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<br /> 5003$—��LOPI'&73fiRTLIiTT CO:Prin±in.,Litho ra _ _. _ >:- ___�_ _ ----- _ ---------_ =�
<br /> ._.. . q g phi�zg¢ncl County.Supplies;�-maJoe.�.. . - . _ . ._ _ . ._
<br />� � ����i�'� � I herel�y rer�tify th�,t this ins�rt�uzent was entered on Nttmerical Index and �� •
<br /> filed for record this----__ .--- 29th--------rlay of___.._----Apr�l_------ ------
<br /> �, v., 19 11_ , a�_. _.._ ___ 2_.60_ . - - --dclock - -- - P..__r,7.
<br /> ___ __ _ --- �f_.G.PBrt�Cidge & �vif@ � V�larranty
<br /> 1� i Deed. - /�
<br />� � _ - - - �, !�/_�u�-
<br /> . _ - -- -
<br /> Regiater of D de �a��a�
<br /> _ . __R_o_llan__S�;axk� _-- - --
<br /> -- - --- - --
<br /> - - - _ -- - -- -
<br /> - - - - -
<br /> l�eputy�.
<br /> � I�no� All l�en by T�iese I'r�sents : �
<br /> Tnt�,t-- �f.{�,P_artridge -and E.Josaphi�e. Par��i�.$e, Y�usband ar�� w�fe --- __ _ -- - -- ------.- _ ____ _
<br /> of the CoantY of--- - ---_ _____F�_A11.------
<br /> and St�,te of------`. _��8_bT_a8ka__ __ _-----___----- - --__._--- ------ - ----------Grantor_S___, in r,orsideration
<br /> ot't��e sUn� of -- -Thre�_Hunr�r.e$__$nd_ nQ�1D4 -���QQ_.QQ�----- --- ------- - - -------------------- --- ---------
<br /> --------------------- -------------DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand pa.id, do---- - _ _ ____hereby GRF�?1T. P,_��Z�;.�Ih', SELI., A�l'D CONVEY unto_ RO_2.182'1_ S�8_T_kB------- _- -- -
<br /> of the County of_.- -----_.- ---.__ __Hal�. _ __. _ ._a7id ,Siate of _--------____.N6bTS8kS___ . ------- -._ .------- _ -----, Gra,ntee--------,thefollowing
<br /> described prel�lises, sitilated in the Cct�nty of-_______________-__-_ __H���.___________________________and State of Nebraska, to wit:
<br /> Lot� _fifte_en_- (15-)---eeventesn__ (17�,-- �?d_ _n�.r�e�_ee�.. _ (a.9�_�n__.��.QCk._T�!Q�ty_-f�.ve--(�b}---in__College----
<br /> _Add�._t_ion to ��st_ Lavm __in ±�rand_Islancl, ��ebr.. _ - - - - -- - - - --- - - - -- - ---
<br /> - - -
<br /> - - -- __ - --- ____ --- _ - - - - - - - -- -- -- - - - _ -- ----- - - - ----- -- ------
<br /> ---- - - - ----------- - -- - - - - - --- --- - - -- ---- -- _ - ----- - -- - -- - - - -- ---- ----
<br /> - -- ---- - -- --- -- - -- - --- -- --------- -_- -- - - - - ---- - ---- - ----- --- - -------------
<br /> Together Rith aIi the tenelne,its, here�ita�lnel2ts, and appurtenauces thereul2to belon�ing, and all the Est�,te, Right, Title, Int�rest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim a;nd
<br /> Deman�? wha,tsoever of the s�,i� Gr�antor @_________, and of either of them, of, in, or to the sa�me., or a�y part thereof,
<br /> Tt� FI�i✓E A��TD TO HOLl� Ehe a,boye-descrix�ed prernises,with the appurtenarices, unto the sairl Grantee_______and to______..___h��___________________.___heirs and
<br /> a..ssigns forever, And____.____➢P9_____ ____ ____1lereby covenant__ _.__tivith the said Grantee________.__that____I!�Q________.____hold________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; bhat____________W�_._ _____ha_Y_�_good i3ight, �,t:c1 lar✓f�l authorit,y to sell and convey the same; t11at they ara free and clea,r of all liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever---------- ------ - - ---- -- - ------- ---- ---- -- --- ----- -- --- - ---- ---- - --- ---
<br /> ---- - - -- - --- - - -- - ----- -- , ------ ------ -------------
<br />' - -- --- - ----- - - --- - - --- - -- -- - -- - - - - ---- -- -- ----- - --------- ------ - - - - - --- ----- ------ -- --- - --- ----- -- ----- - --------------------
<br /> -- -- ----- -- - - ------- - ------..- - - - --- __- - - - -- - - - ---------- - ----- ---- ----- -- -__ --- -- -- - ---- - --- ------------ ------ ---------------------
<br /> . - -- -_- And--- ---- - - ---�CB - -- --... ----- -------------covenant------to warrant and
<br /> the - -- - --
<br /> defend 96 said premises aga,inst tlle Iawful cla,ims of aII persorls ti�homsoever, _____ _.___.. _______ _____________._______________________.
<br /> - --- - _- -- ------ --- -- ----- - -----
<br /> Dated the--- --- -----29t1�._..-- -- ----- ---ciav of_-- - - - --_A��3.1 - - ----_----- -------A, ll., 19-�1---�
<br /> � .
<br /> WI�'NESS _ -----------------------_�__.4�1?�i�t.��.si.�e - -----------------------------------
<br /> - --- ---- ---E.Joeephine. Partridge.-----------------
<br /> -- -- --- --- - T.P_.Roeh� - - -- --- -__ _ � �
<br />�', _ -- --- - --- - -- - - - - ----- --------- ----------------------- ----------
<br />, �ss.
<br />' ------------------Hall-----County, ! On this-----------29th---------------------day of-----------April-==---------------------A, D., 19__��__, .before me, the
<br /> undersi�liecl, a Notary Public-------------------------------------------------u�ithin and for said County, personally came----------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> -- -�f.._4.P��ridg�e- -�nd. -E..�_o�sphine_ �'ar-tr-i�i.ge,- -husband--and--�ri�e------------------- -------------------
<br /> -- --- ----- _ --- ----- - -- - - ---- --- --------------- ------- -- - -- -- - ----- ----------------------------------- ------------------- ----------------
<br /> �c me personally known to be the identical person.�_______whose nam�____aT_e______________.__________afl'i�ed to the above instru-
<br /> t8E�� ment as grantor_Q________, and______t�eY____._.__.__several�y acknowledged the same to be__._____the iT________.voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> name
<br /> It�' tiVITNESS u%HERF,OF I have hereunto subscribed my�and afl'ixed my ofl'icial seal at______________________________.______________
<br /> Grat�d Ialand, Nebra�ka______________________on the date last above written.
<br /> -- --------- --- ---- -- --- - -- --
<br /> . Theo P.Aoehm
<br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> • Notary Public.
<br /> My commission expires--------------- --- ----._-- �darch--26---------------------------------------------�913-------
<br /> �
<br />