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<br /> 50018—KLOPP&BARTLE4'?'b0.,Printirg,Lithogra7�hing and County Supplies;Omahc. � �� � � -� � � ��..
<br /> FPOrl' I hereb,y certify that, this instrui�lent w�s entered oil Numerical Index and
<br /> filed for recorc� this--_ _.__14th-----------day of------------�py i..l. _------- --------
<br /> A, 1�,, 19i l --, at- - - _ ��'�� _ -- -- _ __. _o'clock - P� -M.
<br /> ,'�Qrnann �Ch2t�t�n��Z�_ �� _vViy��_-- Warranty �
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<br /> _ __ -_ - �
<br /> T0 Deed. � ' � �'
<br /> ,Gr��-T�i _GG�
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<br /> I�eputy.
<br /> I��o� All l�Ie� by Z'�ese Pre�ents:
<br /> I:��z r.lann �c :a�Uen'�Urn �nu_%,liiri� ���1attenb:�xg _ _
<br /> That- - -- - -- - - - - � - - - _ - _ -- - -
<br /> �:usbanci ar.d :�ife
<br /> of the Counfy of-- ---- ----- -------.'z�ll_ ----------__------anci State of-,- -------- 21e_C��'��lc�------- ----_- ------- ------- -----------Grantor--5--, in consideratiorl
<br /> On.e Thour�na_ �nr_l. r�__� _________� .. ----- -- - -- --DOLLARS
<br /> of the suln of- - -- -_ • -�"_ _- - - -- --- ------ ---- - ----- - -------- - ------ -- - --- -- ----- ,
<br /> iii hand paid, do___ ___ ___ ___hereb�� GRAVT, ��RGQI?4', Si+;LL, AIdTD C�NVEI' unto_____F.k�,Hoot_en__ __________
<br /> of the County of - ----- -i�a:.I - --- _- - -- --and ,State of_ -- - PTek�'t'�Sl:��_ ._- - - -- -- , Grantee___._,thefollowing ,
<br /> described pren.ises, situated in the Coflritv of_______..____ri�t1l ___ _________. __.__ _______.._____ancl State of ldebraska, to w�it:
<br />�'� ---.Lc��___��u.:U_e_r__i�in�- -���- in_ �i1o�k__i�ur,�U_e�__�i�llt ---��-)----o-f----daiiich'--s---1'�1�?it_i�n--�o--�r_ancl--��],ans�--rlebra$k��
<br /> _ _a�_ti ua�vc_yr4_�., .�la_t_t e_d �c: r_c_cor���1..- - - - ----- - --
<br /> Sub;j�c� �o the_ ur.Y��ici Ual�nce_ of_ a :�SC;Q_r�,oxt;;3�e____in___fav_or of Trie Equitable Build�r._g
<br /> ��nd___Laan_ 1�c.�c4_i_a�ion- -c?f..__�xr_and_ I�larLcl, �'�_b_r_�s�aJ---(e���i��-4-1)---i�rhi�h--b_al�anu.�__�.x_ant.�°--7:�_x_�_��----------
<br /> -- - ��
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<br /> a�,�unie.�__r..r_d_ ,,.t,re�s___��-- .--��r -�.� �ar_-�---�f--t_he----�c�ns_:�clez__a_uion__ ab_Q_Y�___nari�cl�---
<br /> - _ _ - - _ _ -- -- ------------
<br /> -- - - - - ---- - - - - -- -. -- -- - -- - - - - --- --- -- -- - - --- - -- - ---- --- -- - ----- -- -- ---- -- ----
<br />� - --- -- - _- - -
<br /> -- - - -- - -- - - - ----- - - - --- - -___--- -- -- -- - � --- - - -- ---- - - - ----- -- --------------------
<br /> Together�vit}� all tae teneme,nts, I�ere�titan_�ent�,, and appurtenarces thereuuto belonging, zrd all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and �
<br /> Dernar�d whatsoever of'the saiil CTrantor_.___�_.__, arid of either of them, of, in, or to the sanze, or any part thereof.
<br />� TG K4ti'E AF1D TO HCJL:'_% tl�e above-described prenaises, wiE.h t1�e appurtenanc,es, unto the said Grantee__.__.___and to__._______________hi.s__ .._.________heirs and
<br />, �,ssigns fol°ever. And___.._______-�`r�_____ ___.___hereby cGti-enant______with the said Grantee__________that_____'��e_,___________hold_________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that_______.____���___________ha_vegoocl ri�ht ard Iai�ful a,�lthol°it,y to sell a,nd convey the same; that they are free and clear of zll lieris and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever----e�Cei��t --�=� -a�;oY?�__a_t�*e d --- __ --------- ----- - - - - -- --- -- -
<br /> - - -- - - -- -- ---------------- -- ----- -------------------
<br />' --- --- -- --- ----- - -- - --- -- - - ----- --- --- ---- --. - - -�-- --------- - - --- - ---- --- - - --------- ----------------------------------- ------------------
<br /> ---- ----- - - - . -- -- - - - - -- - - - -- -- --- - - ---- - -And------ -- ------- - �Je------ - - - ----------covenant--------to warrant and
<br /> the
<br /> defend tPS�ic1 premises agaillst tfie ]awful claims of all persons tivhomsoever,e��Q�t______�:�__a_b___o__v__e___s�_3�_ea___�.nci__�a_x__E3�__�`�or__1�.11_______.______._
<br /> and �hnreaf�cx
<br /> --- --- - -- - - -- -- -___ --- ---- --- -- --- - - --- - ---- -- - - --- ----------- -- -- �-- -------..--- -- -- - - - ---- ----- ---�------------------ ----
<br /> Dated the-- -_._.l�*�� -- ---- - --day of_- - - --1���_�i 1_. - -------------------A, D,, 191�---�
<br /> [�JITNES�S --------r��.X'liicn.,I_1Y1---�,�'zC�l_��fi_E_3�1_'�?E3-��------------ -------------------
<br /> � ♦: ^�
<br /> -----'.�a�.le--.�chatt erLer�--------- -------------------------- �
<br /> ----- - --- -- -- --- --- L._R,�3r in in�,�.x -__ -- � �
<br /> ss,
<br /> x?��11_-_-----------Counf,y, On this,---------.----1��.�------------------.day of------------�A;or_i1-------------------A. D., i9---11_, before me, the
<br /> undersir;ned, a lvotaz�y Public----------------------------.------------within and for said Gounty, Personally came------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> _ _ _ .�. • �. ,., ,.,
<br /> - _iT_�r.aunn__�c�iat__v_�ni���v- ;rl�i__�i��.s� ,�._�h�.�_�;_sn�;_er�----------------------------------------------------- -------------
<br /> - - - ----- ---- ----------- - -------- - --------- ---- -- ------_ -- - -------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
<br /> to me ��ersonaily known to be the identical person_S____whose name_S______�X'�__..___________________af�ixed to tl�e above instru-
<br /> (�LA�,) rnent as grantor___�_____, and_______,__�he;�_____..severaliy acknowledged tlie same to be____'�h�i.x______________voluntary act and deed
<br />' for �he pur•pose therein expressed.
<br /> n�e
<br /> IL�T �VITiVESS tiVHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my' gd and a,i�ixed my ofr'icial seal at____________________________________________
<br />. ���ntl--I-�-i antl---iwe_b-r_--__-----_-_---------------------------on i;he date Iast above written,
<br />� ----------------------------------L._^.F,r in in��r--------------------
<br /> ,,,_
<br /> 1Votary Public.
<br /> , . . . - ------ -----------------�,«r_c_L 1�
<br /> My commission expires--------------- -- - - - --------------------------------------i9------------
<br />