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� �1�� �-� ��� <br /> D O D D <br /> D D � ��, <br /> =���__-_ - _ �-__ __- _ ___ _-_. _ . <br /> :_ __ _- ^ _-- .-_ -_--' _�__ _____ __ ____ <br /> __ . _ <br /> 5b0�8 KLOPP&BAXTL�TT CO.,Prantxng,Litko�raphxng¢nd County Suppines Omahe. _ __ <br /> -- -----:- -:_ . __,_.-- ---- - --.- .----- — - --- --- - <br /> ___�- - ----- ----=- ----=--��_ _�_ <br /> _____. .__ _..___ __._---___ _ . __ . _ .., ._ . <br /> I <br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and ' <br /> ---- -- - - .Metha.__1'�R2V�S-F� hl?.�b. - ----- - -- - ----- filed for record this--- �rid - -- ----day of - -��,jr - ----- --- ---- �. <br /> :�. D,, 1911- -., at - �-�20 -- - - - o'clock_ -- - - -�*---M• ' <br /> - --- -- - -- - - - - - - - -- - Warranty ' <br /> - - --- Deed. � � �� <br /> T0 • ��.��rl<��,�_�-'�r�yU � <br /> - - --- --- -- - - <br /> ---.__ ---Henry_.J"o�Y�nck------------------ - -- --- ---- ------ Register f Deeds <br /> -- - --- - -- -- -- - - - - - - - - - --------- --- <br /> Deputy. 'I <br /> Knotiv All 1VIen by �'hese Presents: <br /> Tnat------_--- �e_tha 1�eves-and-John- F. --l��ves, -h�r--husband-#---- ---------------------_-------------- - <br /> of the County of_ ._ __ .x��-� _________ _and State of_____ _____._ . N�b_ra_S_:ka________ ____ . ___ ___Grantor_S____, in consideration � <br /> of the sunl of-- ---- -OnE-Do11as (�n__a---love_and__effect__i on-)----------------------------------------------- ' <br /> --------------------------------------------------------�� ' <br /> iti hand paid, do__.. --- ------hereby GR��:VT, B�IRGAIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto-----__ _ ---- ---- -- ------- --------- ------_ ----- ----------- - ---- ------- : -- - - - � ' <br /> -- -Henry Joehnck-____ - - - _ - -- -- - �- - - - ----_ <br /> of the County of---__----------Hall------- ----.--- _and State of___ - -----�Te��'.3S�a_ -------.----------------------------------------------, Grantee-.-----,the following <br /> - <br />, described premises,situated in the County of_______._________�all ______.__..-___and Sta,te of Nebraska, to wit: <br /> - -- -- - <br /> � <br /> I --- - -- - _ - -- - -- -- Zot FiY� �_�) �n_Bl_ock N_in� �9_) of Joehx��k'� Ad�i�.tiQn ------ -------- - -- --- - ---- ---- -- <br /> to_ the _ Cit�r_ of- -Grand--Tsland,---N�_b_ _r__aska_,, a.�._.�u�v�yec�-�- -------- ------- ---- -------- ---- -- <br /> -- -- - -- --- - - -- -- - pla,t�ea__anci_,_r�corcied�- - -- - - - - --- - - <br /> - ------- -- - -- -- - - - -- --- :-- - -- - - -- - -- - <br /> -- -- -- -- -- - _---- -- - ----- - ---- --- - -- --- __ - - - -- ---_ - - --- - ---- ---- -- -- - - - -- --- ---- - - ----------�- <br /> -------- -- - -- - -- ----- - - -- - -- - ----- - - -- -- - -- - --- ---- . ----- - -- --- - - - --- ----- - ---- ------------- <br /> ToDether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereurito belonaing, and aIl the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor�_.______, ' , of, in, or to the samP, or any part thereof. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenanc,es, unto the said Grantee__.____and to___________________�.�;_g___._____.____heirs and <br /> a,ssigns forever. And__________we______________hereby covenan�________with the said Grantee___________that_____4�1P_______._____hold________said premises by good and perfect ' <br /> title; that____.___w�.. ______haY�___good right and lawful authorit,y to sell a.nd convey the same; that theyare free and clear of �,11 liens and incumhrances <br /> � whatsoever---------- -- - ----- ...- ---------------- ----- ---- - ---- - - -- ------ - --- - ----- - - --- - ------ - -- -- - ------------ ---- ---- - -- ---------------- <br /> ------- --------- - ------- ---- -- -- --- -- ------ ------------- - - ---- -._- -- - --- --- -------� - --------------- -- --- - -------------- -------------------------- <br /> ----- ----- - - --- --�--- -- ------ - -- - - -------- - ------- -- ---- ----- ------- --- ---- - ----- -- - -- --- --------------- -- ---------------- ---------------------------------- <br /> --- -- - ----- ---- ,. - -- ---- -- - - ---- - - -- - - ----- --- - ._And---- --- w�'- --------covenant-----,to warrant and <br /> ------- -- --- - - ------- <br /> defend t�aid premises against the lawful claims of all persoris whomsoever, _______ _._________.______________.________.__________________________________________________________________________.__ ' <br /> Dated the-- ------- 221c�.- - - ------ ---- ------day of -- --- �a.y- ------- ---- ------- --------A. D., 19_ll-----, ; <br /> WITNESS -------------------------------�.e'�ha�---�4eYe�--------------------------------- <br /> ------ ----------------Jo�__F.---�de_Y_es----------------------------- <br /> I,.('�.A113z1 <br />� STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> ss, <br /> ---- H�.11 ------ ----County, On this---- - --2xid------- - -----------day of_-------- - -----2Jf�.y -----------------------A. D., 19-�-�---, before me, the <br /> undersignecl, a iVotary Public________________________________..__ _within and for said Countv, personally came___________________________________ __________________________ <br /> ------- -----T,�eth�.__MeYe�- and--JQhxl --�'-� -�e�r�-�-:- -hex'__hu�h�.nd-�-------�------------ �----------------------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_.�_______whose name_S_________.__ax�_________.__________a�xed to the above instru- <br /> (��y) g ____severally acknowledged the same to Ue__________�h�'ir_____..voluntary act and deed <br /> ment as rantor_�_______, and_____they_.______ <br /> for �he purpose therein expressed. <br /> ���- <br /> i IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�-and afTixed my ofi'icial seal at______________________________________________ <br /> -----------Granc�__Isl�,n.d-,---N�'�r._,u��-�,������on the date last above written. <br /> ------------------- -- �-.-G�A1��.�---------------------------------- <br /> Notary Public, <br />,, My commission expires--------S�P-t-�-- 2�'-► - �-���-�--------------------------------------------------------- ------------ <br /> i <br />