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<br />— � � 50048—IiLOpP cE BAIZ�TI Is2'T CO.,Printin�.Lilhonra7�hting ar.d C�unly Supplies:�(J�rohe.. � . .�.. - -:.-� . ,...�- �:�'- � -'.. i . .. .- —.. . . -. .
<br /> , �"p��� I nereby certify tliat this insfrunient was entered on Nurlierical Inclex and
<br /> filed for racord this- --. �Oth _---clay of-----_._---Ap�i1 -
<br /> :�, D., 19--11--; at_ . _ _ -- _.�_,1� -- --o'clock _ -- - _P•_._'Vl,
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<br /> Know .��� 1Vleai by Th�se Pr�esents :
<br /> T1�at �,r�, _<7..,,.F?�,.�.1_a�-a ',ri.�L__ �I.es�3e J._Li_il, - a:�d- _�-.C_.�i��ut_�n__ �nd _Anna_A_.H��s�_c�n�_--Rusl�a.nd__�nd__.�;�if-�_.-----
<br /> of t1�e Coun�c of--- _ _--------r{al� i'Ai:;r�S..a 5
<br /> ---and State of------------- - -- --.----- --------- ----------Grantor,------, in consideration
<br /> �i'the surn oi°---- Or.e__iiuntl�8_:_�_T�n_.�.n[l.__nQ�1QQ- - --- -- ----------- - - -- ----- ---------- ------------------- --------- -----------�---------------DOLLARS,
<br /> in 11a,nd pa.id, do.__--------_rereby GR��VZ', B�1Ru9IN, ��F,LL, AND CONVEY unto-- ------Zsa.ac__ ?1.�4ugu��i_ne------ -- -
<br /> of the County of---- --------------- __ _I�ali_ _______--_------arcl State of-- - ----- --._�i�_��:.�s�3- - --------- -------__- ---- -------- --------, Grantee------�the following
<br /> describec�prelnises, situa.ted it�th� Coi�r�ty af____ ___ _-____ __ -_.__ Ii�l_�,__.__._______.____. _____a,rd State of Nebraska, to u�it:
<br /> ,� ,.}.2 -7�, • _ .�1..�. ��� .f.��. , �� �.� � �- (� ndre� � '7 � f t af l�t Z�ar1b
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<br /> ----'_ve..t l-f i-��--L�,�_} _of _�17Q C�u�:�y _����b-i i��ri�iQn---.of t.n�_._i'Pe_�t_half---of---th_e _Sou�h__�1�ut.---Qu�.x�Ar---c�-f---------
<br /> r • T.• ' ^i � �x�l^[� � �.T, T1 1' T�A�i] l K 7t ,��1 �j �C (� }' � 7'
<br /> -- ;����ct�_c�n_l��a;��ca.• ,cn_ �lU_}. Tc�;y�..,.���.Zp �,u. �.:e-..--�, ,, �n_ �11_ '
<br /> ) -,-F��n��- ::�u:,.��_r_ _'1.ir.e_ d,--�!� ��-- � ��'� � -..,��--
<br /> FTaII Guunty, -'��!:�ar_�r.a� i:ayin_;;--s -fr�.�nt_���;�- of Thirty--tllre� (3;5)_ ft . _�n_ the_ fitre�t----c�y__�r�e ---- - - ---
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<br /> - - - -- - -- - -- - - --- - - - - _---- -- -- -- - - - -- _ -- --- -- --- --- -- -- - -- ---�- - ---- - ---- -- ----- -------- ------
<br /> � To�ef,her u%itti ��,il tbe tenemer�ts, hereditar?zart�, at�d ap�urtelzances thereuuto belon�ing, �.ncl all t�e Estat�, Right, Title, Znterest, �otiver, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Delnand whatsoevar ot the s�,id Granter_�_______, �,nd of either of them, of; in, or to t�e same, or any part tl�ereof, -
<br /> TO K_9VE AR'D TO I�OL� fhe a'novs-descrihed premises,i�ith the apptirtenalices, unto the sa,rd Grantee______.,_and to___.______hi_"_______, .__ _____._____heirs and
<br /> assigns forever, A_.nd_____.;t�_____ __ _________hereby covenant_____with the said Grantee_________that______"�e_______.__hold__.______said premises by good and perfect
<br /> titIe; that_________ �`r�'._______ .._____ha_`_'''.gocd rigt'it and lau�fzal authorit,y to sell and convey the same; that tlley are free and clear of all lieris arid incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever------- ------- -- .. ------------ - -- - ------ ----- -- -- �-- - ------ - - -- - --- -- -- --- -------- - --�--- ------ -----------------
<br /> --_- - --- -- ---� ---- --- - - - - --- - --- -- -- -- - - - -- ----- ------_ .- ---- - - - - - - - �------ - - -- --- - ---- ---------- --- - ---------------- -
<br />� ------- - -- ---- - - - - - -- - -- - - _ --- - --- - - - -- - ---- - _---- -- - -- -- ----- --- -- -- --- -- --- ---------- ------ ------ -- - ------- - ---------------- -------
<br /> __ _-- -- ---- _ --- - - -- -- - ._t�nd---- - - -- ---- - - '�-8- _ - -- ---- - ------------covenant-------to warra,nt and
<br /> �l1E�3
<br /> de,fend t�sai�l premises against �he lati��ful claims of��11 persor�s tivhomsoever, ____.________________________________.__ ._____________.____________
<br /> --- -- ----- ------ -- --------------
<br />' -- - -- -- -- --- ---- -_ -- -- --- - - -- -- - -- --- -- -- -�- ------- - --- ------ -- - -- --- ----- ---------�------- - --------------------- - ------
<br />' �)ated the- --S�cons�_ --- -- - - --- -day of__- -- - �?_ec�r:lb°r- --- --- --- -------A. D., 1910-----�
<br />,
<br />, WITNESS -----�_,_C_.K�ayt on----------- -------- ------ ----
<br /> ,-------------------------
<br /> !lnna �.Hu st on
<br />� -------------------- --�-------------------------------�------------------------
<br /> � l�o,�c �-.
<br />, - -- - - -- , �� � r ��_�.�u u�? -- - - -- - -- -
<br /> ---'' ��-•-�71-�-�------ --- --------------------------------------------------------
<br /> I __ -- - � -- -sT4�u:i.E3---`a_..�1.1-�.-�.--------------------------------------�-----------
<br /> �ss,
<br /> ----- -- - - -TI�1�1--- ---.County, . On this- - - - -`'-�c? ---- ---------------day of_- ----- '�-e^�.;�,��r------ ------------A. D., 1910----, before me, the
<br /> undersi�r.ecl, a iv"otary Public------�32�Q:�:1�K�:�------------------within and for said County, personally came----------------------------------------------------------------------�----------
<br /> - �T ,�,_.�;i1_1_._a�tl__Jess�d '�_._'._`i11�-- -�huU,aanci--ar�cl_t^fifo--�----�r'--�----- -------
<br /> --- �!� �i•t��'�v_�J'1 --s''�-"C� -�1i'_s.'1__�.�IL:a 4 QI2t � }I1J....-^��_�.'_ICZ _u:':_S.� •-'�-F�'�----- - ------- - --- ----- - -----°
<br /> to me personal�y kriown to be the identical person._�_______whose name___y___ar.�,_______________________affixed to the above instru-
<br /> r,., ,. � :n7erit as grantor__u_______, and______the.Y___________severally acknowledged the san�e to �e____.___���1�_______.voluntary act and deed
<br /> (;;U�.,, �
<br /> for trie purpose therein expressed,
<br /> r:�rae
<br /> Ii� �VITNESS WIiEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�and aflixed my off'icial seal at_____________________________________________ •
<br /> ����rZ�i,__Z_�,��1�d_____}'I�'�1rs___________.__________on the date last above written.
<br /> - -- -- -~'' -
<br /> ----------------
<br /> Ros� �',Har.sen
<br /> --------------------------------------------------------�--
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> 1VIy co�nmission expires-�----------:-- --- --- __ --- „iay--_NU----------------------------------------------------19---16---
<br />