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<br /> , D � D� ° �0� �' D
<br /> � I� U u � ;� a
<br /> ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
<br />— "'.SfP�tA=KLOPP&B�IRTLTTT CO.,Printin9,Lithorrap7!ing and^ounty Supplies:O�eahc,. - _ --- `= -_.. ,._-_=--_,=_____— — —. _ . ___—
<br /> FR��� I rereby ceriify t1�a+ this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> filed for record t�'�is- - - -9'�h__ - ---��3' of - --�a3�-- - -- -- - -
<br /> - -- - -_ _ _._. .__ - _ -- - -- -
<br /> - -- �
<br /> A, D., 19 11 , at -- - -_ _4_,30 - --o'clock-- -- - -- --P_.M,
<br /> _ George R.C�uenther- & wife ---- - ---- i�a�ranty
<br /> �,� Deed. _ , °� � ,� �
<br /> --_ ���� '`�-�f-r - -
<br /> -
<br /> Register of Deed� - �c�:,
<br /> - - �Filli�_D.De_tlefse_n -- - -
<br /> - ___ _- -- - -- -- __.
<br /> - - -- - - - - -
<br /> Deputiy.
<br /> ��w All 1V�[er� l�y T�ese Pr�esents :
<br /> Tnat- -- --4e_orge_R,4uenther_ and__�_illie__t�uenther,-- hi�--wife_ ------- ------ ------ ---- ---__- ------ --------
<br /> - -•- -----
<br /> of the Coilnty of--------------------FH��.�--- ---- --
<br /> _--------------a,ncl Sta,te, of------------. ._.N6hT3sk3_--------------- ----------------------------Grantor--S---, in consideration
<br /> __ ------------ - - ------------ -----------D OLI.ARS,
<br /> of tlie surii cf - hT_8__@__ HU.21dYed --- ---- - - -------- --- ------- -------------- ------ - -- -------- --------
<br /> in hand pa,id, rlo--- _ __ -1�ereb5� i�1�!1 vT, �32.I�G�IiV, SELI,, ,A�'�D CONVEY unto------ �311iS2i1_I?_.I��t_lsf_S9ri ._--- --____. -------- ------
<br /> --- - ... .
<br /> of the Counfy of_.---- ---_- HSll _- - ---- ------- - ---- -------and State of____--Nebr3Sk�, ___----- ---------- ---- -. .---- ---------, Grantee-------,the foIlowing
<br /> �escrib�d prel�:ises, situated in the Cou?iiy of'__________ ._ _ ______H311______ __._______ _._. ____.__and St�,i� of Ne�raska,, �o witi,
<br /> ----- --T2�a__E�st_ h�].f._o� _th�_ E_as� _half--(E-.�--s�f--E-.�--}----Qf. B1Q�k--Fourtsen---(14-�--in _�Iindo-l�h'-g---Addit_ion----
<br /> to �rsnd Islanc�, 23_ebraska�---a$_ surveyec�,- -p�ax�ed---�d__rec��ded.----- ------- ---- -------- -------- ------- --------------
<br /> -- -- - - _ -- - - ----- - --- --- -- ---- - - - - - --- - -- -- --- ---- --- ------ - ---- - -- - -- - -------- - ------------- -----------
<br /> Tobether ivith all the f;enernents, heredivaments, anc��,ppizrtenances thereurlto belonging, and all the Esta-te, Right, Title, Znterest, llower, Curtesy, Claim and .
<br /> �
<br /> Demand whatsoever af the sail Crantor_8_ __.___; �xtfr�'7�� of', in, or to the sanie, or any part thereof. �
<br /> TO F��VE AND TO Y"OLD t11e above-�escribed prem,ises,with the appur�enances, unto the said Gr�,ntee________and to h�6__________._____heirs and
<br /> a,ssigns forever. A_nd___..___!�e____ '___________hereby coti�enant______with the said Grantee______._____that__________t�t@_______hold_____.___sa,id premises by good and perfect
<br /> title,; that_______.______qY8____..____ha_Ya_gcoci right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they a,re free and clear of all liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever----------- --- -------- --- - - - ------ -------- - - - -- - -- -- -- -- ----- ----- -
<br /> -- - - - ---- - -- ----- ----- - - ------- - - ------ - ---- ----- ------------ ------- - - --- - -- -- -- ------- -------- --- ------ ------ -------------------
<br /> ----
<br /> --- ---- And---------------�@- -- ---- --- --- -- ------------covenant-------to warrant and
<br /> the
<br /> defend t� said premises against tlle lawful claims of all pet�soris tivhomsoever, _____________ ._______________________
<br /> _-- - ---- --- - - - - ------ - - ---- - - --- -- - ----
<br /> --- -- ------- --- -- -- - __ - --__--- - --- -- __ - -------- --- -- - ---------- -- - ------ -- ------ --- --------- --------- ------ --------- - ------- -------
<br /> Dated the-- ... ��t ---- � -- --da,y of- ------�-- - - -- - ----------A, D., 19--11---� .
<br /> u��TNESS --------------------Li llis---t�uenther----
<br /> � � � - ---- - --Georgs --R_._4ue�_�h��r-----------------------------
<br /> ---------- -- ------- -�.G_.Allan -- - -- -
<br /> ss,
<br /> -------- - -- -Hall- -- - ----County, On this- - --- -- --._16t - ----------da,y of- -uaY--- -- ------�---------A, D., 19__1z__, before me, the :
<br />_ undersi�;ried, a ivotary _1'�zblic____________________________.____._________tivithin and tor said County, personaliy came_ ________
<br /> --- -t�eoxg� k�_._t�u�nther--�nd__L�.111Q 4�t�n�:herl---hi�---�rif�-----------------=----- ------------ - -----------------
<br /> - --_-- ------ ---- - - ---- ------- ------ --------- --__----- .._- --------- ---------------- -- ------------- ------- ----- ----------- ._-------------
<br /> to rne persona�ly known to be the identical person_�_______whose name__f�_____�9__________._____________af�xed to ttie above instru-
<br /> ��E�+} ment as grantcr__$______, and_______the_X___._._-_severally acknowledged the same to be__.__.__.__th@iS_____voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> IN ��'ITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my--�7[and aflixed my ofl'icial seal at____________________________________________
<br /> r}�3Ylsi__�g1�T1d�___izl___BBi.d__�4LiriL3t':_______._.-______._on the date last above written.
<br /> ------ ----- --------L.4._Alian---------------------------
<br /> � Notary Public.
<br /> My commission expires-------------------- - -------- -- ---5��------2'�---------------1916------------
<br />