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<br /> ,- --._ - "�(l418-HLOI'1'_c�BART7.�7 T�O.Przntin9.72lhoDra�ks�iD and County Supp[xes,O�nahe._ _ _„ . -- -
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<br /> . - - _ - �--,-._ _:— _-_-� - -<- --_-_. _._ _ `_ �_ ^ � _ T �_'
<br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and '
<br /> filed for record this__ .___��'�h __day of..__ ___._A??�il
<br /> - -- - -- ----
<br /> �, D., i911__ ., at - __ -- --- 3.,3.Q --o'clock- - --. - - P. -�•
<br /> __ - - J.uhn _r11s'«.o_x.t� P::--�.vi�� - - -- Warranty
<br /> TO Deed.
<br /> ti���,�_ -- - -- --
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<br /> Regi.:t�r of l�e� _ G��c��
<br /> .``�ar1- �urry - -
<br /> ___ ----- -- - _ - -- - --- -- ---- - --- -- --- -
<br /> lleputy.
<br /> lKnow All. 1VIen by These Presents:
<br /> That - -<T�?hn_-:;.1.�._�',:ro.r�h--�3r,�1__Fr�ecia--Ella�ro_�'thr h�.� '.�rif4,: ---- -
<br /> - -- - ---- - - ----- _ ------ -- - - ------ - - -- -----
<br /> of the County of_.--- ----T��ll_ _ _--- _and State of.__ _ T1e K�r���:a --. ------___ _ _--.---- ---- - ---------Grantor--U----, in consideration
<br /> Fl T T ' ��`�'r ------- ----------- ---- -----__DOLLARS, ;
<br /> of the sum of-- ='ti° 'r�t�nclxc,_ci_.G0�100_ ��G9_.0�} - ----- -------- -- --- ------- - ------------- --------- ----- --------
<br /> in hand paid, do--- ---------hereby GR�1NT, BARG_9IN, SELL, AI�'D CONVEY unto_ __.I•.:a:-;*- Cu�-�y-------------- _------"---------- _-----------.-----_--------------------- -
<br /> of the County of -- -- -- -- - Iial1 ---- - - - --- �,nd Sta,te of ---- - ??e ur:,�_�k� _ _ - - - -- -- - --- ,Grantee-- �the following
<br /> described prelnises,situated in the County of______ ______ __�:�1_1___ _____._.___________________and State of Nebraska, to wii:
<br /> -- �ot s--Four___��� -_�.�d__r iva --(=?� �-n r�c��-k--,;;inQ�.��n -(1°� _Qf._ F�c�>�-r--s�--Far��_'-�-,���'_�Qn� �cl;.�it ion-- - - ------ -
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<br /> -- - - ---- --- - ---- - --- - - - - -- ---- - - - - - - - - _ - - - - -- - - - - ---- - - -- - _ -- -- - - - - --- --- - ---- -----
<br /> -- -- ---- --- - -- - -- - _- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - --- ----- ---- -- -- -- - - --- - - --- ------ -- -- - - -- -- - - - --------- �
<br /> ---- --- -- - --- - - - - - - -- - -- - __----- --- -- -- - --- -- - -- ---- --- -- - -- - -- -- -- - - - - -- ----- --- -- -- -- -- --
<br /> --- --- --- - - - - -- - - ----- - - - -- -- ----- - - -- - - - -- - -- -- _- - -- -- - -- - - - -- - --- ------ --- -- - -- -- -- --- ------- - - ----- - - - --------------
<br /> To�ether with alI the tenements, hereditalnents, and appurtenances thereunto belongil�g, and all the Estate, R•ight, Title, Inter�est, D�wer, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_�________, �L2¢&����of, in, or t� the same, or any part thereof,
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_________and to___ .____.h�r_.____ _.____________.heirs and !
<br /> a,ssigns forever. And_________.__`���________._____hereby covenant__..____with the said Grantee___________that___...___I^_t_e__ __.__.hold________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that___________�J3______________ha_Vfl_good right and lawful authorit,y to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of a,ll Iielis and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever----------------- -----...- --- ---------- -- - - - - - -- -- - - -- - -- ------ ---- .._.-- - ------ - -- --- _ --------- - -------- -- -- ----------- -----------_.
<br /> --- ---- ---- ----- --- ------ - ---- -- ---- -- -- - ---- --- - ---- - - ------ -- ------- - --- --- - - ----- ------ ------ - --- ----------------- - ------------- --------
<br /> -- --- --- -- - _._. - --- _.. - - - - ---- .- - ------ __._. And----- --- :�'�Te-- --- --- - - ---- - ---------covenant------to warrant and
<br /> � the � . . �;
<br /> clefend t�4 said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, _C 1�12�1�1�__L�__t7lroui;h�______f_TOtn___o�._�n�e r__us�___________.________.___
<br /> _bu�--�:�;ains�___Y:_9ne___UthQr�--- ----- -- -- ---- -- - --- -- - - ------- - ------- ---- -- ------- - ------------- -----------------------------------------
<br /> Dated the----------�C� ----- - - -- ---- - --.day of_---- - --,�,t?��i--- - ------------ -----A, D,, 19--�,-7.-- �
<br /> ��
<br /> WITNESS ------�T qhn---r 11 s:N�art n----------------------- ------------------•----
<br /> --n-T�_�'(�s.�l---�'.'iZ.��+;i1_O��wl-------
<br /> .To_l�ri__�_All�n-- -- - ---- - -- - - - -- '
<br /> --- - -- - ----- ---- •
<br /> �
<br /> ss.
<br /> --------- -----�iall ----------County, On this_ 1�----- _------------day of--- --- -�.���'��.-----------------------A. D., i9__a.�,._, before me, the '
<br /> undersigned, a Idotary Public__.__________________________.___.________,within and for said County, personally came_________________ ____:__________________.___________________, �
<br /> ---- --- --e�Uhn__�_�i�;y G�.e�---e`3""d--1._�_�_�'%�,Lc�,.-_i;;�_�_,�`.z;i�_��x_��li------------'_-'- ----------------------'
<br /> --------------------------------------------
<br /> ------ --------- ------------------- -----------� �-- ------------- ------- ---------- -- --°----------�---------------•------------------------- ----------------------------�-----°
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_U_______whose name___�___axQ_________________________a8"'ixed to the above instru-
<br /> (�;EAL) ment as grantor__:�___._, and_______th___e_Y-__._.____severally acknowledged the same to be____.___�ro_i�'________voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed,
<br /> '"'.��TT18
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�and afi�xed my of�icial seal at______________________________________________ I
<br /> _._�"x�.'an�i___1_a_�._��C�___:_Ie�x�____iri__s�.i_d__c.�luxl�n the date last above written.
<br /> John Allan
<br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My commission expires------------------------------ ------------- -------'7;�n,-r2-----------------------------------191'=------
<br /> i
<br /> �
<br />