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� ��� �� � � <br /> � <br /> D D ° � ° D o � ,, �-: <br /> ___� : _ _�� ___ ._ __ _ __ __ ___ _ _ __ __ <br /> _��_ __ _ _ _ .._ —___ _ — __ __— _ _- _- _- - <br /> 313078 7{L6PP&BARTLL'7'T CO�,PrxnCxng,Lz[hographz�ap and L`ounly Supptaes�maFic � � - <br /> . _ _. _ :�� -_._ .�-..__ �__.._.._. . . — - - - <br /> _. <br />�___�. -_. _ -- - __:__ r—.,, _ �__ . —- <br /> - - `- --- -s- �._ ` -�=- - _ _ -� <br /> FROM I hereby cerfify that this instrument was entered o1� Numerical Index and I' <br /> C�au� iT.Etirol.dt F- v��i�'e �iled for record this__ ._��tri----------------da,Y o�--_ ----Ari?-1-------- ---------,------- � <br /> 1_ 4_ - - --o clock- - - - - �-_-M• <br /> ^ � , r <br />' 3, D., i9 - , at -- - - - - `��� <br /> - - - - - -_ <br /> - -_ -- --- - - - - Warranty � <br /> �p Deed. ' ; <br /> �✓��7_�� - - _ --- -- - - --- - <br /> r�e�;�star of P,e ��:��xx <br /> Frie�a E�:o_�ci'�- - - - � <br /> i - -- - - --- - <br /> - -- - -- - -- - - - -. ._-- - - - - - --- --- <br /> Deputy. <br />� - -_-- -- -- - -�-- -- - ---- -- - - -- - -- - <br />� Iinow All �en by T�ese Pr�esent�s <br /> That- - - Claua FI.E;r�1�I'� -�ncl_D�_r�t_7i�_a._F,�Q1�,�_ ,_.hus��n�i-axic� .'ri�'a - --- --- -- --- - - - - - -- -- -- - <br /> of the CounEy of_ - - -- --ti311----- -- --- __and State of_ -- '�e%r��lc=? - ---- ---- - - - -- --------------------Grantor�----, in cnnsideratioz� <br /> ofthe stim of.- - -C�e- �'' ����Q-Q ------ --- - --- - ---- - - -- --- ---------- ------------------------------------------�----------- --�---------------- ------------------DOLLAR�, <br /> in 1�and paicl, cIo------------- --hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL, AA'D CONVEY unta-- -- .Fri_ec13--Et;rDldt-----_ ---- --------------- ------------------------------------- - <br /> -- -- --- --- -- -- --- - -- - - - - -- - <br /> -- --. _ - - - - - - _ - - - -- - - - - - --- - - -------- ' <br /> of the County of_--- ------ -�i_ail- --------_ __ --------------and State of--- ------ -- ---11��?y�a;�k3-- --- - ----- -- -- ----- ----------------, Grantee-------,the following <br /> described premises,situated in.the County of______._.______.__________T�all______ -___.-----.--- --.-and State of Nebraska, to wit: <br /> --- �,��. _Ei�h-t. -��-)- �lo-cr:_ T-hre� -t�� -�f�-;'at�*�-�r��c�-Is�,���c�, -a�-Ac��-���-on- Lo--�l�� ��t3�- o�' -��-�a�t?-Is�-�r�d- <br /> ---- -- -- - - --- <br /> - - -- -- -- - ----- --- - - <br /> - - - - ----- --- -- - - - - - - --- -- --- - - -- - --- -- -- - - ------- ---------- -- <br /> i -- - --- --- --- - - --_ _ ---- -- - - - -- - -- -- ---- -- - - -- -- - - --- --- -- - ---- -- --- -- ---- -- -- ---- - -- ------ <br /> -- --- ----- - - -- - ---- -------- -------- -- - - - - - -- -- ------ -- - - -- - - ----- -- ---- -- - - -- ---- --- ----- - --- --------�---- --- <br />� ' <br /> -- ------- ------ - --- ---- --- ----- - -- -- --- ----- --- - -- -- -- -- - -- - - --- -- - - ---- -- ---- ---- - ----- ---- - ------ - -- - ------- ------- ----- <br /> I -------- --- --- --- -- --- ----- - - - -- - - --- -- ---- -- --- --- - ---- - - --- -- -- - ---- -- -- ---- ---- - -- - ----- ------- --------------- ------ <br /> Together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, znd all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Cla,im and <br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_s______.._, and of either of thern, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> TO KAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described prernises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee______.and to_______ ..__rLer ______.._____heirs and <br /> a,ssigns forever. And__________.___'��e________�___hereby covenant______with the said Grantee__________that____:T,re----�------hold_________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title.; �hat_______________��?g.____ ____ha�o..good right and lawful authority to sell a,nd convey the same; that theyare free and clear of �,11 liens and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever---------- ---------- --�- ----------- -._------- - - ---- - -- <br /> ----- - -- ------ - �- -- -- ---- -- - --- ------- -- --- -- - --- -------- ---------------------------- <br /> -- ---- ----- -- - --- --- --- -- --------- -- - --- -- --- - -- -- --- -- ---- ------ ----- ---------- -- ------------- ---- -------- ---- --------------- ----�---------- <br /> --- -- -- ------ ---- --- ---- - - -- ------ -- - --- --- ---- - - - -- - - --- ---- - --- -------- - --- --- -- --- -------- -- ----- ---- ---------------- ---------------------- <br /> - --- -- - ----- - --- --- - -- - ---- -- - - -- - - -- -- -- - -- -And------ -- - - -- I- - - -- -- -- - ------------covenant-- ----to warrant and , <br /> ��'° • e tica�� tax�s to bs leviod for tha � �ar 1911___________ <br /> defend�said premises against trie lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, ___.__-__,___r__________.___________.___________________________________________.___.�______,__________ <br /> ------- ----- -- --- --- - -- - -- _�- -- --------- -- -- --�--- - -- - -- --- ---- -- -- ----�-------- --- ---- - ---- - -- - --- ---- ----- ----------------------- ------- - --�--- <br />� Dated the--� -- --�4�h --- --- ---------- -_day of- - - �?2ri�. ---- ------ --------A. D,, 19--11-----• <br /> I <br /> WITNESS ___._________C_1:3t1�,__H.ECIn_ic�{' <br /> -----------�o r a�li o a_r_�r o Iclt--------�-------------------------------- <br />' ---------------- --- --P_,_�T�_P�1---- ---- -- - - ---- - - --- --- ' <br /> - -- --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ---- ----------- --- ?i_..4_._�_c3t�_ar��.------------ ------ --- ---- - ------ -------------------------------------------------------------�-------------- <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> ss. <br /> -- - �Ia�l-----------County, On t1�is-- ---- -- �4th---------- -----------day of_-------- --��?}-�-�--- -----------------A. D., 19--�1---, before me, the <br /> undersi�ned, a Notary Public____________________________________________________within and for said County, personally came__.___,________.___________._____________ .____________________._.__ <br /> C_1•�.�,ls--Fi_._E��U_1c14--and__�_or��hea__�_.�_oldtr--husi�3:�d,_��.d-�zr_i�� ------ --�----------------�---- -----------�------------- <br /> ------------ ----------- ------- --------------- --------------- ----- ---�--- ..--- -------- ------------------------------------------ ----- ----------- �--------------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical persons______whose name_U___._ar�____.______._____________afl'ixed to the above instru- <br /> ���AI,} ment as grantor____s_.__,, and_________._ _______severalIy acknowledged the same to�ix___________voluntary act and deed <br /> for bhe purpose tl�erein expressed, <br /> �:ar.1e <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my��and at�xed my ofCicial seal at______________________________________________ <br /> -- ------ �;.r��i�___�.�_l���u-----------------------------------��--------._on the date last above written. <br /> ---------------�---------- -----�.�_._�_._��.��_��a�-------------------------�----- ' <br /> Notary Public. <br /> My commission expires--------�------�------------------------- -�------ I�ec 19 ------------j9-13---- <br /> ------------------------------------------- � <br />— _ ' <br /> _ _ _ � — : <br />