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<br /> 50018 :KL1JFIs&HARTLFTT CO.,Pr�nting,Lithographtng and Countv Supp[xes;0-reahc. _ _ _ --- --
<br /> __r..,_ _ -� -_--'- -- - - - --_ ____---- _----- -==— --- _ _— - ---- --=- -- ----- �,--. .--.-..�--- ------. �
<br />_ ___..�:- _ _ _— . _ --__ _.—._ -- - ...-- _ — ,
<br /> �`
<br /> FROM I hereby cer�tify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and '
<br /> -- - ----- -- �'�,mes-�.-� ���or� -8s �i�'e---- -
<br /> filed for record this-- --221d - - ---day of - ��y -- - ---- -
<br /> :�, D., 1911 --, at- -- ---.-�.:_2�'3 - - - __o'clock - - -p• -M�
<br /> - - -- -- - - - --- -- _ - --- - Warranty
<br /> � _ �
<br /> TO Deed. ��� � C����-- ''
<br /> --- � �t� `-�I�L .. __ - --- -- �
<br /> �� i
<br /> Ju.�e- '�.- and-R-asa__J, -�'�obs -- - -
<br /> Re�;i er of Deeds
<br /> - - - -- -- -- -- -- -- - --- ----
<br /> - -Deputy.
<br /> Know All 1Vlen by These Presents: _
<br /> I That- - - __�P1�--1_�,m€��--;�_. I.�?'t4x1--�.r1d__El�z�,h�#.h. K.- �.�y�4� -- - - _ -- -- -- - --------- -__.- -- -- - - - ----- -- ,
<br /> - -- --- - - - hu��and--�,nd. .�ife- ---- --- - - -- - - --- -- - - ---- - ----- - ----- ----- ---
<br /> of the CountY of_-----------------H�.11--------,-----------------and State of-------Ne-bT'a.ak�-- - - --- - - ---- -- ----- ---------------------Grantor--s----, in consideration
<br /> of the surn of----- ----T.1.f.t�eri__IiiU.ridS.�_d-...��f�.�--&-ND�----------��- ----DOLLARS, '
<br /> in hand paid, do--- ----- ---hereby GRANT, BARG:4IN, SELL, A�'D CONVEY unto____---_ - --------- -------- ------ ------,------- --- -----.--- ------- --------- ----------
<br /> -� - - - - - - --- - - - ����-T. J'.ac.4'��--and_Ros�.-J� -Jac_obs --- -- -- -- - - -- --_ -- - - -- ---- - - -- - �-- ----- ---- -
<br /> of the County of- -- -- --- ---�Ia�.1 -- --___ _ - --and State of_ _ - - l��braSk�- --- - - -- - -- - -- , Grantee-� ,the following
<br /> described premises, situafed in the County of.__._._.___________Ha1I__ - ___._._-.--_.-------------anci State of Nebraska., to u�it;
<br /> -- -- --- - - -- - L_4�__T�umb�r__�ix ��6-) -in__B1acK- Number -��v���� -(70)-i�-��e-�:$r - - - -- ------ - ------- -
<br /> --- --- �.n� I3er�.r�e�t !�--2r�d Atiditior� �o- G��d-Isla�ri.d;- -�eb�ask-a; -as - - --- - - - - --- - - -- -----
<br /> � - - --- - �ur.Y��'�d-t -�1a�-t-e-c1 and r-E-c�r-�i�d, - -- - - - - - - - - --- - ---- - -- - --- - - - ---- - - -- ------------
<br /> --- ----- --- ----- - - - - - -- -- - -- - --- - --- - -- - ---- -- - -- - ---- ---- - --- --- -- ------ ---- ------ ----- ---- -- -------- - ------
<br /> Together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon,�ing, �,nd all the Estate, Right, Tttle, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> I Dernand wl�atsoeyer of the said Grantor_S__-__--, and of eitlier of them, of, in, or to the same, or a,ny part thereof.
<br />' TO H!�VE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises, with the a�ppurtenances, unto the said GranteeS______and to.______.__�71�_ir____________________heirs and
<br /> �,ssigns forever, And__________t_h�,�_____________1:ereby covenant__.____with the said Grantee�___..____that____._��e�______hold__..._____said premises by good and perfect
<br /> Ititle; that___.______t_Y�e�__________ha�t'_�__good right and lawful authority to sell a,nd convey the same; that they are free and clear of all lie�is and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever------------- -------,..- -------- - ----- - - ---- - - - - - -- --- - - -�-- ---- - -- - ----
<br /> ---- - ----- ----- -------- --- ---------- ------- ----------- --------------------------
<br /> I
<br /> - ---- --- ------- --- -- -- ---- - --�- --- - - -- --- ---- - - - - -- - ---- --- -- --- --- --- -- - - - -- ---------- ------ - ------ ------------ - ----------------------
<br /> -- - -- - - -- --- --- -- _ --- - - - -- - ---- --- --
<br /> -- ----- ---- And---- �-- -�hE�t.-- -- -- -- ----- -------------covenant-------to warrant and
<br />� defend�said premises against the lawful claims of all persolls whomsoever, ----------- -------------------------------------------.------------------------------------------------------ �
<br /> --- ---- --- --- --- -- -- -- - - --- - ----- -- --- ------- �- - - -- -- -- ---- --- --- - ------- -- ------- - - --- - - ---- ----------�------------- - ------- ,
<br /> i �
<br /> �ated the---- - --- �Yld- --- -------- -----�--day of_----- ----- -- ��,Y-- - -- - --- - ----- --------A. D., 19--1-]�----� '.
<br /> WITNESS ---------------------���s3---��----T�r3��02'�-----------------------------------
<br /> ---- ------ ----�.1.-�.Z�.h�-��1-�-•----�,�-�-OI1------------------------ ,
<br /> --- -- -- ---- --- --Z_._�t��i.r_inin��r ------ ----- --- - - .
<br /> ss,
<br /> ------- --�i�11 --- ----County, On this-- ------- 2z1d ------ ----------------day of_- ------ -- ���-- ------------------------A. D., 19_ll---, before me, the
<br /> undersigned, a Tvotary Public------------------------------------------------within and for said County, Personally came-_------------------------------------,---------------------------------------- '.
<br /> ---------- -- ---Jarr�.��- ��---��,�-tnn---and__�li�a2��th--K_---I,a,ytan---------- ------�-- ----------- ---------------------------- -
<br /> -------- ---------- ----------------------------- -- --------- ---------...--- -------- ----------------------- ---�--------------- ----------------- ..-------------- �
<br /> ���'J'�'� to me personally known to be the identical person�_____whose name.8_______�S'�____________________affi�ed to the above instru- '
<br /> ment as grantor_$_______, and______�h�'�.___,_______severally acxnowledged the same to be_..________th�.ix_______voluntary act and deed �
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> Il�' WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�and afC'ixed my oft'icial seal at______________________________________________ �
<br /> -------Grand---I s land-�--N�br--------�------------------
<br /> .____..__on the date last above written.
<br /> ;
<br /> _______.__'_.________'__.____LA1.lL�-����J_________________'_�______�._��'� '. .,.
<br /> Notary Public. '
<br /> My commission expires-----------���h_._lb.n ,-------�---------------------------------------•--------..19--��---- i
<br /> i
<br /> i '
<br /> i
<br /> i ;
<br />