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<br /> � � � � � n � � �����,.
<br /> --__�..�.__�. __.._-`-_____�__ ,_�-_� --_-_��r.- -- - ---- --- -
<br /> _�_ _� �.� y __ _ -- __ _— ----= -- __ _ --_- _ _--- - -
<br /> 506d8—TCLOFP&BRRTLETT L'�:,Pranlxn"g,Lxlhograph2ng¢nd Co<cnty SuppZzes ��iiaric _ __
<br />------='------ : ._._�_�._.__— ._.�_� _ ,._ __— _..:�__ �_� ,_.=--- -- — -- ------ --- --- , —..--_--___—._ ___— ---- _--
<br /> — ._ _ _ _ ._ . �___— . _ ____ I
<br /> i
<br /> FR0�1 I hereby certify that this instrument wa.s entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> filed for record this---. __- -- -9�.-------------day of__ __IdSy------. �
<br /> --- ----- -- - -- - -- --- - - _.._ - ---
<br /> _ :�, D., 19 11- , a�t - -- - -3_.30 -- --- -o'clock- - - P:.M,
<br /> -- --Jeanette__Burkhalte� &_ husbax�d------ Warranty . '
<br /> TO Deed. ��
<br /> _ �//����_���-�-�_ _
<br /> - -- -
<br /> Regi�ter of D�eds �am�gao�a�
<br /> ----- John--W�Coome�- - - - - -- _ - .
<br /> --- --- - - - - ----- --- - - -- - --
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> - -__- --- -- - --- -- - - - - _ --
<br /> - _ -- ,
<br /> Know All 1VIen by These Presents:
<br /> Tnat---Jgariette--Burkh8l�er--ax�tl--Eda►axd C-.Burkhalter,--�rife-az�d-h�usba�d,---, - ------- ----- -- ----- ---- - - - --------
<br /> of the County of----.----------.---H811-----------.-----------and State of----Nebr$Sk$--_----- -- ---------------------------------------------------Grantore--_., in consideration '
<br /> of the sum of-------TAO--ThOti8ElY1S�_�fZ__H�Lt'idrAtl--�2ld 110�-==�--�__- _-___=___==�--F=--------------------------------------:-----=----------------------DOLLARS, �'.
<br /> in hand paid, do------------------hereby GRAl1'T, BARGgIl�', SELL, AR7D CONVEY unto----__JOhri .I_.C901ri�t�-_-_- _-----__---- -- ----_-- ---- -_-__.----- -
<br /> - ----- ---- -- - ------ --- _--_ __ -- - - -- -- - - -- -- - - - -- --___ - - - --- - -- - - ------ - -- - -- ----------
<br /> of the County of- - - -- - --...__H.�11. - - -- -and State of_ - -- N6br38k� -- -- - - -- - ----- , Grantee- ,the following ,
<br /> described prernises,situated in the County of_______H811___________________________ __________________.__and State of Nebraska, to wit:
<br /> -- -----Lot-�---�mb�_�__Four---(41-_and__Five----(��--in--�l��k--Humber__TwentX_-Qne:--��1�--Qf---�har_le-s--W_a�msr-t-s---------------
<br /> ---------�sl�lit_�on__�Q__4s_and--Isl�n�i,---Ptebraska,_ .as .BC�v�yed,--g1aL4�d---and--r�ca�de_d.---------_------------------------,-----------------
<br /> ------ ----- - - -- - - - - --- -� -- -- __ _- -- - - -- - - --- - - - - - - -- - -- - ------ - - - -- - ---------- -- -- - ----- ------- -- --
<br /> - -- - --- - - - - -_ --- - - -- --- -- - -- -- --- ---- - - - - - -- - -- - -- - - ---- ---- - --- - - -- -- - ------- -- - - - - --- - - - -- ----
<br /> -- - --------- -------- - --- - ---- - -- -- - -- -- - - --- - -- - -- -.- --- _ - -- - - - -- -- - - ---- ----- --- - - ---- --- ---- _ ---- ------
<br /> . --- - - -- - --- --- ----- ------ --- ----- -- - -- - --- -�- - - - -- - -- _-- - - - ---- ----- ----- -- �--- - ----- --- --- ------ -- - - ----------------------
<br /> Together with �,11 the tenements, hereditalrients, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, �,nd aIl the Estate,R.ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the sald Grantor�______, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof,
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenaizc,es, unto the said Grantee_________and to_______..__�1�_______._._.__.____heirs and
<br /> a,ssigns forever, And________�►e.______._______hereby covenant_____with the said Grantee_____.._____that___.___�@_______,_hold________said premises by good and perfect ;
<br /> tftle.; that_______We______________have__good right and lawful authorit,y to sell and convey the same; that theyare free and clear of a,ll lie��s and incumbrances ;
<br /> ' whatsoever---------------------..- ------------------ ----- - - - - - - -- --------- - -- ----- ---- ---- - --------- - -- ----- ------------ --�--- -- -------- --------------------------
<br /> �
<br /> -- ---- --- ---------- ------- -- ----- ---- --- ----- ------ - --- - --- -- - ---- -- --�------ -- -- - ----- ----- �------------- -------- ----------- ----�--------------
<br /> ---- - ---- ------�- -- --- -�--- ---- -- - --- --- ------ ------ -------- - - -- ---- - ---- - --- ---------- -- -- ----- ----- -------------- --------- -------- -- ---------- --------------------
<br /> - ---- --- - --- -- - -- - -- ---- -- - - - - -- - ------- - -- --- - -- - -And------ ----- - --- W9 - - - - - - - -------�--------covenant-----to warrant and
<br /> the
<br /> defend Yo said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, ____._.______.__.______________________________.___________________________________________________________________._._ '
<br /> ------- --- -- - --- - - - - - - - - - �-- ---- - -- - ---� ---- --- --- - - --- -- - - - --- - -------- -------------- ---- ------ -------------------------------------------------
<br /> Dated the- - -- --- - �h -- ------ - -------day of---- ---- --��3y- ------- - --- ---- --- ----A, D., 19_ll----• '
<br /> WITNESS --------'T��B�-�-�---��k��l�Ql"-------------- -------------------- ;
<br /> __----Edward__C_.Burkhalter---------,----------------------
<br /> --------- -- ------ L R.Br_i.ning�-r----- ----- ----- - --- -
<br /> �ss. �
<br /> I -- -�i�ll - ---County, On this-- ----- - 9th --- -------- - -------�--day of----------- - -M�y_-- ----------------------A. D., 19_1�.---, before me, the
<br /> undersi�ned, a Notary Public_---------------------------------------------- within and ior said County, Aersonally came----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> , __Jeane_t_te---Bur_khalter___and__Etla�d--C�Sur_khaltar_-------------------------------------------.----------.--------------------- ;
<br /> (SEAL) to me personally known to be the identical persons________whose name.s______SY8_____.___._______._____affixed to the above instru-
<br /> I ment as grantor_8_________, and_______.�h9_�r________.severally acknowledged the same to be__.__thAlX-------------voluntary act and deed ,
<br /> for �he purpose therein ehpressed. nBAle
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�l and af�ixed my ofl'icial seal at______._____________________________________ '
<br /> I _______Qr811d__I818Ti�___ATB�JY___.__________________._.________._on the date last above written. '
<br /> --------------------------�---------L�R_.Brininger----------------------- �
<br /> Notary Public, �
<br /> My commission expires------------------------------------- ---�arch---------16--------------------------_-----19-14----- j
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> ,
<br />, __ i
<br />