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��T�� �� ��� <br /> D G <br /> D D � 0 I D � � ���; <br />___.. __ __ ___ __ . _ _ _ ___ � �___ __� - _ _ :_._ _ . ___- - _- _- _ _- -__ -_ __-_-__--_ _ __ <br /> ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ � LL . <br /> a�)0#8.:7CL��P�$AR�'LE'�l'?�CQ.,PrznlznB.Ldthographxng¢nd�ounly�upplaes;bma/i¢ --- _ _ <br /> r-`- _.. _-`'� __ ---- '_."' '_- ,.:` - - _-:— - -_:--- . _, -;----:--'-- ---- -` -_--_-- __.__;_ - --_- -_ -- - --- -__-_ __—_--1-r--� <br /> FRQM I hereby certify that this instrulnent was entered on Numerical Index and <br />� filed for record tnis--- -- ---u4th - -----day of--------- -April-- - ' <br /> - ----- - -- <br /> - -- ------- - - -- - -- -__ --- - --- -- � <br /> :�, D., i9.__11..__, at- - - 9•�4 o'clock -- - A. --M. ' <br /> I Nan_ry Aaaain�t t�n_.E: :t�_�'e - - - - Warranty <br /> T D Deed. �/���%���� � <br /> �� - - � <br /> � - � ����� - ---- -- <br /> Fe�istor of Dea �� <br /> I �allace �Jhitehaad <br /> - -- - - - - - - - - -- - <br /> -- ---- - ------�__-- <br /> Depu�y, <br />� I�now �11 14�Ien by T�ese Fr�sent�s <br />, That_ __�`fe� Henry__7Taddir_._�ton anc3 ___Lillian _iVa�.rlingtan,_ _hu_�k:a�d__ancl_._y�:��e __.____ <br /> - --- ---- - _.- --------- <br /> of the County of---------------- F.all. ---and State of_---------._. __-:_eb�.�;ka----- --- ------------_---------------------------------Grantor-s---, in cnnsideration <br /> �� <br /> �-- - - -- ----- ' . <br /> of the sum of -- Six--Th�L�_�_��-Ci- - -�' �=c�_�1�Q. - ------- --------------- -------------�- ----------------------------------- -----�--------------------------------------------DOLLARS, ; <br /> in hand paid, do--- ----------hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL, AA'D CONVEY unto_ ----- -iY�l7.a�-e---i�hi_t_Eh�3t1--------___ _-------------------------------------------- . <br /> of the County of----,--------------�I�I�._--- --------- ----__ -- -----and State of----- -----SIe_�sa�ka------- ._-- --------------------------------------, Grantee--------,the following <br /> described premises,situated in the County of____.__ ___________ ..1i��,�______________ ___________________a,nd State of 1�'ebraska, to wit; ; <br /> --The--S�uth---;�e��--�uax�-e-r-- �S-•-�f,-4-�--arc�--the--�_e�t--EiYe_._�!cr-e-�.--(i�--.-�-.-r�) --o�---tha--So-uth--half---�-c.-?-)------------------ <br />' -- of--�h� �'o_uth.__�est__�uax�er -(�.7�.�) af-tr�a raut�r �a��-Qua���� �".�.�). -of cee���� TY�i��3� (30)- ------ ; <br /> ----To��t��Yl-i�--El,_v�n-,-laQ,th,----ancl__Rar�ge---T�t�elua---(-l�-)----:'l��t----of- -t�Ze---C-ixth--P�r,i:�_cir�al---2.te_ridian,.--------- ------------ <br /> I ---�---- - --- - --- --- - - - --- - -- -� ------- --- ----- --- - - -- --- - --- ---- - - -- ----- -------- - ---- � - - - - --- -- --------- -- - -- <br /> -- -- ----- - - --- ---- ---- -- - - - - ---- --- - -- -- - -- ---- -- - --- - - ---- - ---- -- - -- - - - --- ------- --- -�------- ------ <br /> ---- --- --- --- -- -- -- - -- - - ------- - - - - -- - - - ---- _ -- --- --- - -- -- - - - -- - -- -- - -- ----- � - - --- - ---- --- -- - - - - --- <br />� --- - <br /> ---- - - ------ - - - ------ -- --------- ------- <br /> ---- -- ----------- ------- <br /> Toaether witli all the tenements, hereditalnents, anci appurtenances thereunto belonging, �,nd all the .Estate, R.ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Dema�nd whatsoever of the said Grantor___�____, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof, <br /> TO H!�VE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenanr,es, unto the said Grantee__________and to___.___..___________his._____________heirs and <br /> �,ssigns forever. And___.__..______;'te____________hereby covenant______with the said Grantee__________tnat_______...'y�e__._.__hold__________said prelnises by good and perfect <br /> title; that______-________�'fe________ha_V�_.good right ancl lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever----------------- ----_---�-------- ---- --- �--- -- -- -- - --- -- --- - --- ---------- -- ------- ------- ------- -- -- - -------- - -------------- ------------------------- <br /> -- ---- -- - ---- ---- ----- ---- --- ----- - -�---- -------- ---- - -- - - --- ------- -- --- --- - -------- - --------------- -- ----- ------- ----------- - ---- ------------- <br /> ----- ---- --- --- - ---------- -- - ----- - ------ -- -- - - - ---- -- - - - - ------------------- ---- ----- ------ -- - - --- ----- - -------- - ---------- -� ---------------- <br /> - -- --- - - - - --- --- - --- --- - - -- -� -- -- - - - - And-- -- - - --- - --- �TO- --- ------ -------------covenant--------to warrant and <br /> - - --- - <br /> the <br /> defend �said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, --------------- ___-------------------------------------------..-------------------------------------------- <br />� <br /> ----. -- ----- -- - -- --- - - -- -- - --------- - --- - ----- ----- ---- - --- --- --- - ---- - -- -------- - --- ------- -- ----- - ----------�- ----------- ------------ <br /> 16th :�:arch <br /> I Dated the--- -- --- -- - -- - ---- - - - ---day of-- ----------------- ----- -- - --- ----------A. D., i9_0�3-- --� <br /> WITNESS ------�.�Lr�--�f_3dci ii�?gt-oiz-------------------------------------•--- <br /> I ---Li 11 i-an---Tl ac�c�i�g��r�----------------------------------------- <br /> ----�- - --------------�en--�l_,_rlille�- ---------- ------ --- '. <br /> ------ -----------------------------�--------------------------------------------�--- <br /> I <br />'I ; STATE OF NEBRASKA, , <br /> � <br /> --------- --��11_------�- ----County, ss, On this------- -_16t?}-- ---- �r�arch------ --------------A. D., 19--a�---, before me, the <br /> -- ------------day of- ------- ----�----- - - <br />, undersigned, a iJotary Public_�t�_��,___C_qiill:ii��iC_�.�,Ci.___within and for said County, personally came______.____________________________._______________._________________________ ' <br /> I _�Isnr_�r--i��c:dir_�,j_t_on---arcl_.Li_11ian--�.aclfiir�;-t-an,----husband---an.cl_�.rif_�--------------------------------------------- ; <br /> -------- ----- - -------------------- --------------------------------------------- - ---------- -----------------------------------�-------- -------------------- ---------------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person.s________whose name____________,_L'�:�_y___._._____________affixed to the above instru- ' <br /> (�E�'.L) ment as grantor_U_____.__, and_________they_________severally acknowledged the same to be___�ho_�r_____________.voluntary act and deed ' <br /> I for tihe purpose therein expressed. � <br /> r: rne <br /> ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF 1 have hereunto subscribea�my�and afC'ixed my ofr'icial seal at______________________________________________ <br /> _____?7r�oa__��YQr_____:,e���,s�:�____________________________on the date last above written. <br /> I seo �V..�ii�er ' <br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> Notary Public. <br /> • "over.iber lOth 10 <br />'I My commission expires-----------------------------------------------------''-------------------:--------------- 19------------ <br /> i <br /> i <br />'� ' __ i ; <br />