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�� t.�� <br /> L � ' D � � O p rl <br /> Q � � � Uo <br />� _ _ _ __ _ _ -�- <br /> 50048—�LbPP&BARTLETT CO.,Printinp,Lit3eograp)ainp¢nd Counly Suppties;6^nah�M. �- --`-� "'� � —'-� — <br /> FR�'�'� I hereby certify tha.t this instrliment wa.s entered on Numerical Index and <br /> filed for record this---- .------���-Y`---�.----day of.-------A�rll - - <br /> _._. - --- <br /> ��, D., 19i,�- , at- - - --- _ ._._._- 2 '- - --dclock- - --- - �'---1�T, <br />, yi�l�.._tis..._��,.i�.� �G`�.�,14U� 1�a.��.l.l______________ <br /> _ _ __._. Warranty <br /> �p Deed. ��� / <br /> �/� � M:1� <br />, _'_".____ __'(/"���___"_'_ "'____ _._____._.'_ _ . " <br /> _ ' _. _"______""'____"__"___�_}__""',�__,_�_B____'_'_'_ <br /> �l.'°�1��'`.�+Pii Of P ,�i'Cj.S ��A.U�JfG3��}C <br /> -- .'�:�.a__Vs�.rh�:s. Fal�r�ian - - <br /> -- - - - - - ----- __ -- <br /> - ----- --- -- - - --- <br /> Deputy. <br /> -- - -----_ _ <br /> _ — --- ----- -- -- <br /> --- -- --- --------- <br /> ��ow 1�11 Ii'Ien by These �'�°esents a <br /> That --�:��_ria_n_ __1�.;'�a,°c.._ �rd_Payton_-�Iax'cz,-- r.u�-'ti'�nt?---a,�_.;;ife---- --�f- Ar�a�iei�n--- ----- - <br /> of the County of__ -------- _Cb��.rgE3 --and State of-- -- -Caiiiol'n_i.�-- ----- ------- _ ------- -------- - --------Grantor-�---, in consideration <br /> � x _, , � r � c, -------------- ------------ -------------------------------------------DOLLARS, <br /> of the sum of_ - - �n�_�.�zT'�s�r Qa__�n�,.__I'_�..�t_Y �� l.,-Q.QQ}-- --- --------- - - <br /> in 1�azid paid, clo---- - ----------hereby Gh�1�'T, ��?RG��I��', SEI,L, �i�rD CONVEY unic,- -------Aaa_'Slorh�_� _Falim�3n- -- ---- <br /> of the County ef___ F��tl•�.Ttz _ _ ___ _ _and �State of.___ _ iT�-�'r�s�'�� _ - _.__ ____, Grantee________,thefollowing <br /> descr°ibe�prerli:ses, sitl�ated in the Coulity of_____ __ �'i�ll____._____ _____________alid St�,te of Nehraska, t� wit, � <br /> ----- ---Lo�-s-Ij'o�a�._l�)-- F2u�----(-5� �31a-ck --T�ine----��-}---in---ryhe�_id�n.__Pla�e--in--ths- -City---af__Yrancl--I_s1�.n�'.,---------- <br /> :iuil C_vun�y iTe:;x_�.�.;a� �uuaec�._t�--�-::..�_e�___fc�r �?��.e_ �ear ��0�. ancl_ the ye_a7__ 1��10._- - <br /> -- -_ -- -- - ----- <br /> -____--- -- --- - ------- - - -- --- ---- - - -- - ---- - --- --- -- ------- -- <br /> --- --- -- - - ---- - - -- -- - -.- -- _- - - - - _ . - ---------- --- - - ---- ------ - -- ----- - -- - -- --- --- --- --- -- ---- - -------- <br /> Togetlier Witn all t�e te�lements, here�i��az3�erits, a,nd a�purtenances thereunto belon�inb, al�d all the Estate, Fight, Title, In�terest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Demand wrtatsoever of t�e sai� G�r�antor_�____._, ancl of eit�er of them, of, in, or to the san�e, or any pari thereoi. <br /> TO K4ti`E AND TO HO�,I) the a,bove-ctescribed prer�ises,witri the appurtenances, unto th_e said Grantee_._______and to_____...____._he�_______._________heirs and <br /> '" _______hereb r��venant___ ___with the said Grantee_________._that__.________�.±'8_____holcl_________said premises by good and perfect <br /> a,ssigns forever, �lnd---- ---------- ------��-�- y � <br />' title,� that___v"t_�__ _ _ ______________ha__v�_gooci right ar�d Iavi�ful antho�°it3� to sell and convey the sa�re; that they are free and clear of �,Il liens and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever----------- -------- - - __- - -- -- -- ------ -- ----- ---. ------ -- -- - -- -- - --- ------ ---- -- ----- - ------ ------------------- <br /> ----------- ----- - ---- <br /> --- - - ------ ---- <br /> --- - --- --- -- - - - -- ----- -- - - --- ---------- -- --- - - - - ----- ---- ---- ----- ------ ------------- - ---------- ------ - <br /> -- - --- - - - ------- -------- -- _ --- -- - -- -- -- - - -_ -- -- - - - ----- - - -- - ----- -- ----------- ------------ ------ --------------------- -- ----- <br /> - -- And--- --- -- - - -- --r1�e - -- - - _ - ---------covenant-- ----to warrant and <br /> - -- the <br /> defend t�said premises against t,he lawft�l cla,ims of all persorzs jvhomsoever, ---------- ---------------------------------.------------------------------------------..-------- <br /> -- -- - - --- -_ - - - -- - - -- -- - ------ ---- ------- - -- - - - ----- - - ----- --- ------ - - -------- - --- ------------ -------------------- ------- <br />� Datecl the-- �5th --- -- - -- --day of_--- tT�verr,�er -- - - --------------A. D., 19�C� ---� <br /> WITNESS -------------------��r i-��----�-•-�J ar ci�------------------------------------- <br /> - ------- -�'aY�_san--ds�x-d--.__--- - ------------------------------ <br /> - - --- -- -- -- ----C_.._a_._�`a_3.�.0� - - _ -- - <br /> STATE OF ��.�.:if or�ia � <br /> ss. 2��tl� <br /> --------C.�_angE2--------------Count,y, On tnis-.--------- _----------------- ----day of ilove::��:�e.----------------A, D., 191C;___, before me, the <br /> undersigried, a ivotary Yublic--------------------------------------tivithin and for saia County, Personally came--------------------------------------------------------------- - <br /> �i�-�-�-�='----�`=_.-fl�r-c�--��l--P��rt:�--�:ar-�--j--�e-r- h�b�nd--------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> to rne personally ��nown to be the identical person_____u___whose name_s______��.Q__________..______________a�xed to tlle a,bove instru- <br /> (�EI�L� I11ent as grantor__�______, �,nd.____�h�y__________severaliy acknowledged the same to ,�e____�?'.:�_1T__._..______.voluntary act and deed <br /> for tlie purpose therein expressed, <br /> IN 1VITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my`t�3� d a,nd aflixed my of�icial seal at_______________�___________________________ <br /> Anahe i.� ________on the date last above written. <br />' ------------- ------ ----- ----�_._�_�C_�i���------------------------------- <br /> Nota�ry Public. <br /> 112y commission expires-------------._.---- -�-----------rTaru��'-y------�-�r1------------------------------19._1__�----- <br /> I <br />'� : <br />