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<br /> SOOd8—RLOPP�f^BARTLE7'T CO.,Printin9,LiUaoprap.�ein9¢nd Coe<�zty SupPlzes;b�eo.ko,. " � —���`�'"�'� —�— �'-���� �`��" � �`—'�'
<br /> �'1'��-'V' I here�y certify that �his instrt�m. ent was en_tered or Numerical Index and
<br /> 81ed for recorcl t,his___ _ 3 __ _--------c1aY af--- ---��Y------- -- _
<br /> - -
<br /> �, D., i9 -11__, at- - - - - -- --_ _ - 3.--o'clock- -_ __--- .__P_._M,
<br /> - - - _____ _Margare�. R.�arve�r _& .hu�b dWarranty
<br /> - �,��
<br /> TC� - Deed. �/%��� C�� .. .
<br /> . - - -- - -
<br /> Reg��ter of D�e s c��cz
<br /> -- .. -- - E�.�.�a_.H�'=is _ __ _ _-
<br /> -- --__- - - _ - -- __- - -- --- - - - ---- -- -
<br /> �epucy.
<br /> now 11 l��Ien by Tl�ese Preseiat� :
<br /> Th�,t_ _ .Maxgaret R,t�3rver_._and Arthur F_.-�arvsr, -har huab�nd -- - - - - -.__. ---- - -- - -- -- - -
<br /> of the County of____----- - H311 _ _ _ . _----anc? State of__ _N�br36kS._ ----- ----- ------- ----------Gi°anior---8--, in c�rzsideration
<br /> oi tre suin of T13f0 HuTlC1T�� Rtif�-_S�Sty—fiV@ - ---------- -- - - -- ------------- -- --------- ---------------------- ----------DOLLARS,
<br /> in h�,nd paiu, do here}�y CR���T, B�i1tiG�lIN, SELL, AND CO�IVFY u�tc�----------E11Z8 �IRl"T38--- --- ------
<br /> of ihe County of-- -----------_ H8.1�---- _.. -- - -ard ,State of____ ._ _ _ _ Ne�b�C3�3ka4 - --------- ----__- --------__----- -, Gra,ntee___----, the following
<br /> described preinises, sivuated i��l�e G'ounty of__ ___ _____ Ha�.�_ ____________ _ar�d S�ate of Nebraska, to u�it: � �
<br /> - Lot_s_,number_._Four__�4j-an�1_ _FiYe---���---in_��QCk_nur�be�- Eig�t- --�$,� .--Pa;c�a�r. -&--�ars-'-s--A�dit_icm--�o --------------
<br /> -G�rand__Island, __rdebxa�ka, a�_:�_u�vey�-d,- -glat��d_ansi__recordsd..- ----- - ---- - ---•-- -- ------ ----=_r- -
<br /> - - - ._- -- __. _ - - - -- - -- - -- - _---- -_ --- - - - - -- _- - -- - ---- --- - ---------- - --
<br /> Together wit�i all the tenemc�its, �iereclitaf,�e%�ts, a,nd appurtenances thereunio belon�ing, and all t�e Estate, R.ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and �
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Gratltor__8.______, ancl of eitlier af them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof,
<br /> T� K�ti`E AND TO I�OL�� the abo�%e-described prer�lises,i�ith the appurtenances, nnto the said Grantee_________and to___________heT_ ________________heirs and
<br /> a,ssigns forever, t�nd__ ____Wt�_---- --.--_hereby covenant_______with the said Grantee___________that________��______ __hold_______said premises by good and perfect �
<br /> title; that__ _.__..__�e____.. _ -_ __��aY_e___good rig?�t ar�d la,wful autnority to sell and convey the same; t�iat they are free and clear of a,ll lielis and incumbrances
<br /> whatsosver-------- -- - --__ -- - ---__ -- - - - - - - __- - - --- - - - - ---
<br /> I', - --- ----- - --- ----- -- -- -- -- -- --- --- --- ---- - - -- - - - ---- - ----- ---- ----
<br /> - ----- - - ---- --- --------- -------- ------------
<br />! -- --- - -- --- --- - - - - . - --- - ---- --- -- - --- - ---- - -- -- --- --------- ---- ----- - - - -- ----- --
<br /> -- --- --------- ----- --- -------- --- ------------
<br /> - -- ---- - -- -- ._ --- --Ancl--------- ----- --..--- _t�f0 - -- -- - - - - ---------covenant----__to warrant and
<br /> clefen���said premises agairst tlle laiuful claims of all persolls wlzomsoever°, _________ _________________.____-- _
<br /> --- -- - -- - ------- ------ ------ ---------------------
<br />�� -- --- - - ------- - - - -- _---- --- -- - - -- -- --- ----- --- -
<br /> 1)ated the-- --- 3TC1 __ - - - --- -dat- of_ -- - - M��---- - -- --- - - -- - - -----A. D., 1911--- -�
<br /> WITNESS -------------------�2�rg&�Q�---�x�S��V@�-----------------------------
<br /> -- -------- Arthur__F.+�ar_y_�r-------------------------------
<br /> T.O.C.Harrison -- _.__-- --- .
<br />' -- ----- Minn�e �e id�mann - -- -_ --- ----- - --- -------------------- ---------------------------------------------------
<br /> �ss. „
<br /> ---- ----.$��� -- - --County, On this. --- .3 - - - ----------day of----- -- ---�aY--- ------- - ------------A, D., 19---�1-, before me, the
<br /> undersigned, a i�otary �'ubli�---T_�O�C_,�i�r�..$021-------tivithin and for said Col�nty, Personally came-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br />' �arg�r��_ _R=�aacvsr_---az�d__.Ax��ur--F_.�arvnr,---hes--hualaand---------------------------------------------------
<br /> t.o me personally krzown to be the identical person__8_____whose name_�____8X4___________.____________aft'ixed to the above insiru-
<br /> (SEAL) rnent as grantor__.g_____, and______��8y__________severally acknowledged the same io be____�h�ix_____________voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed,
<br /> Il� ti�'ITNESS WFIEREOF I have hereunto subscribed rr��and afI'ixed my oft'icial seal at__________________________________________.__
<br /> ___________�T�CI___I_t4,�.�1Y1S�____1�1�b�lflka________._________._on the date last above written.
<br /> T.O.C.Harriraon
<br /> --------------- --------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My comznission expires---------- -------- _----------Febs'�tetr�---14_"_---A.b-'----------------------j9_12-----
<br /> i
<br />