����10----Connty, On this--------------��h-------------------__day of------------�[a_y_----------------------------A. D., 19__�.�__, before me, the <br /> � <br /> undersi�ned, a Notary Public---------------------------------.--------------within and for said Oounty, Personally came---------------------------------------------------------------------------- '' <br /> , -- - -- --Robert---�_.�Q_ll�i--Rn_,_utZmar�ie-d--m�tn•--------- -=---------------------------------------------------------------------- �� <br /> --- - ---- --- --------- ----- ------- ------------- -- ---- ---- ----------- -- - --------�----------------------------------------- - ------------------------------- <br /> {�AL� to me personalIy known to be the identical person________whose name__._________i$_____________________._affixed to the above instru- � <br /> I ment as grantor________, and_______,__21e.___________�acknowledged the same to be__.__hi8_________________voluntary act and deed <br /> for lhe purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�Ltand afi'ixed my oflicial seal at_____________________________________________ ; <br /> __$e_aT12H_y'�__._IliHbrt____in__BSid-�QLtYlt�t�_______._on the date last above written. <br /> ' ------------------------------------------T_.W.Disus--------------------------------• ' <br /> Notary Public. <br /> My commission expires----------------- -----------�------------ ----�-��---�1---•--------------------------------1916----- <br /> _ , <br /> __ _ i __, <br />