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<br /> FR��� I hereby certify that this instruznent was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> - filed for recorri this----__- - �th,_-_-- .-_-day of-___- �pr32 _ �
<br /> -- - --- ----- - - --_ - -- - -- -.. -- - - - -
<br /> _- -_- -- - I
<br /> � �. D., 19- 11--_, at . -- - 2.�Q - o'clock-- - -- - P.--M• '�;
<br /> -- - -Clint_on E.POOrs- s_ii2g2e- . . - Warranty .
<br /> Tp Deed. �
<br /> , ,a�� �� - -
<br /> -- - - - - -- - -
<br /> -
<br /> , - Regigter of De s c�aat�a�x
<br /> - - _ Aollan -Spar�s - - _ - _ ,
<br /> - --- -- --- - -- .- --- --- - - -- - -----
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> Know All �Ien �y These Frese�t�:
<br /> Tnat- - Cli_n�on.E.Poors eing�.e•- - - - - - --- - -`- - - - - = - --- - _--- - --- -- - --- -
<br /> of the Coun�y of____ ________ Aall.___ __..____ _ ._ ._and State of__ _ ____..__llS3br�8k8-_- ____.___- -._-_-- ____._____Grantor_______, in consideration
<br />, of the sum of._.E].ev�'i._h�tt7tdred_uir3lt-Y--�td---ria/10A---- ---��11913.D0-)----- --- ---- ----
<br /> -------------�------------------------------------- --------DOLL�RS, '
<br /> in hand paid, do--__-_ -_--_-hereby CRANT, EARG4IN, SELL, xND CONVEY unto--- ------.. _R011a11_ Sp8Tk8------------------ ___-----_-------
<br /> of the County of-- ------ -H.c111------- ---- - --------------and ,State of------ . _�T@.bT88k8-- ---- -------- -- - __ -----: ,-------._-----, Grantee--------,the following ,'
<br /> described premises, situated in the County of______ __ _ _________Ha11_______________ ______ ____.____and State of Nebraska., to wit:
<br /> LQ�_�_ _ong (7-} t�rQ ��� thr�e--(3)s four_ -(4j��-- fi�a- (5)3 _six (S)-i - se�rea-- j7), ei8ht - �$)--nine -�5-�=,---- --
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<br />�
<br /> Together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belov�ing, and all the Est�,te,R.ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and ;
<br /> Demand wllatsoever of�he said Gra2ltor , and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof, '
<br /> TO H_9VE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenarzces, unto the said Grantee_________and to___._.________hiS____________,____.heirs and
<br /> assigns forever, And_____________I____._______hereby covenant______with the said C�rantee_________that______�.____.__.______hold._______.said premises by good and perfect !
<br /> title; that_____________�__.___________ha__Y_�!_good right and lawfrzl attthorit,y to sell �nd col7cey the sarne; that theyare free and clear of�zll liel�s and incumbralzces
<br /> �
<br /> wliatsoevel°--------------------_..------------ -------�--- -- - - --- - - ----- ----- -------- - - - - ---- - ------- � ---- --- - ----- --- --- -- --------- ---- ---------------------- ,
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<br /> ----- ----- _- -- -- -- - --- --- -- --�--- - -- - -- - --- - - _
<br /> -And----- --- -- -- - -- --I ---- ---- - -------------covenant------to warrant and
<br /> the '
<br /> defend�said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, ______ _____.._______________________________________________.________._________._____________________________________.
<br />�
<br /> ---- --- --- - ------- --- - ------- ------- -- --- ------- --- -- - - - ---- --- ---- ---- ---- --- --- --- ---- ------- - ---- ------------------------ ----�-- --- ,
<br /> I Dated the---- - --- -29�h-� ----- ----- ---day of- - - - - A�1��1------ --- --- - ------_A. D., 19--1�-- •
<br />, WITNESS --------------------C I int On__E.Po or-------------------------------------
<br /> I
<br /> --- - �--
<br /> T.P.Roe$m - - �
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<br /> �ss, i
<br /> - Ii311 _______.__._A. D., 19__�._J__, before me, the '
<br /> ------------------ - --- --- ---County, On this- - -- --- 29'�h------�---- -----------day of--- ---- --��?���.--._---- ;
<br /> undersigned, a Notary Public-----------------..----------------------------within and for said County, Personally came------------------._------------------------------------------------------- !
<br /> ------ --Clinton_E.Poor,- -e��g�e-•----- ---- ----------- -----------------------------------------------------------,- ------------------- �
<br /> ----- - ------ ---- ------------------- ---- --------- --- --- - ---- - - -- - -------------------------�-------------------- ------------------�--------------- �
<br /> I �SEAL} to me personally known to be the identical person._______whose name_______.____ig._________________________afiiaed to the above irtstru- ;
<br /> ment as grantor___________, and_________he________severally acknowledged the same tio be_____.__t?ie____________.voluntary act and deed '
<br /> I for the purpose therein expressed, �
<br /> name !
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subseribed my�and atl3xed my ofl3cial seal at___________________,______________________.. ;
<br /> I ____�r_�Ylt�__��E�.�i_�__N8k2T3flka._________________________on the date last above written, :
<br /> ' ---------------------- --The_o„_P__.Bs�ehm----------------------------------- '
<br /> I . ��� 26 Notary Public. %
<br /> My commission expires------------------------------�--------------- ------------------------------------------------------------19��------- '
<br /> �
<br />�
<br /> : i
<br />