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<br /> 500�8—KLbPl>S 3AR2'Z.Is1"£C/J.�1'rintirg.Lithographin9�nu?G'o�naty Supplies;Oznahc.. ' - -:-== =- �
<br /> �''h�'�� I hereby certify tha� this instrun7ent u�as entered on Prumerical Index and
<br /> filed for recerd tliis._ . 4th-- - - -- -day of___ - -�de.Y --- - -- ------
<br /> �. D., 19 i1- , at - -._ . --- 3._30. _ --- -._o'clock -- _ -- P.�M.
<br /> ---4eoxge_ �.Carr__&. wif e . __ - - ----- - Warranty
<br /> -
<br /> l�� Deed, �/� �>
<br /> ���"��;��z
<br /> _ -- - -- -- -
<br /> Register of Deed xaca�ta�a
<br /> - -- __ �illiam_�,Palmer --- -- _ _ .
<br /> _ - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- - - -- -
<br /> llepu�y�.
<br /> - ---
<br /> - -- -- -- ___ _ .. _ _ _ __ -- ---- -
<br /> - __---_-- --- -------------__� — ---_---------- -- _ - ----- —_
<br /> I��o�v �11 1VIen by �'�ese ]Present� :
<br /> Tnat Qreorge--�t,.Carr---and__Hannah_J._E.Carr,_ _husband__anc� �ife ------- -- ------_ _---- --._--_- ------- ----.--
<br /> of the C,ount,y of_- ---_ ---- -- -Fi311 _ _---�,nd State of___ .P1@br88k2� _ -- -____- --------- ------ - -----------Grantor_1�_._, in corsideration
<br /> __ _ . --_
<br /> I of tne sU1�� of___�we��y-�at�r_�IundrQCi------(---�24�Q_._40-)--�nd--n9 _1QQ- ------- ------
<br /> --------- ------- - ------ ------- ------- ----------DOLLgRS,
<br /> ii7 hand pai�l, do_ --1�erel�y G�_R��_d�T, B�_RG�AIN, SELL, 9ND CONVEP untc----------�_illi8l�!_E.��ni@r--
<br /> - __--
<br /> - - -
<br /> - - --
<br /> of the County oi_- -- -------- -I�811---- - -------- - _._- --ard Siate of.___ _ --- --NAbT$Ska_ - --- ------ ----.--- - _._, Grantee----- _,the following
<br /> described premises, situaied in the Courity of____ ____ __HSll___________________________and State ef Nebraska,, to i��itr
<br /> -- - ----I,oL s. -�wo_�nd �hxse---(2-&�--3� _ in_ B1Q�k-__Si�ty-t�r9---(_62�---flf_�[heel�r_. --and.._Benn���s__S�cond__Addit.ion
<br /> ---- ---.�o--�he_ Ci�.t_Y- of -Grand_ Island --as- -ehQ�rn_bg-th� __r_ec_ordad ,�lat.. _there�f,-- _on-filQ---iz�--��ie_o�f�.ce___of_
<br /> - -the _�QUntX �lsr_k of__said C_oun�y�. -- -- --- -- ---- - - - -- -- - ---- ----- ------- ----- -
<br /> - - . - -- -- -- --- ----- - - -- - -- -- - --- - -- --- - -- - -- --- --------
<br /> --- --
<br /> _--- -- -
<br /> -- _- - -- - - - - - - -_ - -- - -- --- - - -- -- - - -- - - --- - - - - -- ------ --
<br />`
<br /> - --------- -- -- ---- --- - --- ------ - - - -- -- -------- - - --- - - - ------- - --
<br />�� Tc�ether ti��ti� all the te�emE�n�s, l�ere�iit�r��ents, and appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, azzc� all the Estate, Ribht, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Ciaim and
<br /> Delnand wl�atsoever of't�e said Grantol�_a__.__, ar-d o�'eitner of the�n, of; in, or to the san�e, or any part thereof. _ �
<br />� TO �I�VE AIV� TO HOLP t11e al�eve-ciescr°ibad premises,with the appurtenances, urito the said Grantee___.__arzd to____.___. ______._hi$._____ __._heirs and
<br /> s,ssigns forever. �ncl______ ._W8___ _____________hereby cc�.�enant__.____with the said Grantee_._________chat_.______t�8______hold_______said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; �hat______.__I�tQ______.._______ha_.YH-goocl ri�;ht a�id :ati�fu2 anthority to sell a,nd convey the same; that they are free a,nd clear of all lieils ancl incumbrarlces
<br />�' wliatsoever-------- -- ------- -- - ----- _ - - - - ___ -_ -- -- - -- ---- --- - -- --- -- - ---- ----- --- - ------ - - -- .
<br /> - ---_- -- -
<br /> - ----- -..- - --- ----- - --- - - - - - -------- - - - ------ - ------- ----- --------------- -------------- -
<br /> -- -- --- ----- - _ --- -- -- - --------- ---- -- ---- --- - ----- - - - ---- -- ----- ------------ -- ------------------
<br /> _. -- -- ----._ -- --- ------And----------- - - �e--- - - - - - - - -------------covenant------to warrant and
<br /> the
<br /> clefend f�¢said premises against the lati�ful claims of all persans whomsoever, ------------ ------------------._.- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Dated the-- ._ _ - - - 4th �8 -- - - - ----- ---- ------A. D., 19__11----�
<br /> -- - -- - -- - - -- _. --da,y of_- -------Y --- -
<br /> Interlineatio�Im�ds befflre signi�ig �
<br /> ------__S�Q���---?�-,_�ar�- --------- ---- ------------------------------------
<br /> - -- -Haxtn�h__.J.E.Carr---------------------------------------
<br /> -- - - ----T_�4.C_._Harri_son_ .-- -- -- - - - -
<br /> _ �ss.
<br /> `�" - --- -- - ---------day of-----------�aY----------- - --------------A, D., 19__12_., before me, the
<br /> H��.1---------._County, On this --- -- -- - -
<br /> undersi€;ned, a ivotary Public----------------------------__-------------within and for said County, Personally came-------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> --�eorgs--�t._Carr--and_�azina3�--J.E._Carr, ---h�shsn�i-_and-wif�a ------------- -------------- -----------------
<br /> �o me personally known to be ttie identical person.�_____whose name$__.____�0________.____________affixe� to the above instru-
<br /> znent as graritor__S_______, and______.theY_________severaliy acknowledged the same to be___their______________voluntary act and deed
<br /> (sE�.}
<br /> for �he purpose therein e�pressed,
<br /> name
<br /> l�Rd [�'ITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my��and affixed m;�ofI'icial seal at______________________________________________
<br /> ___-�z_SriG�__ISlazld.----ITgh�alBkB._------------------------on the date last above written.
<br /> T,4.C.Harrieon
<br /> -----------------------------�----------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public,
<br /> My comrnission expires-------------------------------Feb�'tlary--10M--------------------------------------.i91�------
<br />