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t� ��� ' <br /> � _� _� �--_ �-� <br /> (_.__ _� � '— � <br /> D D � � D <br /> � � J � a <br /> __ _� _ : _ ___ __-_�_�'. <br /> _ __�LL <br /> 5U0�8—�iL(7P1'&BAR'CLl e'2'CO.�Przntirp,Lithoyra�Fing and bount,�Suppliesi O+na7;c." ' ` '—' � _ "=-'� ---- .—_------ <br /> � F���� I �ereby certify tl?at tliis instrurnent was entered on Nnmerical Index an.d � � <br /> filed for r�ecorct this--- ----��____ _ ._-- ------day of__ -- _ ---A��Ti-l.- _- <br /> - __-- - -- <br /> A. I�., i�__1.1 , at - - - - - - - •�� -o'clock- -_ ._ t . --��, <br /> � , .. . - <br /> - --'r;1a.�t �: ;'�:1,�i1_ R_ rLZ�U"�Y!G.. -- - - Warranty <br /> � , � <br /> T� Deed. i , <br /> � ���� � <br /> - - � �- -- - _ --- - -- - <br /> I F,e���t�r of Deec:, �a���x <br /> -_______ .__-__�.JYA_l�_��t�ll_._`�/;.1'i�1.i...l V-_:i_. ._. . -� . <br /> _"____"'_"___....._..___'_'_"'"__'_' ' . . <br /> ' ___'_'.'____'."""___'."___"""__'_"""___'"'.__' '_ <br /> _ "'____'"""""" <br /> �eput,y. <br /> no�v .t�l� IVgen by T�iese Presents : <br /> Tha+ _ __��la� T �r:7itti -���:� ru_�'ra�r�, __r�_�r���s_:,7.��:r�it�, _ _ __ _ _. - -- -__ - ___ - - - - - _ _ _:. -- -- - - - -- _ - -- <br /> ef the CountY of - -- - H_all -- _ -arld State of - _, -lJe'c�ra;ka_- -. - - - ---- -- --------_Gl°antor'----, in col2sidera,tion <br /> , r , i � f �,� � ------DOL.LARS, <br /> of the sur� of T,r�,nty �;et �rl �iunc�re�1__r��_ 00 ___I�G-- �u��700.��}- --- --- - ---- ----- - - ---- ----- --- ----- --_ - <br /> in 1�a,nd pairl, �Ie_ _. _ . _hei°eby GPA�T, BA_IiG�IlY, SELL, AT�rD CONVEY urito_ ,�en�; 3tr,lin___O,�ioi i,i�� _ __ _________ <br /> of the Court� of---- -.------ - _x�r���ra_ _ _.___ _ . ..arld State of---- --��e::t .York------ ------- - _._, Grantee-----,the following <br /> - - - __ -- - <br /> deseribed prem.isES, si�tt�ated ir� trie ��ur���cf.._ ________._ . _ ��1�- ------------_a,zld State of Nebraska, t,o ��itr <br /> - - _�c�� -fi�raQ_ (_'"j i:�..�_1_U�.c To_�-�y*—�ix-����--�i`_ �:�e o�_��-ir��1 tc�;�n- , no!�r �ity -.of_.syard--Is1_and -- <br /> as uur����vc� Y,latt_vd--�nc� rec<�rc�Ad, _ - - - -- -- - - - - - -- -- - -- <br /> - - ---- - - --- <br /> __ -- - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- -- - --- - ---- - - - ---- -- - - - -- - - ----- -- ° <br /> -- - - - --- - - -- - -- - <br /> - - - -- ---_ ._-- - -- - - -- -- -- -- ---- - -- - ---- -- - --- - -- -- ---- - -- -- - -- --------- ----- <br /> Tagetlier wit-� a1I the teneruents, here�itarnerzts, and appurteuar�ces thereuiito belon�ing, �,nd all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Cla.inl_and <br /> Delnand whatsoever of the sairi Gra�r�tor_�_____��R��otPxt� of, in, or to t-he same, or any part thereof, <br /> TO I�.4VE AND_TO I�OI�D the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_____.__and to____ ________________hi s__________heirs and <br /> a,ssigns forever, And________t�1eY�_ _ _____hereby rovenant__ ____with the said Grantee.__.______that___.the�'__._______hold________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; that___�h��_ --- __ --_----I�a_Ve_goad righ� a11d ?ativful authority to sell and corvey the same; that they are free and c1Qar of a,ll liens and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever-- ---- - --- . -- - - ---- -- - -- _ - - ------ --- ---- ---- --- --- ---- ------ --------------- <br /> - - <br /> - -- - - - _ ___.__ - -- - - ---.__And-------- -- -- ---- *h-e� - --- -- ------------covenant-------to warrant and <br /> t ri�? <br /> defend f,� said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, ______ ______-_ __._.____________--________---________------_____.__-__._ <br /> -- ---- - --- - ------ --- ------------ <br /> --------- -- -- - - --- -- ---- - -- ---- -- - - - -- - ----- ----------- - ------------- --------- - ----- -- -------------------------------- ------------ <br />' 1)ated the- --- ------ - �r - -- - ----daT� of----- -- - - --A��r:i.l- - - - - ------ - -------A, D., i9-11--- � , <br /> I, �i�ZTNESSES tcr �i�; �• mark ---------------------�.iar_y___E_.�mith---------------------------------------- � <br />� his <br /> Charles �t . X .Smith <br /> -------- -- ---------- ---------- ------ -- <br /> -- --�---------------------- ------- <br /> J�jrin A11ar ' <br /> ----- -- - - -- - -- - - - - _ _ _--- - - <br /> mar�c <br /> �imn_le- �.i�itlz--------- --- <br /> STATE OI' NEBRASI��1, <br /> . ss, � <br /> ---- ---------Fial1.- County, On this-- - �4 - ----- ---------da,y of------------A�'r-i1-- ----- ------------A, D., 19_.1�__, before me, the <br /> undersi�r�ed, a ilotary Publi�--------------------- ---------------within and for said County, Personally came------------------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> -- - I,i�.y_ ���t�zit�-ar.d--Ch_arle�.__11...�_r_.-li_th-,-- '°�Jife__anci__hti�i�a�d----------------- ------------ ---------------- ; <br /> - - - _ - -- --- ----- ---- -- - -------------------------- ---�---_ �-- --- ------------------------------------------- -------------- ---------------- <br /> to rne personally known to be the identical person_�_____whose name__s_.___�re_____________________afiixed to the abvve insiru- <br /> ���'�'L� n�ent as grantor__s______, and_______��:�y._______severally acknowledged the same to l�e__.___�.he_ir.___________voluntary act and deed <br /> for the purpose therein expressed. ' <br /> n�� <br /> IIV Z�ITNESS WFIEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my and afCixed my of�icial seal at______________________.______.______________ - <br /> ir_3r��i__I�l�nti,__-%i�-� ,:____in--�aici___C_o_�;,nt�_____on the date last above written. <br /> Jnhn l�ll��n <br /> ------ ----------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------- . <br /> Notary Public. <br /> My commission expires------------------ ------ � ------Jan.r`-��-�--z-��--��'--------------------------------�------------ <br /> _ _ :� <br />