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�� �.�� <br /> �� � � I V (� � � <br /> D _D� � �-, 0 `� D o <br /> __ _ -_ _ _ <br /> _ _ _ __ : _ . r.� <br /> � 50018—$.LOPP d BEIPiTLF,TT CO.,Printinp,Ldthoprapting and County Supplic-s,�O�zahc. �� �`� � � -���� ���" � � � <br />�. __._ . _ . _ <br /> _ _ ._� __ ___., ,_ -__ _-_ _ ,,,.�__:-'-----. :_ <br /> __.� _ ,.—.—------._ ;.____ ----`�-- __ � <br /> �R�� � I hereby certify that t,his instrun�ent was entered on �rumerica� Index and � <br /> filed fer record this___ ___�G'Gr.________.___day of_ __._.A�ril_______ ___ <br /> �. D., 19_11_ __, at -10_.10 -- -o'clock_- -___ - - A._l�l, <br /> - <br /> _ _.�r_c:xe;�t__J..'i��c�r��;,s�n,.ur�maxr_ie � �iarranty <br /> T0 Deed. � <br /> ��������_ - _ <br /> • F�e;i s t P r of L�e F � ��¢a��d�,.x <br /> __ _ __Frec�eri__ck �chr�idt._ _ ___ _ . <br /> - - -- -- -- -- - - - <br /> De,putiy. <br /> �n�w .�Il l�[en by T�es� Present�o <br /> That- -- - �lnci?e.r_.T.Tr��r�l�-���n, uni��rx:i�a�- <br /> of tre County of____________ _ ___H�il______ _ __a,nd State of_ _ _____ �Tek�r�.���..__ ___________Grantor_____._, in consideration <br /> � - - -- _- - __--- -- -- <br /> vf the sum of -- 1�'_in� �'ur�c;z°Ac�_ ^;�_Qnty-f iti*e_ _ --- - ---------DOLLARS, <br /> in l:arld pa,id, do_e�____ _herel�y CR:1�iT, Bn.RC_�II�7, SETI., AT�'D COIVVEY unto_ __�"1ed�.TiCk_ _ScY'�r�lidt <br /> oi t1�e Cour2ty of -- -fia_li _ _ _- - _ - --anrl S�ate of_ _ :?�����aka - -- - __ - , Grantee__ . - � the following <br /> described prer�lises, sitiz�L2d il� the Cou��ty of______ ____ _ F���.1� ______________ __._aricl State of Nebraska, to ���it; <br /> Lat s---Sever�_ �'71_ ,Fi_�;ht--- ($}---2tir.e----(�3� _�:nd_Ten---(10) _in �1_�cl�---Th�rt_3r-Ue_verl---(37-}--of- P�cl�er anci <br /> -- - -- - - - -------- <br /> rarr' s �''�corra Ac�c3iti�n__t_� �Yie_ _Cit_y__of xr��nd _I_slancz�._.�� sh_o;,�rn__ tiay_±Yie_ reccrcled_.�?lat tl�:�reof, <br /> T7.e �ran_�c�r ria:� rl;ht_ t�__u_o],le_c_t__�n�. xent---�u�__�x_oM -��e --P-:�.s�nt-- -t__e_n�n-t--•_- ------ - <br /> ___ -- -__- - _ - - _ - - _ -- -- - - ._ --- - - --- - ----- --- <br /> Tobe�her witla all the tenements, heraclitar��er:ts, arzd appurtenarzces tnereu�to belon�ing, a,nd all t1�e Estate, P,igtit, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and � <br /> Denland whatsoever of the stiid Gr°antor_____________ and of either of theln, of, in, or to the same, ar any part thereof. <br /> TO H�T%E AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,tivith the appurtena•nces, unto the said Grantee____._.__a.nd to__ ______hi�__.___________..____heirs and <br /> �,ssigns forever. A.nd____ __ ._I_.____ _________herel�y covenant_____u�ith the said Grantee________that_____I_____________hold________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; that____________I_____ _________�ia�.e_.goocl ri���t and Iawful alzthoritv to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of 211 liens and incumbrances <br /> t�✓hatsoever- ----- - -- - - --- -- -- --- _ _ -_- - - - - - - <br /> ---- - - - - --- - - ----- - --- ----- ------- ------ <br /> - - --- - - --- -- --- -- - - - . _-- - -- --- -__ .. - -- - - ------ -----_ --- - -- --- --- -- -------- -- - -- -- ---------- - - --------------- - <br /> -- _ -- - -- _ .__- - - -- - - .--- -- - -- -_ - - - ---- -- - - - - - - - ---- -- - - ---- --- ---- -- - --- ----- - --- - -- -- ----- ----- -------------------- <br /> ___ - - _ -�1nd-- - - - - Y - ----------covenant- -----to warrant and <br /> trl� <br /> defend�o said prernises a,ga,inst t�7e i�,�vf'ul ciaims ef aIl persolis tvl�omsaever, __._______ _ __________.___._____________________________________ _________ <br /> --- ------- -- --- -------- <br /> 1)ated the----- -- :�'�Y.� - - - -- __day oi- - AnT_iI- -- -- - -------- ---A. D., 19_11 -- -� <br /> WITI�'ESS ------A_r.are�r--J.Thorr�,�on-- --------------------------------- <br /> � - - -- -- ---------- ------------------------------- <br /> i,i.7,�18��C_i�-- - --- -._ <br /> STATE OF NEBRASK�, <br /> ss. <br /> - --�_I_��11_-------------County, On tliis. F_�L�'�------------------day of_-------------Ar_�il------------------A, D., �9_�.1.--, before me, the <br /> -- . undersi�ned, a Notary Publi� ------_-._-_-_----------within and for said G'ounty, personally came--_____ --__-------_-------------_-----_----_--_-_----------_ <br /> -- -,�r�uy e•,r -�T._�ti.�r�ti_on�- Ur?=���r_ied --- --- -- ---- ---- --------------------- --- <br /> -- -- - ------ - --- ---- ----------- -- -------- ------------- -- -------------- ------------------------- --- --------------- -- --------------- <br /> to me personally �r�own to be the identical person__________whose name___________i_�__________.__________.___af�xed to the above instru- <br /> ��,rAL� Inent as grantor_____________ arid___._______h�_______.s�i��.y acknowledged the same to be__.__h7�:_______._________.voluntary act and deed <br /> for the purpose �herein expressed, <br /> ' r.��r�A <br /> IIt� ti3�I7'N�SS �GVHEREOI' I have hereunto subscribed my �and af�'ixed my of�'icial seal at_______________________.__________________.__ <br /> ____xr�na__I ul;�ncl________________._______________________________.._on the date last above written. <br /> Lizzie Lit�iback <br /> --------�------------ ----------------�----------------------------------------------- <br /> , � <br /> Notary Public. <br /> My comrnission expires-------- ---- ----- - �----- -- - `nFt--F� <br />