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<br /> FR01�7 I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and ! i
<br /> filed for recorcl this- 4th, ---- -day of - D�[8y - - -- -�------ '
<br /> - -- - ------- -...- _.- --- - --- -- - -- - -- - - '
<br /> A. D,, 19. 1�. _ , at- -- 2.15_ - - .--o'clock -..- -- �,.__ M.
<br /> - ---- -C_h__arle�__Ridell. aild__w�fe- ----- Warranty '
<br />,� �'p Deed. � ' '' �� ���
<br /> - ��rf� ��-C�-t - -- - -- --- - ---
<br /> �e� istQ r of Deeds �
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<br /> ---- - - - -G�ax�es_ �,�.i��o� ----- - - - '
<br /> - ----- -- --- - - - --- - ------ ------ -- ---
<br /> Ueputy
<br />� Kr�ow �ll �e� �y The�se �r�es�e�ts:
<br /> IThat---w�,._._Ch�l_ae---l�ide_ll---�n�1---3ta�y_;I�abe_11..I�i�is11_.husband---�msi__�ti.fe-------------------------------------------------------------,-------- !,
<br /> of the Couniy of----------. ----�iSll------------------------------and State of----_- -Nebra$k�__---_- --------- -------------------------,-----Grantor 5----, in consideration
<br />' of tne sum of--- Twent_y__Two__Hundred_. and_no�lOQ ------ --- ---------- ----------- -------------------------�----------------- ------ - ---------------------DOLLgRS, �
<br /> in 1�and paid, clo_._____________hereby C1�.ANT, BARGAIN, SELL, AND OONVEY unto_ _ChAr19$__H,B�,$hOp.________ ______ _ ______ _
<br /> of the County of_- - --- - HSll - - - ---and �'tate of - _ N9brc�8�� - - - - - -- - -, Grantee- -,the follawing
<br /> described premises,situated in the County of_.__.___._____. _.______Ha�l __________________________________and State of Nebraska, to w•it:
<br /> Fract_i_o_nal-- �tumber- O�e---���--in _Fr_��_t_is�nal---�loc_k__Nu�b�r--E_ight,_ -Ii._Q.Glarks--Addi�ion---tQ--��an�--I_s-�and
<br /> N_ebra�k�.__ and _Frac�ional Lo� _Numt�er___Ona..�I)._in___F�raC��on��. .H�l�ck___23um'ber_ _One__Hunslr�d__�.�rty-r�3ne._
<br /> ---�139)--U.,P_._�t��_�.r_oasi---CQ�up�ny-'-�--Se_c_Qn�I---Acidi�_ion--ts�._�rand--Ieland,---Nebraska-•- ---------------- ---------,----------------------
<br /> �aid--xw_o_ fract-io�ne- ma�3n$--a comple�e lo�E-66 f�. fac�ng o�- 9th-8t . -by-�32-�t-.--fac-i�$-an--Cadar---St '
<br /> 3ub3e�^�--ho�revsr---tQ__the-unpAid- -porti�n--af---a--�er�ain-mostgage--t�---ths-----�uitable__Building_ and---------
<br /> -- --Loan_ Assoc_i��.�on- -��:Q�r--Qn--rQC_o�rd. - - -- ------ --- -- - - - ---- --- ---- - - - ------ ----- - ---- -- ---- - - ---- --- ------ - --
<br />� ��� �
<br /> -- --- -- -- _ - - -- ----- --- - -- --- --- --- - - -- - ------ - --- - -- ------- - - -- -- - -- - ---- - --- --- ------ - --- - - - -------- -- -----------------
<br />� - -- ----�-- - ---- - - --- ---- - - -----
<br /> - - -- ---- --- ---- -- - ------ -- --� -- ------ ------- ------- ------- - - ---- '
<br />' ------ - -- ----- - ------ -- -- - - -
<br /> Together witli all the tenements, hereditar��ents, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, a,nd a,ll the .Estate,R.ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoey�er of the said Grantor_.@______, and of either of them, of; in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> TO KA�%E AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee______and to______________________h_is____ ____heirs and
<br /> �ssigns forever. And____.____?�e_______ __________hereby covenant_______with the said Grantee________._.that______.__�[6_______hold________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> i title; that____..___?Re____________.__ha�e_good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free a,nd clear of all liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever_----------------- - ------------------- ------ - --------- ---- --- ------ ---- ----- -- ----- - - -- -- - ------- -- - --- - ---- ------ ------------ ----------------------------
<br /> - ---- --------- -- ---- ---- ---- ------ ----- ------- - --- -- -------- --- - -- ---- ------- ------ -- - - ------ - -- ----- - --- -- -- ----- - ---�------ ----------_._--�-----------
<br /> ------ - -- -- ------ ------ --- - - -- - ----- ---- - - - --- - --- - -- - -And------- ---- �- -�e ---- --- -- -----------------covenant-- ---to warrant and
<br />� � th9 � �
<br /> I- defend to said premises against the lawful claims of all persor�s whomsoever, _---_--____--_ -----.-----__-__--_-----__-_-__-_------------------------------------------------------------ ,
<br /> ---------- -- - --�- - --------- - --- - --- - - -- -- --- ---- - - ----- --- --- - --- --- -------- -------------- -�--------- - -�--------------------------�--- --------------------
<br /> Dated the- -- ------- FirBt- - - --- ---- - -----da3' of ----- .-- --May ---- -- - -- - ---- ----__A. D., 19---��--•
<br />' WITNESS ------�-----------------Ch�les.--Rid�ll----------------------------------- '
<br /> --- --- ----- ----Dt��'y_--Is��ell__Ridell---------------------- ''
<br /> -- - --- -------- -�_._�aRQ-s-s----------- - - ---- - --- -- - -
<br /> --------------------- -------------------�-------------------------------�------------- i
<br /> �ss.
<br /> -----------------�AY1Gg--------County, On this---S9COTld---------,--------------.day of_-_--------��y_----------------------------A. D., 19---11, before me, the i
<br /> undersigned, a Iloiary Publrc----------------------------------------------witt�in and for said L'ounty, personally came--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' j
<br /> -- Charles--R3de_ll---aTU�I---Ma�p--����8�.1--Ric�,ell------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , '
<br /> - ----- --- ---- ------- ------------ ----------- ----------------- husban�---ar�d--wif-�---------------------- ----�------ --------------- -- �--------------- '
<br /> (SEAL) to me personally known to be the identical personS______whose name.�_________�_Q_.__________________affixed to the above instru- �
<br /> ment as grantor_�_______, and______t�eY___.____-_severally acknowledged the same to be__�h_9__ir________________voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed. :
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my� and afi'ixed my of�icial seal at________________._________________.__.______ '
<br /> ____________FLi119rt021�__.___Nebr�$��___________________on the date last above written.
<br /> . . �.L.Roee
<br /> � -----------------------------------�----------------------------Notary Public.----- '.
<br /> Mycommission expires--------------- ------------�-----------��Y-------�$--------------------------------------------i9--��----- ; �
<br />' _ � __ �
<br />