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<br /> ,-,�._ 5�d8-.KLQP1 &B9HTLE2 T CO.�PrzatiazB,Lxtla�ra i and Co�ntg SuDglxes_Qmafle --- ,._ _.,_ --- — -- -__ - _._- ---—--_------ -----_ ---- -. ---- — ----�-_
<br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Nunlerical Index and
<br /> - ----- - - --- -- - -- - - --- - -
<br /> filed for record this----..2__6.�71-------------------._day of--------A���-�-------------------
<br /> �, D., 19 11_ , at- -- - - -- 4_.?0_ - o'clock_ - - - p� -M•
<br /> ----- -------_PB.ar_l.__�?_.��tlmat,-- singla, ---- - - ---- Warranty �
<br /> � TO � Deed. /l�� �"
<br /> �
<br /> --- - z2z2�-�Cl1�I'- - -- ---- ----- --- --
<br /> Register of De�ds (�x�7c��e� '
<br /> -- J.ese}�h �.Ra�man�- an� --- - - � ;
<br /> --
<br /> - - -� - - -- - -- --- -- --- ----- -- _ - --
<br /> �
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> - -- -- Kat__e._Kaumans - - - - --- -___
<br /> Knov� AIl 1�Ien by These Pr�sents s
<br /> That- - -- �,- Pe_arl_-J.Balmat - single) -- - -- - _ _ - -- - - --� -
<br /> - ---- - - -- - - -- -- -----
<br />� of the County of_--_ _-----.- __Ha�-�__- ---__ _ _---and State of---- --_- Nebraskel__ _--_- __----- . ---_----.Grantor__-_-, in consideration
<br /> I of the sunl of_._. TS�relY9--�Iundr@_d_Fif�p Arld_.nO�lIIQ ---- - - -------------- ------- --------- ---- ---------------- ------- - �-- -----DOLLARS,
<br /> Iin hand paid, do____ ___ _________hereby GhANT, B�IRGAIN, SELL, Al�'D CONVEY unto___Jo,�eph__?Y_,K_a11me�1�___8n�_.Ka'�8___KS�umati8_,_______.._______________ _
<br /> - -- - - -- --- - ---- - -- - -- - - -( hu_s_band__ and__ wife� - -- - -- --- _- _- - - - - -- - -
<br /> of the County of_- --- - - - - HSl_1__ - -- - -and State of - - .Nebr3�k� - - - - - - - - -._.__, Grantee - ,the following
<br /> described premises,situaied in the County of______._____ ___..___H�1_�._____.___.______ _______ ________and State of Nebraska, to wit:
<br /> ---------LQ_t.s---I3u�ul�Qr--S.eyan- --�7�.--and--EiF,ht----�8-)- __ _81o_ck_ �tumber__Thirt_e_en---(13�---in_.Lambsr_t--'--s--Ad�t�.t_�on-----------
<br /> -- ---t_o rrand Isl-a�ns� -Kebr_ask� a$___survey�d,_._p�.�t�_gd__.and r�_cQrded. -- --- - - _-- -- -
<br /> -- -- - --- - -- - _- - -- ---_--- - -- - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - -- _ --- --- -- - --- - - - ---- - - - -- - - � - ---------
<br /> -------- -. - - -- - -- - - -- --- - --- ---- - -- - - -- - - --- -- -- - - -- --- ---- ------ -�- ---- -- ---- ----- --- -- --------- ------------ ------
<br /> I Together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenanees thereunto belon�ing, �,nd all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor___ ________, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any p�,rt thereof.
<br /> I TO �I_4VE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_.______and to__.____________.__Yl@T_________________heirs and
<br /> I assigns forever. And_.__.________Z____._____.____.hereby covenant_,_____with the said Grantee.__.______tliat,________I________hold.________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that______________I__ ______.___ha_`1_'@_good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free a,nd clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances
<br /> Iwhatsoever------_sub�e�� --t0 t�es--f�r--ls�9--at2d_.BUbseq_uen�- �a�c,------ -------- - --- -- - - -- - ---- ---- -- --- ----- -------- --------------
<br /> I ----- ------- -- �- ---- - -------------- ___ _ ----- ----- --- -- --- -- - -- ---------- -- -- -- ---- - -- - ------- - --� - --- - - -- --------- --- ---- ---------------
<br /> ------ --�-- --- - - --- - -- - -- --- -- ------ -- --- -- -- - --- - --- --- -- ------�--- --- ---- -- - - ---- ----------- - ----- - -----... -------- -------------------
<br />� And- --- - I-- - - - --- - - - --- ----------covenant------to warrant and
<br /> --- - -- -- ---.._ --- --- --- - -- - -- - - .___ - -- --- - -
<br /> the ,
<br /> I defend �said premises against the lawful claims of all persoris whomsoever, _�7cCep.t__.$e�il�_._A�__A�Q_Y_Q_.____. ________._________________________.________________________ '
<br /> Dated the-- ---- ?ISt - - -- -- ---- -day of-- - --- Apr.il.- -- -- -- - - - -- --A, D,, i9--1� --�
<br /> WITNESS -------------------P���__•T_..8�t�.ma�-------------------------------------
<br /> I ---- ------------------ ---- -- -----------------------------------------------
<br /> - ------ _----- --------�7-ame� -E--niYi---- ----- - - - ------- '
<br />, -- - ---- --------- ------------------------------------------------------------. ,
<br /> - - - - --- -- - -- ----- -----�-------- - --- - - - ---
<br /> --- ---- -
<br /> ---- - -- -
<br /> �ss.
<br />'I ---------H311------------------County, On this-----------21R�-------_-----------------day of_---.------------April-------------------A, D., 19__ll__, before me, the
<br /> undersigned, a I�otary Public-------------------------------------------within and for said County, Pers�nally came------------------------------------------------------------,----------------
<br /> I - - - --- --- -- -Pearl_J_,Balmat� ---- ----�single---� ---- -----------------------�--- ----------------- --------------------------
<br /> -------- ----------------------------- -- --- ------ -- ---�---- ------ --�- --- -- --- ----------- -----------------�- ------------- --------------- --------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person.________whose name__________i8__._______________.________affixed to the above instru- 'i
<br />� (S�,gj,} ment as gran8or__________, and_________�he___,_____._severally acknowledged the same to�e_.___her________________.yoluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed.
<br />� IN WITNESS W�IEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�and afr'ixed my of�icial seal at__________________________________________. '
<br /> ____,_____rrand___Islanc'�.____�Tebr.__________________________on the date last above written.
<br /> ---------------�---------------------J-�E_._Di 21----------------------------------
<br /> Jul _ 16th Notary Public.
<br /> Mycommission expires---------------- --------�-------------------------------y--------------------------------------�---i91$------
<br /> �
<br /> I
<br /> �
<br /> ,
<br />, � �
<br />