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<br /> �_:�_. __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ - _ - ___ _ _-___ __ - _
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<br /> SQ6t8 �IJPP&B.�I RTL�TT CO,Prxnlxnp;LatTeographxng and Count�Supplzes O+nuhc ' _ __ _ _ __-_
<br /> _ _�-_ _ �__-_ . — =- --_=-. — — --------- — -- _-- =_-- -,_. _ ;,_ --- --- '--_--- _ �
<br />�___._ _ _ �
<br />, FROI'v7 I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> filed for record this- -- 8th - --- -day of - -��� _ -- ----- ----- - �
<br /> -- ------- - -- - - - - - - - --- -- -
<br /> :�. D., 19_._ll., at - -- - - 8.�fl - - _o'clock- -- - A._ -M�
<br /> I --------- , �sTq--I__..Falldorf---&-husb�d----- - ---- WarrantY
<br /> I T p Deed. � ,'%
<br /> ���. �Uz� �;_ICC�� -- -- -- - --
<br /> Regi st er of Deeda �acros�e�
<br /> - -- -- H_e_nxy �.�ae_�l -- ---- - -
<br /> -- - - -- -- -- - - --- - ---- -- ------
<br /> Deputy. ,
<br /> Iinow Al� 1VIen by These Pr�esents:
<br /> T.nat-- - - .Idaiy I.Fa1ldQSf,--a11d Henry H._Fall�=f,- i+rife and-husband--___ -------------- - - ----- - -- -- =-- - ---- - --------
<br /> of the County of__xal_1 _ _ ______and State of__ NebrFi�kEt______. ___ .____ __._____ ____ _______. . _____.___Grantors____, in consideration
<br /> of the sum of------Fi�t�__�ixu1$r�d--Sx1d__S�tv�nty-fiu�---�5_?b.,�JO�---------------------------�--------,----------
<br /> ---------------------------------------------------------D OLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid, do---- ---- ----hereby GRA?VT, BARGAIN, SELL, AllrD CONti'EY unfo--- - _ HBriI'�t_-�'...HSSBfll.-------_ -.___--------- -- ------ -----__.- -------- . '
<br /> of the Courty of_---- -Hall--._.. _..-----__._.-- --------------and State of__-----. -NBbra�kl-----.-- ------.---- ------- ------- ----------------, Grantee------,,the following
<br /> described premises,situated in the County of______.____________ _.H�7�1...____ .__________ _________.___and State of Nebraska, to wit:
<br /> --------L�t--Nu,t�b�r___Thre-e----�3�---in--Block__�umber--T�ro---(�-)----in-=�ieba!.s-.-Additian:--t-o--:�rand--I�-landr---bie-br_aska----
<br /> -- ------.�s__ _�ams__ie--Iais1__out,---pl�tte-d--and---reco.rc�ed,__: aub�ec�---to.- taaaB- for--1947,----�rhich--4ran�es---is---tQ-----
<br />' -- -- ��Y• --- - --- - - - ---- -- - - -- - - - -- --- -� - -- - - -- --- -- --- - -- -: -- -- - -- - ------- ------
<br /> Together with all the tenenlents, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon,�ing, �,rld all the Estate, l�.ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and �
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_._�_._.__, and of either of them, of,, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. �
<br />�
<br /> TO H4VE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee__..._____and to._____.___h18______________________heirs and
<br /> I
<br /> �,ssigns forever, And__________�8____.______hereby covenant______with the said Grantee__.._______that___________�t@_____hold___,__..said premises by good and perfect
<br /> I title; that_______�e_ ________________ha4e__good f°ight and lawful authorit,y to sell �,nd convey the same; that they are free and cIear of a,ll liens and incumbrances �.
<br /> Iwnatsoever---e��ept._t.azeQ-s--ae---aboYe--- --- --- -- -�-- ---- - -- - -- ------ --�----- ---- - --------- -- - ----- ------ -----------------------------------------
<br /> ---- ---- --- ------ - - - ----- -- - - ---- ----- - -- - -- -- - -- -- --- - -- -- -- ------ - ---- ------ --- ----------- - ---�- --- - - ---- - -------- -- -------------------- - �
<br /> -- -- ----- --------- -- - --- - - ---- -- ------ -- - --� --- -- --- - - ----- - -- -- -------- ---- -------- --------- -- -------------------------- ------------------- -------
<br /> -- -- - - - -- -- --- ------- -- - - - ------ ---- - --And. --- --- �- - --------�--- fte--- - ----------------covenant----._to warrant and
<br /> __- -- --- -
<br /> i the , '
<br /> ciefend.� said premises agarnst the latii�ful claims of all persons whomsoever, ___._gYG_@p�___�R7CBS__SB__-S�YB___fl�8t8L�.-------------------------------------_--- I
<br />� ---- - ------ - - - - -- --- --
<br /> - ----- ---- -- - ------- - - -- - - - -- - -- - - - -- -- - -- ---- -- - ---- ----- - ------- ------ -------------- -- ------- ----------------- '
<br /> � K
<br /> I l�ated the,- - -- --- �9 ---- --- - ---- - ----day of_-- - --- -Jtlil@- - --- - -- ---- ---------------A, D., 19_07-- - •
<br /> I WITNESS --------�----------.MBry--I_.Falidorf----------------------------------- '
<br /> ---- � ------Henry H,Fa�ldorf--------------------------------
<br /> ------ -- ------ -- ----- --Chas--Gi.-�ty_2�n---- ---- --- -- --
<br />,
<br /> �ss, ,
<br /> ---------- ------------daY of---------------11inB-----------------------A. D. i9A-"�---- before me the
<br /> ------ -- - - --H811-------County, On this. ---- -- - -2_� , , ,
<br /> . undersigned, a I�otary Public-------------------------------------------within and for said County, Personally came---------------------------------------------------------------------.----- i
<br />' - - ld��_r_ �_.�F�.l,�.�Qr�' -ax�d-�enry--H,.F811dt�sfr --�3.�et---�d__hueb�td----------- --- ---------------
<br /> ----------- --------------------- ---------------�-------- ---------- ------- _---- -- --�-- -------�--------�------------------------- -------------- --- -----�-----
<br />� to me personally l�nown to be the identic�,l person__�______whose name_B___�9_______.____.__________._._af�xed to i1�e above instru- '
<br /> {gEAL) ment as grantor___8..____, and______�_�iey__________severally acknowledged the same to be__._____..'�haiT_______voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed. n� ,
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my� and aff'ixed my ofCicial seal at______________________________________________ '
<br /> _____f�T_8�1d__,IBI�_idy___�I@hraB_k8__.__________._______._on the date last above written.
<br /> --------------------Chas---4-���--------------------------�----------- �
<br /> ----- �
<br /> Nota,ry Public.
<br /> My commission expires-----------------------------=---------February---Iet.�_-----------------------------19-13----- � �
<br /> �
<br /> 'i I
<br /> i II
<br />, _ ' -- _ I �
<br />