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i �� <br /> �� •, � _., 1 � <br /> ,, , Drs `�' D ° � 0 ; ' D <br /> �� � � a <br /> __ _ _ . � _ _ _ � ___ <br /> � � 50t�1$--Xi.OPP cE BARTLETT CO.,Frintting,Ltilfio�r�phin.p and Count��S� ies;d�n¢7ze. ���� �� � -� . =:=._'---'- ——._ <br /> � .. . . __. _.._—___ �_._. -' �.� .—_'—._=__-__._.. —.-- <br /> d PP� � - - --- -- - --. .. _ <br /> � <br /> �'R��"� I hereby certify t�iat this instrument v✓as entered on Nurnerical Index and ' <br /> t <br /> filed for t�2cord this---_. .2-1�d-- ----- _._.- -day of____ _�;� <br /> _.._ ._- - -- <br /> - �e_�>1 i�--�._. �aor��ic� --- �,�' _ <br /> .'�, D„ 1�1�_... .��-�.�- ._------ ---------- , ..- -------��-r--1'l�. .: <br /> , �,f • —0't'IOG�i -- <br /> -- - _ <br /> -__ __ -- -_ __ _ - --- - V6�arranty <br /> T� Deed. ���k � <br /> -.� �c �/�`�irti <br /> - --- --- --- <br /> �� <br /> --�ci�, �oc>r� (wi#'e �_ _ -- __ ---- Rc�is r of Deed� <br /> - - -- - -- <br /> - - - -- <br /> -__De�u�y. - <br /> - __ - -- -- - - -____. _ . <br /> __ - --- <br /> Kn��v .��1 IYIen b� Z'l�ese Pr�sea�ts: <br /> That___ __ _I-,_ .LG��-f G--C:. -Po-O�'E ___ - _- -_ -- - - - - - --- - - - --- -_. - . - - -- _ - --- - <br /> - _ --- - - --- �hU:�b�.�1d) <br /> of the Count. of__ .___ . __ __and State of__. _ .__ . _______ __.______Grantor_____._, in cnnsideration <br /> Y . ��a�,1 -- - -- Nebrt�sk�- -- ._ - <br /> of i:l1e sum of -- O�e �.�1c� no�14C1-a�d ot�l.e�' V��.�1:�,b1�- c;a2'���d8�'���02� ---- - ------- - ----- -------- - ------- ----- --------DOLLARS, <br /> in hand paid, do-- ____-----hef°eb;� Ci�:4��T, B�i�����I�4r, SELI., Al�'D CGNti'F,Y unto_ ------------ ------ -------_ -------___- ------- <br /> _ - IL�c� -PO�Z'� (5��1�'e� -- -- -- - _- - __- __ .__ - - - - -- -- - -- - - ---- -- - <br /> of tlie County of H��l ---_ ___ - --and State of--_ _ _ --- -- . _ -- NE:b�'�.3k�. -_ .. - - , Grantee-- .__, thefollowing <br /> clescribed prenlises, si¢tza#ed ir�t?�e l'oiirstti-of__-- ---- -- _�Iall_,._ _ __-_-_-_-___-__________and State of Nebrask��,, to wit; <br /> ---- -- -- _ -Number_ �ne -�1 � i�-�31.ock-Nu��aE� -Twe�-t� �iv� -(��}- ir� �su�l -��e���� ---- -- - <br /> -- ------------ <br /> -- ----Addj._ti_c�n _to _Gr�.n�---I�1�n�_,__�'_�'�r_�sKa.--as--SurV.�yed,__ I?lattEd_ -and--��cor-de-d-.- ------- <br /> - -- --- - -- - --- - -- - --- - ---- -- -- - - - - - - - ---- - ---- ---- --- ---- - -- <br /> - --- - _ ---- - - - - -- -- - - --- ---- --- ---- - - - - -- -- ----- ----- ----- - --- ---- ------- <br /> Together wit� ai? the teneme�its, here��italrar�s, ard appurtenances thereunto belonging, ard all the, Est�,te,R�igtit, Title, I��erest,, Do�ver, Curtesy, Claim and � <br /> Demand wh�,tsoei�er of the saici Gra,ntor___._ _____, and of either cf them, of, in, or to t11e same, or any part thereof. <br /> TO H%�ti�'E ANT TO ��OLD E.he a�ove-des�rib°d prelnisFS,Wit11 the a�ipurtenances, u11to the said Grantee________and ta_________��?�__ _._______._______heirs and <br /> a;ssigns foreve2�, And_________I_____ ________________hereby covenani___ __with the said Grantee.___ __ ___that________I__.________hold_________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; tha.t.___________I_-.----__-_____haVe__good rig�lit a�1d lau�ful authority to sell and convey the same; that theyare free a,nd clear of all liens ancl incumbrances <br /> whatsoever----Su�_,�.�.�t._-�o---all__in�umbr_an_�e��r---a��,ins-�---said---gr_nF-�r-ty-.------------ ---------------------------------------------------------- <br />' - - - -- -- --- -- - ------------ - ---- - ---- ----- --- - --- - ---- -- -- - ----- ---------------- - ---------------- <br /> -- --- - - - -- - - - ----- - -- - --- --------- --- - -- - - -- ------- - --- ---- --------- ------ ---------- ---- ---------------- <br /> ---- - - - - - -- -- - - -- - <br /> - -- - --- - -- And---- -- ---�-- -- - � -_. _--- ------- ---------covenant-----._to warrant and <br /> �lefend��said premises a.gainst the lativful claims of all perso�ls wllomsoever, ___.__.�XG�'�)�____38____3b�o-V-e__St�t_G_d_.--_.-__-_________---________________________._______ <br /> Dated the- - -------'T.'1��'�ri�,�,l ->�.X't-Yi. -- --cia�� of_ - --- - -----1�p-x-i1-- ---------__A, D,, 19_11---• <br /> WITNESS ---------------------Z��11�----�..--P_Q Qx�----------------------------------- <br /> I, --- - - - -- ------ ---------- - ----------- -------------------------------- <br /> - -- - --- -- F3.o�-�- ���•---�ans_en - - __ __ -- -- <br /> - - -- -- - ------- -- ----------------------------------- <br />� - - --- - � -- --- ------------ ---------------------------------------------------- <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> ss, <br /> ----- - H�]:�--- --County, Q1i this- 26th-----------------------day of---------------Apz'.3.1_-- ---------A, D., 19_11---, before me, the <br /> undersigned, a IJo�ary 1�ublio------------------------------ u�ithin and for said County, personally came------------------------.---------------------------------------------------- <br />, - - - - ---- - ----------- --- -- �e�li�- �-•---P_o_or_� -- -- ----------------- --------------------------- -----------------�------ <br /> -- - ---- --- ----- . ------- - --- --- --��.��han.d-� ----- ------------ ------ ---------- - ------- -- ----- ------- -- ------------- : <br /> (SLAI�) to me personally known to be the ide.ntical person__________whose name________________i_�___________________aflixed to tlle above instru- <br /> rlent as grantor___________, anci_______Yl�_______.______severally ackliowledged the same to be__._____.____?1j,_S_____--_.voluntary act and deed <br /> for the purpose therein expressed, ��'� <br /> IN tiVITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�and af�ixed my official seal at____________________________________________ <br /> _.______.____G�'_�,�l.�l___I���.ri�.,__N�?�rdgl�c�.._______________on the date last above wr•itten. <br /> ----------------------------fto�e--�•---Hausexl------------------------- <br /> Notary Public. <br />, 1�Ty commission expires---------��3�---2�---- - -- - - -----------------------------------------------------------19._1��---- <br />