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������ . <br /> _ r _ D � � i� �, e-- <br /> � D � � D � 0 , D <br /> � . U� <br /> 0 <br /> �___ _ _� __ __ _ <br /> . __ . �:_� _ _ _,__- ________�� <br /> _ _ �_ ��_ �_ <br /> � SJOJS—?{LOPP c@ BARiLETT CO�,Printi7z9,Lit?aograp)�ing a�ad G'our.ty Suppl2es.'O:nzke. � � � _ _ .---`'�- -'�— -- ---�----_ — <br />_ _, _... _ _ __ _ _._ -. _ .. __,_ _._ -- - <br /> �__ _ __—. �_.., __� �_____�—�_. = _,_:_= a_ --- _.- ._ <br /> , <br /> � F����I I hereby certify that this ir.sirunlen� u�as entered on Numerical Index and <br /> LO�� '1C' �. I7U21,1ap (3iTi�1�-)--_..-- filed f'or record this----___----- 2rid------_--_._day of------�[�t--- ------- ---.--------- <br /> A. D,, i9 11 , at --- ��-_- - - _ --_ .__ ___dclock - - - -- - P��• <br /> - __ _- Warranty <br /> TO - � � _ <br /> Deed. --C��_r�_�c�t���� . <br /> - -- - -- -- -- - <br /> -- ` <br /> �. _ g�r <br /> _--.�ary _E._ _I�unlap_- ___ _---- - - _ _- ���ister o D�eds <br /> - - -- -- - - - - _ <br /> -- - --- -- ---Deputy.- - <br /> Ka��w �.1� �Ien by T�ie�e Pre�er�t�� <br /> That__ I,_ Lott i�_ T3._ Dtinla,p- �.�. �in�;1e_woman. ) _ _ -- <br /> of t7�e Cou�ty of -- - ----___ _ _Hd,11. .____and State of-------N�T�z'd�K�.,_. _--------. _--------__ ------ - -------- --------Grantor------, �in cousideration <br /> ot'rhe surn of_ - --One .Do1._l�.r__. &__��her valuabl� c-onsic�erat�an-------- - - --- -- ------- - --------- --------------------- ------=����; <br /> in hand paicl, clo�--- - ____hzreby G�,��1'T, �,?RC_�IN, SELL, A�tiTD CO�tiVEY unto_ ._------- - _. --- --------- <br /> -- --- ___ _ _ �-- -- _ _ _ _ �ar�t .E, I�.inla� _ - <br /> of the vounty of- -- - -----------Ha,l1.---- - -- and State of ._ ---.- ----NE:brt3,8kd..------ -------- ----------- ---, Grantee-------,the following <br /> --_ __ _ - <br /> described prer�ises,situaie7 i�l the Co�lzltv ef_._____ ________ __ - ___I�?�11__ _ ____.._ _____ _________and St�,te of Nei�raska, to uit: <br /> T,ot number three,___ (-_3--)--iz�_ bl���c _r�a�m�er--elEVen�---(-71-)---Arx�al-d---& Abba�t!-s - ----- ----------- <br /> _ _ -- - ��dit_ion _to__Grand T_�1and_�e�bra�ka, a� �Y�e-�ame -i� �a�d- out-p3a���c�_�k - - - -- -- <br /> -- - _ - - -- r_��ordecl_. _ - - --_- --- - -- - � <br /> Together wit1� a?I the tanenlents, �ieredi�tarnents, a,nd appurteziances tihereunto belon,�ing, �,nd aIl tr�e �st�te, R.ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Clain2 and <br /> Demand whatsoeyer of the said Crantor___ ______, alzd of eitller of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof, <br /> 7'0 K!�VE AT1D TG HOL.T� t1�e above-dascri�ed prerlises, witn the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee__ ._____and to______________j�gr___.____-___.____.__heirs and <br /> a,ssigns forever. �lnd_____ ___I_____ _________here�y covenant______u�ith the said Grantee_ ____that___._ _______I.____--__ho?d__________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; that__.. _._._x_--______-_______11�It'�___good rigni anc lav�flll a,uthorit,y to sell and convey the same; that t1?ey are free and clear of all liens and incumbrarices <br /> whatsoever- ----- -- -- . -- - --- . - ---_ - - ----- - - ------- ---- - - -_ ----- - - - <br /> - - - -- - - - --- - - -- ----- -- ---------- <br /> - -- - -- --- -- -- - -- - - - -- - - - -- --- -- - -- ------ ---- ------ - ----- ---- -- - -- - - - --- ---- - ---- - ------------- <br /> - - <br /> --- ----- -- - _- - - - ---------------- ----- - -- -- -- --- - - ----- -- - ----------------- ------- ------- <br /> - - - -- -- __ ---- ----_ -. ._ ._ -- --- <br /> --- And----- - -- --- -- I -_ --- ----._-----cove�iant--- ----to warrant and <br /> cIefend t��e�sa�d preinises against f11e lawful claims of all persor�s whomsoever, __ .___ ______ _________ ______ <br /> --- -- - ---- --- _.__ - -- -- ---- - - - ------ ----- - - - ---- -- - ------ ----- -- - -------- --- --------------------- --------- <br /> I)ated the- - - ----- lOth- - -- --daY of- -- ---��zll1�,�� ---- --- --- -_.A, D,, 190� -----� <br /> WIT��ESS -------------------L Ot t 1 G_�i.__1�.in1 ap-- ------------------------------ <br /> ------ -- .--- -- --- ---- ---- -- ---------- ------------------------------ <br /> - - -- -- -- �_._�;_.�i.s�Qn- - --- -_--- _ -- - <br />� ------ ---- - ----- - ------- ------ ------------------------------ <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> ss, <br /> --- -- -��.7.�. -- -- - --County, On this -- 1QtY1 - ---------day of_-------- J'3�'1tU�.ry - - ----------_A. D., �9__Q7--, before me, the <br /> I, undersi�necl, a l�oiary Public__.____COT�17C1�,_sS_io71�;(�_______ti�ithin and for said County, personally came__ ________ _ <br /> - -- - - --- ----Lott i�- �3.- -�r11��p-(�--si�.�'}]..�---�t�ts�tn�,n._�- ----------------------------------- ---------------- <br /> - - <br /> to me personally knowrz to be the identical person_.________whose name________________iS__ .____________afiixed to the above instru- <br /> (SI�SAL� t�ient as grantor_____._, and_______��:1�'________��ackno�vledged the same to be__.____��r______________voluntary act and deed <br /> for Ghe purpose therein expressed, <br /> � <br /> IN �VITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my and afI'ixed my ofl'icial seal at_____________________________________________ <br /> _________Grand__Tslan.d__N�bra��Ca,�________________________on the date last above written. <br /> ---------------------------- ,"'a.-t."�-.�i�.i�3tQri------------------------------------ <br /> Notary Public, <br /> My commission expires---------Jlily--2_�trl-- ----------------------------------------------------------------191.2------- <br />