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<br /> �_ � __ � _� ._ _: __�V __ _
<br /> 50038—KLOPP�&BA8T7�TT C(3.,Prir�Gi7ip,Lzthopraphin�an�Count�Supplies;�0^naTae. � �� � �' �'�- � � � ��°'-- "���— � ��—�����
<br /> FRO VI I hereby certify t1?at this inslrument w�,s entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> fiied for r�ecorcl ihis -- - 9t�_. ------_day of.. --__bd�p---------
<br /> �. D., 1911_ _ , at-- _ - _ -- - 3_.3Q-- o'clock-- - _ -- _ P•-M�
<br /> - -Joh_11_ �,Coom$ $�__Wi�e__ __ - -- _. . _� V�arranty
<br /> 1'0 � Deed. /��
<br /> �_ ;��� �
<br /> _ _. --- - - --
<br /> I Regie�ter of Dse ��m�c��
<br /> - - -----__ ___Jeane�te_ _Burkh�ltex_ ____ _
<br /> - - -
<br /> - -
<br /> - ---- -- - --- --- -- - -- --
<br /> llepu�y.
<br /> �now Al� 1VIen by T�aese Pr�sents e
<br /> �t�at _John �f,C_ooms anci-�arr_ie_ �.C�c�ms __ - _ - - - ._._ - .__ - - - - . __- -- -- -- - --
<br /> of the Cori��ty of_...-------------- --Hall _ ._ .__a.,nd State of__ -ITBbra8k8_------ ----- - ---------Grantor-8----, in consideration
<br /> -�-
<br /> of the sum of____�''O'LiYtA_@Yl--Htl2ldr@G� �li1G�__�10. __v`"---- --- ------- ------- ------- ------ ------- --------DOLI.ARS,
<br /> - --- ------- --------- ----
<br /> iri hand paid, do_ __-- - --- --riereby Gh�iAv'T, ��1R�?Iivr, SEL.Lj �l!'D G'ONVEY unto_ __J@8Z1@'�'�8__BtlYkh�l���._ ___ ._. _----- -.- --------
<br /> of the County of_---- - ---- ---------IISl�,__ ----and State of___ _ Nebr�Bk$___-------------- __------ --------- ---- ----_ _, Grantee-------, the following
<br /> -__ _ --
<br /> described prernises,sitt��ted in }he Cour�ty of___ _____ ___ ____ x�l_______-_-------_.__-.__-a.nd State of 11'ebraska, to wit:
<br /> - --- Lots_Numberec�---30t__�1,_- -32, .3�,--34,----3b!_.-3�,.---3-7,---.5$,___3s,_ 4U,---_4,1,----�2,----_4_3,--44,----4-5,_--�4-�,----4_?,----�8,.___�nd
<br /> -- 49,__ _ (in all _20_ lots�--.i�_ �a�rthorne_Pl�a�s -in Hall ��aun�-Y- Nebrsa�a..ae--surveXe�d,----platted-and-----------
<br /> rscorded, _ - - -- - --- -- - - __ - - - -- ----
<br />� Together witl� all the tenemen�s, I�er°ac�ita��ents, and�,ppiirtenances t�ereunto belonging, and all the Est�,te,R�i�ht, Title, Inte,rest, Dotiver, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of'the said t�rantor , and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> TD K_9ti'E AND Z'0 HOLD the above-described prel��ises,i�ith the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_____.__and to__.___.__her_____ _______________heirs and
<br /> a,ssigns forever. And.___-_______�e___ _ ____________hereby oovenant__ ____u%ith the said Grantee.__.. ____that_______�Y6___.______hold_________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that___.__�8___ _.:__ ______ha__Y@_goad right anc.� Ia��ful authorii,y to sell and convey the same; that they are free a,nd clear of all liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever-----@xGe�t---8.--nol'L-SaBs---s3f--�-6DOs---in._.f 8tv�o7�---af--Aich�d---J.-Sharpt---ZeC_oxde_d-iu--Bo_ok--.�'�---P_age--62�r-----
<br /> ------of---�he---re_�Qr_da---Qf -sai_d_Hall--G_aun.tg,___whi�ch---the---�rs�n�ea-_herain__assume-a--an�---agr_e�$__tn--P-�,�t--as------
<br /> -- part of--��1d_consi_dera�i�n�--- __ - ---- - -- -- ..--- - - - - - ------- --- - --- ---- -- ---- --------- ---- ------------ --------------------- ---
<br /> And--- - - - - - J
<br /> --- -----._-- - -----Y7�__-- ------ -- -------.-------covenant-------to warrant and
<br /> e � r � eace t ass to eaid mor _ e
<br /> clefen��said prelnises a,gains� the lawful claims of all pe.sons whomsoetier, --------- __.P------------------------- --------t$a$-----•-------------------------------------------
<br /> I _ _ -- --- - -- -- - -- - --- ------ -- ---- ---- -- - ------- - ------ -- - - ---------- ----------- ------------------
<br /> 1)ated t,he- -- - - 9th -dai� of_ - �aY- -__.._-- - ---- - ------A. D., 19__11--�
<br /> --- - - -
<br /> I', WITNESS ------------------._J9�2_'t__�._�Cr_QS)�----- ------------ --------------------
<br />, � ----- -- - -----G�l"]��8__M:�99iA�t--------- -----------------------
<br /> ----- ------- -- --L,R.B�in�n$Qr - - - -- - .
<br /> f - ---------------- ------- --------------- ----------- ----------------------
<br />� ----- - -- - ---- -- -- -- - - -- - -- __ -- -- - -- -
<br />' ----- ST�1TE OF ATEBRAS_K�,
<br /> �ss,
<br />:
<br /> - -H�l�-- --------County, On this_... --- --9th__ - - -- -------day of_-- -- - ---Ma3!-- ----- -----------A. D., 19__11__, before me, the
<br /> I� undersigned, a Tvotary Publi�------------------------------------------witllin and for said County, Personally came---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br />, ---John-_���Q_Q�--�d--�_a�ci�--��_CQQms ----------- ----- ---- - ------------------------ ---------------------- --- --------------
<br />��, (3EAL) -- --- -
<br /> - - -- --- - ----. ----------- ----------------- ----- ---- ----------------------- --------------- ---- ------------- ---------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person.�_____whose name�__________.__Eir£!__________________af�ixed to t1�e above instru-
<br />' ment as grantor_s______, and______'��@y___.________severally acknowledged the same to be_____.��l��T__________.voluntary act and deed
<br />� for �he purpose therein expressed,
<br />� name
<br />' I1�' �E�ITNFSS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my��and aftlxed my of�'icial seal at________________________________.__._________
<br /> �rBT).d__IBlE�id�____N9bT____________________on the date last above written.
<br />' ----------------------------------I,_�R._8r_iz�inger_---------------------
<br /> Notary Public,
<br />, My commission expires------------------- ------- ------------------------�-BtTCh-----16----------------------19--14---
<br />�
<br /> I
<br />