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<br /> FI�O�r1 I hereby certify that this instrumerit was entered on Num_erical Index and
<br /> fzlecl for re,eorcl this---_ ._8th_ ---day of.---------MBy------- .-----
<br /> - -- _ - -- -
<br /> .�, D., IJ11_. , at- -- _ _ 10_ --o'clock -- - --- -- A.._1�7.
<br /> _ _ -
<br /> - .
<br /> ____�TaCOb._�3ndnage_1, _ w_ido�rar.-__ - -- � Warranty _
<br /> �� Deed. � � �� � � ��
<br /> -( _������ ;��u<- /
<br /> - - - -- -----.__ _
<br /> - Regittter of De�fd� ���i�aducx
<br />�� __ .- Morri$__$tern -_ ._ -___ --- /
<br /> --- - ------ - ---- -- - - - - - -D p . � --
<br /> e u�=
<br /> �now 1-�11 l�[en by Tliese I'r�e�entso
<br /> ��n�,t__. Jacob_�P�.nc�n�ge�., 'r�.idower� _ _ �- --- ---- - - -- - - - -- --- --
<br /> of the Cozint,y- of'.__ _------ H81_l_ ___ - --- --
<br /> --and Sta,te of ----- -.-Nebr�lfBk4_._- ------- -------- ---------Gr�,ntor------, in co2isideration
<br /> of the sun� of---FOtlx__ Th01183ric1 _� 4000.D�}-}---- -_ __------------------------------------
<br /> ---- - -- --- -- -------- ------ - ----------------------------------------------DOLLARS,
<br /> in hancl paiu, do__. ___---harei�y G!��?m�1�', B���G:4IN, S�LL, All'D CONVF,�' unto- - --- -�dOrrl$__SteT_11__._ --_ -----
<br /> oi the County of------.�eiG_k�C?Xi_ -- --- ---- ----- -__- ---- -- --and State of__--------�i�.A�0171T_i--__.__------. --- ---- -- ---------__-----.__.__, Grantee------,the foIlowing
<br /> d�scribed prem.ises,situated ii�tlie "citlit;,'of_______ __---________H#��._1_ _._._ _.__ _ _________.__and State of Nebraska, to wit;
<br /> --- -Lots--one__�1)...and_T�o_ (�)-_in__Al_9ck_E1ght_--���- -in__Arnold_and__Ahl�t_t!-8-- Ad�li�.iQn--to__t��----�-��p--.Q�-------
<br /> - �rana _�sland, ae sho�tn by _the _recor-ded-plat the-rBOf. --- __ -- - _ - - -- - -- -- _- -
<br /> - -- - ---
<br /> -- --- __ -- _ . __.-- --- - - -- ---- - -- - --- -- - - - -- - - --- -- ------ - --- - --
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, here�ita,riezits, ard appurtenances therennto belonging, �,nd all t1�e Estate, R,ight, Titie, Interest, Dower, Curtes�, Claim and
<br /> I?emand whatsoever of the sai�l C�ralltcr_._____ ___, �,rd of either af them, of, in, or to the same, or any� part thereof.
<br /> T� H:�VE AND TD HOLI� the above-d�scribed pre�?ises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_______and to.______._____._hi8____ __________._heirs atid
<br /> assigns forever, r�nd_______ ______I _ _______.___hereby cover�ant______wit� tlie said Grantee___ _�__that._____Z_____._.__._.hold_.______said premises by good and perfect
<br /> �
<br />' title,; that________ __�________ ____ha__�t6_good ribht and lawful auf:hority to sell and convey the same; that theyare free and clear of �,ll liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever_---------- - ----- --- - - - _ _ - - -- -- - - --- -- ---- - -- - -- ---- ----- - -- - --- - - - ---- ---------------------
<br /> -- --- - -- - ---
<br /> ----- -- - ---_--- - --- - -- - - - -- - --- - - - - - _ -- -- - - - ----- -- ----- --- --------- ----- ----- - ------- ---- --- ------ ------- ----------------------
<br /> - - . _..-- --- ----
<br /> - -And.---- ------- - --- -- ---I --- ----- -�--------_covenant-- ----to warrant and
<br /> --- ---- -- -- --- --
<br /> _.______._._- - �
<br /> I t
<br /> defenc�lt�eaid premises against tr.e lau�ful clailns of all persol7s Whomsoeti�er, _____________.__.__._______._____________________.____
<br />( -- --- - -. -------- -_ _ -- - ------ -- - ---- - ---- - -- --- --- ---- -------------- - ------ - - -- --- - ---------- ---------
<br /> ------------- - ---
<br /> i Date,d the- - -- --- 28th-- ---- --- - -da,y of- - ------_.--Ag�il - ------------ ------A. D., i9_-11--•
<br /> WITNESS ---------------------J_aCt�b__�indn-8�ge 1----------------------
<br /> - ---------
<br /> --- ---------- ------ ------------
<br /> - --------- -----------------------------------
<br /> Lizzie Limback
<br />' -------- --- ---------_--- --- - -- - - -- - ---- --- -
<br /> ; --- -------------- -- -----------------------------------------------
<br /> �ss,
<br /> I�all--------------Cou:�ty, On this-----------28th ----------day of------------April---------------------A. D., 19__11__, before me, the
<br />, undersi�n_ed, a iVOtary Yu�lic__ -.---___---_--within and for said County, Aersonally came-_-----_---_-_--_------------_--------------__--_-------------__--___-------
<br />, - -���qY�_�inclz�a.gel,_- �ri_dQ�er-•- -- - ------ ---------- ------ --------------
<br /> - - - - ---- -- -------- - -------------------- - _ --- -- .. ------ --------- ---- ----- --------------------- -------- -------- ---------------
<br /> ts��} to me personally known to be the identical person�__________whose name__.____________�$_.______.____________af�xed to the above instru-
<br /> I, ment as grantor___________, and________1�Q______________�je acknowledged the same to �e__._____.__his___________voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed,
<br /> IN T�'�ITN.ESS WHEREUI' I have hereunto subscribed���,d and afl°ixed my of�icial seal at---------------------------------------------
<br /> ____________���ri�_I_81_�1�___K�br_________________________on the date last above written.
<br /> Li�zie Limback
<br /> ---------------------- ------�---------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My con�mission expires------------------------------- - ---3e��------2rid------------------------------i9.lf------
<br />� J
<br />