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<br /> FROIVi I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> �
<br /> 1�J'-
<br /> filed for record this____.. ---�h------------------day of- - ----------Anr�1------------------
<br /> :�. D., 19_ 1_�._ � a�t --- _ -- -- - -10_ -o'clock--- - - - -�_._-,--NT.
<br /> L.C .F�ro�m 8 '_,'1if e. ___---- Warranty
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<br /> I�now 1�11 1VIen by T�ese Pr�esent� :
<br /> That L.C_.Fxot�n__a.na_ _dr.�i_e__F,Rr_ai�n___� �iz�sYa�n�i � -�,vi#'�_. -- - - - --- - - - - - --- - - -
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<br /> of the Count,� of___ _ ���1� __and Stat,e of_ ____ ____���e��'a��`-a-_ __________Grantor_�___, in cnnsideration
<br /> of the sum of- - - -- _ Fi Vt3' ' ` • '`' '' ' � , � � '-- - -- - - ----------- --- -------- - - - - ------------------------------------------------- '-----------------llOLLARS,
<br /> in hanl paid, clo__ _ ---------hereby GRA�TT, E�1RG',�I1�', SELL, A�ti�D COPTVEY unto- ------ -�l_. .rs_._P�.�tx_i_S��_�_ __ _--.-------- -----------
<br /> - - -- -- --- -- -- _ _- - ---_..-- - - --- - -- -- - - ---- --- -- -- ---------- --
<br /> fxali _ _and State of--- - -- ----- T�ebl ask� Grantee-------,
<br /> of the County of- - - ---- - . - -- - - - - _ _.__. .___ ____ _ , the following
<br /> • � ry ��a� ' __ard State of Nebrasl;a, to c��it:
<br /> described�rernises, sitl�ated iv tn� �,�unty ef__ _------- _--- - --- -'-.-�-�--- ___--- -- _ -
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<br /> T��et,he�°wit�? alI t'rie �tenement�, hereditalnc-�ts, anct appurtenauces thereunto belorlging, �,nd all the Estate, Right, Title, Il�terest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br />' Demand u�l�atsoever of the sai� Cral�tor.�.-_-___, and of eitner of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof,
<br /> TO H_�VE AND TO HOL:a the above-clescribed prernises,i�ith the appurtena-nces; unto the said Grantee_____.__and to___ _____.___hi.s_ .___._________heirs and
<br /> a,ssigns forever. Ar.d__ _______'='_le___ ______.___hereby r,cver.ant_____._with the said Grantee____ .______that______�Y8____________liold_______.said premises by good and perfect
<br />' title; that_____.____-�!:�._________ha_ti=�_goo� rignt arid lawful autllority to sell a,nd contie,y the same; that tlleyare free a,nd clear of�till liens and incumbrances
<br />'I whatsoever---------- - ----- ------- ----- - _ -- - ---�- -- --- -- - ---- -- -- ------ -- ------- --- --- -
<br /> --- --- - - ----------- -- --------- ------------------
<br /> And " ______covenant_______to warrant and
<br /> ----- - - --..
<br /> --- -- -- ,Je - ------- -- --------
<br /> �1iE3
<br />'', clefencl � said pren7ises against the law�ful elairns of all persoizs whomsoever, ____._______________________________._
<br /> - -- -- __-- -- - - - ------- -- -- -- --------- ---- -----
<br />�
<br /> Dated tne--- --�ixth_._-- ---- -----day of_-- ----- - A�?r�.l --- --- --- - ------A, D,, i9-1�- -� -
<br /> [�TITNESS �--------------------L_._C_.�r��v7�--------- ----- -----------------------------
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<br /> J.E.Pi11
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<br />� ------ -- -----------------
<br /> - - - - �---------- ---------------
<br /> ss,
<br /> -Hall_---- ----County, On this-----------------o�_h.--------------------_d�,y of -A�ii-��.--------------------A, D., 19--��---, before me, the
<br />' undersig��ed, a Notary Public----3��o int c;�------------------within and f'or said �'ounty, Personally came--------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br />� ---- --- --- L.._�_.�r_Q_:zx:, �.nd--An��.e_._I',�._I�xQyr_r�, -h�-� -=yrafe----------------- ---------------------------------------------
<br /> i -- ---- - ---- --- -- --- -- ---- ----------- --- ----------- ---- --- - ---- - ------ ---------------- - ---------------------- -------------- �--------------
<br /> to me personally i�nown to pe the identical person_u____._whose name__�_.____�ar�_______________________a�tixed io the above instru-
<br /> �`'`r��� ment as�rantor__�_______, and______Ui'-_���'_________severally acknowledged the same to be_.___t�'iQ_i�`____ ____.voluntary act and deed
<br /> for �11e purpose therein expressed, r a.r�e
<br />'i IN �VITNESS WFIEREOI' I have hereunto subscribed my�and afiixed my ofFicial seal at_____________________________________________
<br />� _�r�nc�__I_�1._�s1u i'e�x, _______.______._on the date last above written.
<br />, - -- s ---�---- - -- -----------------
<br />�
<br /> °--'_ -- '-'-��'f�E_t.Di11---------------------------
<br /> Notary Public,
<br /> My commission expires---------------- - --------July---l��Yi----------------------------------------191�
<br />