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<br /> 560�$-�LbPP&I3AItTL�1 T CO.,Prxnting,L2lhographzng and County Supplzes Orreahn --
<br />—,--,-,- ---- ._ --`__ _:*-- _- - - _-_ --. -- - . __ -=-- =- -_ - -- -_- - -- _ _. __— _ -- -------- ---
<br /> . -=� _ --- -- -
<br /> __ ,__ --- _— ..__ �� .�
<br /> � FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> �
<br /> filed for recorc� this___..__18t----- -.----------day of----�daY------------- ----- .---------- '
<br /> - - ------- - -- - - - --- -- - -- - -
<br /> �, D., 19__11 _ � at- - - - 1Q.._20_._- - -o'clock- - - A�-- -M• '
<br /> - - -�h�_ RQBS.__It1ve��_n�nt �`o,_. - -- Warranty i
<br /> TO Deed. ��
<br /> - ---��� �� -- --- - - -- '
<br /> Pegister of Dee s ��-- ,
<br /> -- - - -- ---Adam--Krieger _ - - --- - - - ,
<br /> -- . - -- - - - - -- - --- --- - ----
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> Know All l�Ien by Tl�ese Presents:
<br /> That _--_ The Ro_�s _Inve_s_t�ent --Co-- ---a. cor�aration_ , _ - ---- --_- - '
<br /> of the County of_ _ -------H��:l--- - - ------ ---.._.-- -------and State of..--- -- -----3I�hTABk�t --- ------ ----- --- ------- --------Grantor-------, in c�nsideration
<br /> Iof the sum of_ -N321q..Ht22YC1T@d & -i�Q f 4Q_._-- --- --- ------ - --- ---- --- ---- ------ --- --------------------_-- --=-----=--- --------� ----------DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid, do_�-8-----.----hereby GRANT, B�IRGAIN, SEL�, Al�'D CONVEY unto-- ----Ad8111 -Kriege-T- ,-------_ ---------------------------------------- ------,--------- - !
<br /> I '
<br /> of the County of-------_-------C18�.- --------------------------------.__and State of---- ---- ----N9brS8k8------------------_-- --, Grantee--------,the following �
<br /> described premises,situated In the County of.__.__._____.._._H�11---- -- ------------- - ----.-------azid State of Nebraska, to w�itr '
<br />', _L��s---Numhex---Dne---�1�---�r�_ -(2-)�--a�d Thrae---(3� in 81-c�k �t�snber--�'ive (-5) in--Koah�a-r--�'l�cs----- - ------------
<br /> -- in Grana__Z$�.an - ac.cQrdin ta the r_ec.orded__ lat ther�of.- - - - - - = -- - --- --- - - - - -- -- - -- -
<br /> � 8 P-
<br /> -- - --- - --- - ------ - _ ---- - -- -- - - - -__._-- --- - - - -- - -- - - _ - - - - - - --_ - -- --- -- - ------ --- - ----- ---
<br /> - -- - --- - - - - ---- - --- _- - -- - --- -- - -- -- - ---- -- ----- -- - - - - - - ---- - - - ---- --- -- -
<br /> I ----- -- ---- -- - -- --- - - - - - - -- --_- - - - -- - - - --- - - --- -- -- - -- - -- -- - --- - -- -- - - - - - --- -- - - --- -
<br /> --- --- - --- - --- -- - ----- -- ----- - - --- ---- -- -- --- -- - -- -- -- - - ---- --- - - - --- --- - - - - ------ --- - - --------- -----
<br /> -- - ----- - - - -- -- --------- -- - ----------- - --- - --- - - -- -- - -- - --- - - -- ---- ------- - - -- ---- - -- ---- ---------------
<br /> I Tz��ether witli all the tenements, hereciitaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, and all the Estate,R.ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and '
<br /> i
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_ 9� of; in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> TO K4VE AND.TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_________and to_______�'li_�F_____________________heirs and
<br /> The Ross Inv��tment Co
<br /> I assigns forever. And_____thA__B_A�t�__�_hereby coveriant___8___with trie said Grantee__._ _______that_._____i�____________hold�______said prelnises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that______.�,�______.________ha_8_____good right and lawful authorit,v to sell and convey the same; that they are free a,nd clear of all liens and incumbrances
<br /> I whatsoever----------- ------ . --- ----- -- - -- - --- -- --- - - --- ---------- ---- -� - ------- ------
<br /> -- -- -- ---- -- - -- ------------- - ------ ------------
<br /> �
<br /> --- ----- -- --------- - ---- ------ - ---- - ----- - - ---- - --- - --- ---- - -- ----- --- --- - -- --------- �----- -- -- -- -- --- -- ----------------- ----------------
<br />' - - -------- ----- - ---- --- -- - - --- - - -------- ---- - -- ------ ----- -- -- ------ ----------- - - - ---- ---- ------- ------ -----------� - -- --------------- -----�-------------
<br /> And the___�Sef�i_.'�'he__ROSS___I1'iveetment___CO_____ ________,__covenant_$__towarrantand
<br /> - -- -- - -- - -- - --- -_--- - - - - - _-- -- _
<br /> defend�said premises against the lawful claims of all persons tivliomsoever, _IZL_.�i'�IIQS_B___�[h�S_BOfr___�he____BRid___Th@___RQBS__I11Y��t�1@ri�___
<br /> Cqr--h�s__c_au�ed__�Y�eee_ �r��ez�t-a-to-be--�i$ned -b3r--it�--Presicter�t--a�d--i��a-�o-r-�o-r-��e--�eal --�t-�a�ecl--------- ''
<br /> 3d � --he�et-4 t�'ii8- $�h-=- ----daY of-- --- - -A�iril -------- ---- --------A. D., 19---�-�--• '
<br /> WI�NESS -------------TS��__Ro��--Iny�_s��n�--�Q-=---------------------- ,
<br /> corp
<br /> by_----�ed_�._�,eht on,_- ---------Pres ident-------------
<br /> ---�-- --- ----T_.�J_.�Iana.B�.- - -- - - -- - - - seal i
<br /> -- a�test- --S._�.Roas--,- -- ------ -�-----------Se.cretazy------------
<br /> ss,
<br /> ------ ----- Ii811---- ----County, On this- - ----- - --8th-- - - ----------day of--- ---- ----ApTi1--- --------------A. D., 19_17.--, before me, the
<br /> undersigned, a Notary Public_________.________________.__._____________within and for said Count,y, personally came__FTtd_�._Ashtons___President_of________ ;;
<br /> --- The--Ro_ss -Inyestraent--Co.-�- ---- ------ ------------ ------------
<br /> -- ----- --- - �- ---------- �--------------- '
<br /> th�--�re-s-fdsnt---oF----said -�omp-any--and- - - -------------------------�----------------�------ - - - - - --
<br /> to me personally known to b�the identical person_.._______whose name_____,__________�e___________________af�xed to the above iustru-
<br /> ment as grant�r._________, and____.___ _ Se�� cknowle ed e sa e to be � �___.______. oluntary act and deed �'
<br /> an�i t��e val�i�1 ta,ry act and deed of "t�e sa��. ��ie �oss Inves�ment G�o,
<br /> or e purpose therein expressed,
<br /> IN WITNESS W�EREOF I have hereunto subscribedn a�y�]d and af�'ixed my of�icial seal at_____________________________________________ '
<br /> (SEAIa) �T_�ld__Ifdl�tll�___Nebr_8�Bk8._______.___________________on the date last above written. '
<br /> , _ ---------------------T--.J_,Sansen-------------�----------------�---------------- �
<br /> Notary Public. ;
<br /> � My commission expires--------------------------------Feb--1?-------------�-----------------------------------------��6------- i
<br /> � i
<br /> �
<br /> ,
<br /> � i
<br />