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� � .� <br /> �� ��� � <br /> D � D ° 0 �° D <br /> � _� � L <br /> � o <br /> _ _ . _ _� ____ ____ _ <br /> 50018—KLOPP c�BARTLP7'T CO.;Printinn,Lithopra.Phing and Co�unty Supplies;Omai�c. � � �' ����� ��— _ ����'� � — � <br /> FR0�1� I hereby certify that this instrument tivas entered an Numerical Index and <br /> filecl for record this-- - __--- �4th___----___d�,y of---- ----A�ril-------_... <br /> �. D., .19 �.�. , a�t- - - �_�3Q. --- - --o'clock -- - - - - P_..--M. <br /> TT1�T:�_s;��� "--�r_`ir.� Pc�t3 . t�.� .:�rii�_ V6�arranty <br /> - - Deed. � <br />� �� � - - �� /�'�G� ;�' <br /> - — -- _ .-- -- - - - <br /> R ,�,i�ter of e�d� c;���:��c <br /> _ S�rc�n F�r::��xc�n _ <br /> - _ - r . <br /> - - -- - -- - _ <br /> - - _ -- -- - -- - --- _ --- --- <br /> � �epuiy. <br /> I�n�w �l.�l 1VIen by 'T�ese Presents: <br /> That rr� TJl•,��:�eN� _";.:'r.�n� _.P_oe. ana_ �iat�ie__�?.�?oQ� -h���;^.nci anr� titif_�._- -- - - - -. . _ _ - - _ -- -- - - ----- <br /> of the Coanty �f__ __ �7u1�._- - --and State of----------- ____i'?ek�:'�sk�.----.- - ----- - -----------Grantor---S_., iri consideration <br /> of the sum of- -C��_ ih_i;t���::�-�O.J-- - - -- --- --- --- ---- --- ---------- ----- -- ------ ------ ----------- --------------- ------ ------------------DOLLARS, <br /> in hand paid, do. ____- -----hereby GR���T, 8.�11ir"�.I�'4', SELL, A��TD CONVEY unto- --�=1�'n--P_����_��'1---_.__------------ ---------- - <br /> - -- -- -- - - -- --- ---- <br /> of the County of_ �iai 1- - - __ - �,nd Sta,te of._- __ i?e����Ur:3_-_. - - - - - - -_ - , Grantee_ - , the following <br /> described prernises, sitnatec�in the County of__ __ ________ _ _ _______���1�____._.__ _._-----____-_and State of Nebraska, to i�:it: <br /> 3�ot �'ur:a�e_�_ _';i ti s�--�l�c�. �:ar,G�er__.Jr.� �7-� --I'o_:��--:�ns�___�.ia����.�.1].s .��d�litio�._�o t�e- To�.��n- of-- - ------ <br /> • r�'Y n,. .�,�,.�,. r�.- c� 1 i . 1' . .�. . <br /> --- _ ��ooa s_�_:� ��_.� _.,u��a.��a, _ a�. ��at����l .�r-�ci-r-Q_c.or,:�er-k- in._�-,hc� o ,�--l�a -o - t�� -Co�z;�t� C��e-rk ��.- 5�i-d. - - -- <br /> �c�unty___�f._ ;�aZ1,,_ <br /> - -- - -- - - - - - _ -- - --- - - - - . -- -- ---- --- - --- ---- -- -- -- - - - - - - - - -- ---- - - - --- --- ---- -- ----- <br /> _ _ __ .- - - -- -- - -- --- -- - -- - -- -- - -- - -- -- -- --- - -- - - -- -- --- - - --- -- ---- - --- ---- <br /> - -- - -_-- -- - --- - - - - <br /> - - - - ---- -- ----- ---- _ - ---- -- - -- - - -- -- - -- -- --- -- - ---- - --- <br /> - -- - - - - - -- - --- - -- -- ----- - ----- --- ._ _ - - - ----- - --- - - -- -- -- --- - - - -- - __ -- --- -- ------------ --- <br /> Together witii a11 �tie tenenients, herec�ita�tlents, and appurt,enances thereunto belorl�ing, and all the Estate,R�ight, Titie, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, �laim and <br /> Den7avd tiv�iatsoever of the said Grari�or_________, ,�����h�u:�f,, in, or to the sarne, or any part thereof. <br /> 7'0 �74VE A1�'17 TO HC�L.D t1�e above-describecl pren�ises, with the appurtenanc,es, unto the saicl Grantee______and to_______k1�:�___ __________.__.___._heirs and <br /> a,ssibns forever. Azid___.____ __�'��'_____-_ _____.hereby covenant_____with the said Grantee____._..___that_______.�'_t_e_,_..______holcl_______said premises by good and perfect <br /> tItIP.; t12at_ �:°r�___________ha�'�__good rig'rit and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that t1�ey are free and clear of�zll lielis and incumbrances <br />, whatsoever___-------- --- -- _- -- - - ---------- - - ----- _...----- --- -- - - - - - -- -- --- - -- --- -- ------------------------------- <br /> - - --- ------ - -- -- - <br /> -- --- -------- --- - --- -- - -- - - -- - - -- - -- - --- - -_._._ - ----- ------------- -- ----- ----- -- - - - - -- -------- --------- ---- ----------------- <br /> -- - - - --- - -- - --- - -- - - - - _-- --- -- -- - -- -- ----- -- --- ------- ---- - - -- ----- - -- -- -- ----- ------- ------ --� --- ------ ---------- ---- <br /> -- -- - -- ___._ - ---- ---And------ :'t e-- -- - - - -- -- ------ -----------covenant----._to warrant and <br /> defend��said premises a�ainst the lawful clairns of all persoi�s wriomsoever, __.___________ ____________.___________________ <br /> - ----- --- ---- -- - -- ----- ------- ------ <br /> ---- - - - --- - - ---- --- - -- -- -- --.. - --- - -- ------ - -- --- - ---- ---- - - -- -- ------- - ---- ----- -------- ---- ---------------- ------- --- <br />', Dated the- -- -21�t -- -- - - ----da,y of_- --�I?ril_ -- - -- ------ --------A. D., 19_11----• <br />� � <br />'; WITNESS ------------U-��I_�;�Q y�----�-_�r a�r-t--Ro-Q----------------------------- <br /> P,latti� 7'.Roe <br /> � - ---------- - ---- -- ---------- ---------------------------------- <br /> �, �,,.- <br /> ::>D,U�.,ar� <br /> - - - <br /> _ ---__.____-- <br /> --- - - ---- - -- - <br /> - - - - ---- - -- -- <br />' - - - - - -- --- - - ---- - ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------- <br /> - - _ - - � ,-- <br /> STATE OF NEBRASK_9, <br /> I � �ss. �_ � <br />' -----------------Ei_a:�l ---County, On this. --- - `�-���- --------------day of_------ ------A��ri l_------------------A. D., 19_I1---, before me, the <br />� undersi�;ried, a ivotary �ublic-------------------------------------------within and for said County, personally came--------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> - -- -- �-T�-.i-c�£?c;',�i_ -F�,'�`'�i�ai:�--i�DE�- �i�141--jyl._-'i�%_t_1v--T.c��_�---- - ------------------------------------- <br /> - -- - -- _--- - - -- --- --- ---- ------- - -- --------------- - ---- - -- ----- -------------------------------------------- ------------------ -------------- <br />� to t?Ze personal.iy �:nown to be the identical person___�_____whose name.�____.____�A_e____.__._______________affixed to the above instru- <br /> • '___.___, and______1_!'1��'___________severally ackno�rledged the same to be___.______�_;�_l�______voluntary act and deed <br /> (nrj��J r��ent as grantol�_��_ <br /> �:.�. } <br /> for �he purpose therein expressed. nur11e <br /> IN ��'ITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my h�il and affixed niy official seal at______________________________�.._________.__ <br />� ��U�7a___;;�u�1_____ir�___�_ai_cl_��t�unt�L_______________-______on the date lastabove written. <br /> I . <br />' .-----------------------------r_.,n_,_�Kan e----------------�-------------- <br /> Notary Public. <br /> 1Vlycommission eYpires--------------------------- - ----- --.TQTi�--}-c�};-----------------------------_�191?.�------- <br /> E � � � , <br />