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<br /> 5b(�i8-.KI.O�I'R Bi{RTLETP CO.,Printirn,Li[hogra�hing and County Sup�lies:6+raaho,. - -` —`-'_
<br /> FR,0�1T I hereb,y certify that this instrul:nent was enterecl on Numerical Index and
<br /> filed for record this____-----11�h___._.__---day of--------A��'i-1- ------------------------
<br /> A, D,, 19_ 11_ , at--..___ 11�``�5 -- o'clock-- " M.
<br /> --- ' �
<br /> _ --
<br /> _.1_.N_.�ava�o�__.�_in;le_ __ - _ _ _ Warranty
<br /> ro Deed. O�
<br /> _ �I�L�_ _,_ _GCB�L= '
<br /> - -- y - � -
<br /> egister of D cls �r���
<br /> J .�.Dill and ".C, .�Iuston
<br /> --- _ - - -- -- -- -- -
<br /> -
<br /> -�epucy. ---
<br /> I�no�v �11 �en by PI'�ese Pr�esents:
<br /> That -- _ I� _rT .�V.�3`f3�8--- - �S-1Y1.�;1�3�- -- - _ - -- - -- - - -- ---- --
<br /> of the Cotln.iv of--- ------ -- Dou;,r13_s- ---- _ _--- -----aild State of_--------- . _Or e��.n _------ -------- ------------Grantor------, in cnnsideration
<br /> of the su�l� of- - �ey�n_._�unclrecl_.�'i�'t:,�' a::�__nQ/ll?�- ----- - --- -- ------------------ ---------------- -------------------------------------------------DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand pa.icl; cic. _-__ ------hef°ebv GR�.v�', B�1?�G�IIN, SELL, r�11'D CONZ'EY unto_ _ _ J_,_�_,Di_1_1---�---�_�r.,��u��0T1_
<br /> _ - - - ----
<br /> Hall--__- ----. _ _ ___.___ _an�l �5tate of__ ------. -
<br /> of the, County of______ _ . __ _ . 21e i�T_��_.a_ _-_______ .__._____ _ _._, Grantee_s___,the following
<br /> deseribed praniises, sitiza,tec�in tno C�u�ty of_�______ _.__ ____ _��1�-....______ ._________ -__-a.ncl State of Nebraska, to wit:
<br /> -- - Lo 4 �Tu�ber SQ_v�n_ (7�- in �31fl cL__;�u�:�Uer--�i�h�---(�3-)-- -in__�3Qnnis_-Br_ae_ A.d_�it_i_on t�. ._a_rand_I slt�nc3,--------
<br /> Tvebrw�}:�.,__as s���rYox°d�- ?�lat';_ecl_ancl rocordecl• --_ __ - - -- -- - -- - --
<br /> - -- - - -5u1�j act- �o_ a r.w_r�-�;a�e-- °� __�_4_ 50.� • - - -- - -
<br /> _ -- -_ ---- - - - -_ - ---- - --- -- --- - - -- - ---- - - - - -- -- - -- - - - -- - - -- -- ---�------
<br /> I Together tivi�r� a11 the �e.nements�, her°editalt�er��, �,nd appurteriances therreitnto beloii�ing, and all the .Estate,xight, Titile, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Graritcr_.________, and cf either of t�iem, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> TO �L4VE AND TO I�CI,D trie above-described preniises, with the appurtenanc,es, unto the said Grantees_____and to___ ___..__theix________________heirs and
<br />' a,ssigns forever. And_______.___ _I_ -____ _ ___hereby� cove�iant_____with the said Grantee�__________that_________I_____._____hold_________said premises by good and perfect
<br />' title; that________Z__ ..____.____1�a_y_�_good rigl7t and Iao�°ful aii�horit,y to sell a,nd convey the same; that tY:eya,re free �,nd clear of Zll liens anci incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever-----su'�j_e r:'t_.t n--4-ane�--f a r.__�.���J an�l �u1���_,:_��snt---�a:�--- --- - --- - - --- -
<br /> - -------- - -- ------------- -----------�--------
<br /> ---- - -- -- -- --- - -- - - - ---- - --- __ - - -- - - - ---- _ -- - --- --- --------- ---- --- - -- ------ ------- --- - -- -- - ----------------------------
<br /> _ - -- - - - -- - -- - - And --- I -- - - _- --- - -- -- --- -----__covenant_._ ---to warrant and
<br /> tho exce t a� above stated.
<br />',, defend i�t said premises against the lawful clai?T2s of all persons uhomsoever, ---------------_l?__. -- . - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> --- -- ------- --- - - - __- --- - - - -_ ---_- -- - -- ---- -- --- -- - - - - -.._-- - ----------� - -- ---------------- --- - - ----------------- ------
<br /> Dateci the - - .�',,r�nty_-f iftn - - ---da�� of_ ----.2,iarch-- ----- - -------A. D., �9--�1----�
<br /> WITNESS ---------------------'�_,_�!_._SaYa,�-a---- ---- -----------
<br /> j -- - - .._ ----- ----------------------
<br /> --- - - -- ---�H-,-�yar_ - -- -- - - _ --
<br /> �.F.Ch i 1 - ---------------------------------
<br /> son
<br /> - ----- --- ----- - -- �
<br /> STATE OF � Q�:at"JI�
<br /> L'_oug}la�- ----County, �ss, ��t�-- ---------- ---------day of_- ---;;�aTCh -------�---------------A. D., 19__11__, before me, the
<br /> - Qn this- -- - --
<br />� undersi�necl, a ivotiary Yubli�___�I??�o i�?��a__._.______________within and for said County, personally came_________________________.__________
<br /> --------- ----------------�----------
<br /> ---- - .T ,�J ,_Sa.vaF�e-- -(_sin�ie)
<br /> -- - - - --- --------- -- - -
<br /> --- - ----�--------------- --------------------------------------------------
<br /> to n1e personally known to be the identic�,l person__. _______whose name______________________l�____________affixed to the above instru-
<br /> fnent as gral�tcr_________, and_____________h�_________severaii,y acl�nowledged the same io be___.______hi.s._________.voluntary act a,nd deed
<br /> ��F.AL fbr �he purpose therein expressed, ame
<br /> `r ' � n
<br /> IN T�ITIVESS WHEREOF I have hereurito sub�cribed iriy�and aft�'ixed my of�'icial seal at_________________________________________.___
<br /> ?iyrti,_Q__Creok�__Oro�;on______________________________on the da�e last above written.
<br /> . ---------------------- -------------h-•-�?�'-eT�-------------------------------- ' '
<br /> Notary Public�
<br /> My coznrnission expires-------------- ------- Pec-----7n------------------------------------------------------�9---11---- ����
<br />