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���. � ����� � <br /> D D <br /> D D 0 a � � � <br />—�__ �=�__ __-. �__�_�_� _ ��.— :_ _: _ _ __ -.- _ _-_ -- _ __ __-- __ <br /> _ __�__ _ � _ . <br /> 3(tOLS KI.dPP&BARTL�TT CO.,Prxnlxng,Lxthogra�hznp andCounty Supplaes Qinahc. _ __ _ _ _ <br />_ -�_._..--- . �._=�`�._ .__�. -__._---_— - _ =.- --�_—_. . _u_� ;:_ —_--- -- ---= — — _- — ____—_— -- ---- --� -- ---- ------ <br /> I <br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and � <br /> filed for record tl?is---. ----- ?5t:j- - -----day of._----- -A�?ri-1- ---- I <br /> . -- -- ---- <br /> -- ----- -- ---- - - - -- -- - - -- -- - - -- --- -- <br /> �, D., 19. 17,. _-, at - -_ --�-�. --o'clock - -- --�. ---M. <br /> - - - <br /> �Ienr_Y_ '._�qehlE�_rt _$__;Jife - - -- Warranty ! <br /> � Tp Deed. � �� <br /> . <br /> ' � -- - -- � <br /> -- -- - .__ _ ._��- - - - - -- -- <br /> Re�i s t e r o f De c� � �t�ter�.<,� <br /> - -- -- -- ."'ixiec� P._F��P,hr.'1 - ------- --- -- -- <br /> - -- -------- -- -- - -- - - - -- --- --- - -- <br /> Deputy. <br /> K�ow 1�I1 1VIen by These Presents: <br />� T.hat. . _yTO� __�ienx�_y__;1��i_�_�_�'t--�r��i _II�n:�__i�t_�_c�--t.s�h].ex�,_ _hus�und__ana rFfifs-- --- -- - - --- - - - - - - -- - ---- ' <br /> -- _---- - - -- - - _ - - -- -- -- - -- - -- - - - - -- - -- -- - - - - ---- - - � <br /> ', <br /> of the County of__ _.. ______ i?all _________ __ _______and State of____. _ _���e�r��.�1�:3________. ____ _ ._ _ __________Grantor__�__, in consideration <br /> of the sum of-- --Fo3�x__T�c�3z�a::cb--3r:-d. n�`0-0- --- ------- ------ ------ -- ----------------------------�------------------------------------ -------------------------.DOLLARS, � <br />� in hand paid, do__ ___hereby GRANT, B�RGAIN, SELL, A1�'D CONVEY unto_ ____ Theo__Y_,�oAhm________ __, ._____ _ � <br /> � <br /> of the Coul�ty of_.- - - - �.a11 - - ---. - - -and ,State of - -:Te��.x�e}:a- - --- _- � Grantee- - -,the following <br /> described pretnises, situated in.the County of__._____._____ _ __.______;7�1�___ _- --___.__.._.______and State of Nebraska, to wit: <br /> _T�.�__S.o.uthe�ly .�ne__�hi�ci-o-f-l.o� -�����t --1`�)---�� P��-ock-F-.i�r,try -(�t�� -i� -th�-c�-:-ib:.;��1 �o-��rn no;r�-��1 t3�---��_ <br />, x_rana--�_s_1.anc�,----iy?P::_r_aska,-- -Y�einU._a__.r_e_c_t�r_.�ul:zr_._�_iIIre._--��-- �ro��n�i---�.�ui�-�---�n--e��-t�-r-1y---fs_ont��a---o-f--44---- <br /> feet on. -Locust--r�r��t�- -�nci �- s_UUtile�'�y �.��rl�a�e ��'--��__f.�et.-- on._F_i.r_st -utxe-�%� -- ---- - - -- ---�-- - - ------- <br /> ----- -- -- -- - - -- -----�-- - - - ----- -�- - --- - - --- - -- - - ------ - -- -- - ---- --- --- ---------- ------- ------ - ------- - --------�-- ----- <br /> ToDether with aIl the tenements, hereditaments, and appurteilances thereunto belon�ing, �,nd all the Estate, Ribht, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__a__.__, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof, <br />, TO N%1jTE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,tivith the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee________and to__ __._._._hl�.______________________heirs and <br /> a,ssigns forever, And___.___:;Yf3__________________.hereby covenant________with the said Grantee_____..___that________���e- _-_-_.hold________said premises by good and perfect , <br /> title.; �hat_____________'✓e____._______hay�__good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that tlley are free and clear of all liens and incumbrances j <br /> whatsoever--------=- ----- -- -----------�------------ --- - - - - ---- --- -- - --- -- ----- - --- -- - --- --- - --- ------ ------- ------ ------ -- ----------------------- � <br /> - -- - -------- ----- ---- ---- --- ---- --- ------- -- - ----- - - - - -- ----- - ------ -------- - -- - - ---- - --------- --- -- ------ ------------ ---------------------- - <br /> ---- ---- ---- --- - - -- -- ------- - --- - -- -- ---- ---------- --- - ---- - --- ---- - -------- - -- - ------ ---------- --- ----- ---------- - --- ------------------ � <br /> rTe -,-- ----- ---- - ------------covenant------to warrant and � <br /> -- -- --- -- --- ---- -- - - ._ -- - - - -- --- --- <br /> -- -- -And----- ---- -- -- - <br /> tha ' <br /> defend� said premises against the lawful claims of all perso�is whomsoever, __ex.c$}�t---_3�--t-o___the___builc�-i��--Jtxiich--t'r'ye---gr_an��r---r��-- <br /> i <br /> 9Y'V�'S. ! <br /> ------------- ---- -- - ---- - - - -- - - -- --------- -- - ----- -- - - ---- - - - -- --- -- - -- -- ------- ------ ----- --------- ---------- ----------------------- ; <br /> Dated the--- - --- �'4-- - -- ------- -------day of_-- - -- -Apri-1-- -- - -- --- ---------A. D., 19_11---• <br /> WITNESS --------------------�ienry_--�:ehlert---�--------------------------------- <br /> , - ------------Henr_iett e---:,ier.lert-------- , <br /> 1 e nr�e u a:Jt on � --------------------- <br /> - "_"'_""____"""_'___'__'_"'_"___""__'__J""___"_"_'___"__"_'__�__""'_____'__""______"._ <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, ; <br /> ; <br /> ------ ----N3ll ---- ----County, ss, On this---- - ----- -- `-`�-�-------------day of_----------AI�=1�-- - - ------------------A. D., 19_11---, before me, the ': <br /> undersi�ned, a Notary Public_________________________________.________._.__within and for said County, personally came___________________.________________________ <br /> -----------uer_r�_.,_ie:ll�rt--ancl--H�nr��kte -;1���.e;:-�?----A��u�;x..ci__�.r_d__trif-�---------------------�------------------------ '. <br /> -- ----------- ------------------- - - --- ---- ------ ---------- ----- - --------------------�------------------------------------- -----------�------- --------------- � <br /> ��i�L) to me personally knoWn to be the identical person_�.______.whose name__�_____ax'e.____________________________afiixed to the above instru- i <br /> ment as grantor_�_______, and_______Al�v�_.____._severally acknowledged the same to ue____.t_'.;�s_i_r____________voluntary act and deed ; <br /> for the purpose therein expressed. n ar!me � <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�h�d and afCixed my official seal at___________________________________________. � <br /> ; <br /> irand I,13rd�____�`?eY�raN�a___________.___.__on the date last above written. ' <br /> i <br /> ------------------------------------ie�or��---Co;�rt o::.---------------------- ! <br /> Notary Public. <br /> Mycommission expires----------------- ------ ---------------------------------''-`'-1ay--1�-----------------------------�9--16----- ,, <br /> � <br /> i <br /> � <br /> l <br />