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` �" ` � <br /> c�=��� , <br /> r—; � '-. <br /> � �.r,,, � � �- .- <br /> D D � �� �� � � � d <br /> �� <br />_ _: _ . _ :_ :, _ ._ _� __ __ _- _- _ - __— — <br /> _ __ __ <br />_ � � 500d$—�:LO?P&BARTLL'TT CO.,Printirag,Lithopraplaing¢�cd Count�Supglaes;O+na?zc.. � �� �� <br /> F�fl'�'r I hereby certify that this instrumepit was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> filed for reccrd this-- - __1_O�h_ . __--- ---___day of-------Apr-1-1------- <br /> 3. D., 19 Zl- , at- -- _- - _ 1_1_.5Q -- -- o'clock - - - --- - ��- -M• <br /> Phi_lip__R31nh TTe,.�ma;�er _�°. ;�3.f� --- � Warrant <br /> - T�_ Y <br /> % Deed. � /� <br /> - ���r�� �/����� � <br /> - <br /> - - <br /> Re�istar of DeQd c�y��r,x <br /> - :�ar;�__I�..Hai.n_l�.ne_ __ - _- - _ . <br /> --- - -- -- __ ___ _ _ <br /> - --- -- - - - - --- - <br /> Deputy, <br /> _ __ _ - <br /> - _ - _ -__ __ <br /> I —_ -- __ — .__ -__ --- �_- _ —----- ----------- — — --- - <br /> ��ow �11 �eri by Tl�ese Present�: <br /> Tha±,___- --- Phi1i�--�.� _an_d_i�ab�l__E_.��eu�a�rer�-- __husb�ns�__and_��r_ife -------no��--- ----- ---_ - ------- <br /> - - -- <br /> of the Couniy of__ . ___LanC��'�_or-. a1�d State of__-------_ _ __NE3:Ur'��k t__ ----- - -- -- __-------- --- ----- - ----------Grantor-S-----, in consideration <br /> of the sum of - :aVen'�f�e�--i�ita.i7.�lrQd ._ __ - - - - - -- ----- --- ---- -------- ---- ------ -------DOLLARS, <br /> in han�l paicl, do_ _ ______-___her�eby GRA�T, B�1RG_!li,�', SELL, �l�'�'D CONVEY unto_______I�dar�t__R.H���i��19 ___._____ ._ <br /> of the County of --- -- -_ - -- Li311 - __ - __ _._and State of_ ___- . i�e_ci aSk�_ _ _ - - - .___._ -- - - > Grantee-- ,t�le following <br /> described prelri�es, situated in.the County o�'____ ____ __���311__-_____ __________�rid State of Nebr�,eka, to wit: <br /> - :�ot____Nurir�ar _�Jne __(_l}_ in_ �lock _nur:l�ar--Qn�--h�l�.�rc�_cl _a�ns�_T}K.�nt_y--�Q_ur---(1:4�__a_�'_U�iQn _Pac_ific__R.a__i_l�ay- <br /> Corapany-'-�- -aecc�nci_ Aclaitic�n__ to__ _�r�nd- I��,��-_. S1ei���_3_�.ay -- aN--�u.rve��a-�----�l�tted_a�.d._re�oxc3ad---and----- <br /> - on_ f.i_le in t:�_o_ rec�r_Su__n�_.:aid_Kall_ C�:�unt.X• - -- - - - -- --_ _ _ -- - <br /> To�ether ivitl� alI thQ tenelne,nis, tiersciitalt�ents, and appurteriarices thereunto belon,�ing, �,nd all �he Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dou�er, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Dernand whatsoever of the said Grantor�________, �,nd of either of thern, of; in, or to the same, or any pa,rt thereof, <br /> TO �79VE AND TO 1�OI�T t11e above-�escribed premises,with the appurtenances, unto trie said Gra,ntee_______and to___ ____1?er__._____._.___.___.heirs and <br /> assigns forever. And________V�.6______ _ ________hereby cov�r�ant____��ith the said Grartee______.___that______YY,[o___________.hold_______._said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; �hat______+'?�Q ._________ ______ha:?�'Q__good ribl�t ar� l��,wful authority to sell a,nd convey the sarle; that theyare free and clear of all liens and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever --- -- -- _ --- -- - -- -_ __ __ _ _ - - -- - - - - ---- - <br /> ---- ---- -- ------ ----- - -- --- - - -- - --- --- ----- --- --- - - ------ - ---- - -- --- ----- -- ------- --- ------------------------------- - <br /> __- - _ -- - <br /> - -- - _ -- _ __ - -- ..And- - - -- - - �e --- - - - ---------covenant- -----to warrant and <br /> - - -- -- -- - _ _ <br /> the <br /> defend�, said premises against tlie lativful clai2ns of all persoiis ��ho�nsoever�, ____ ___ ._ _ ___ ______________.._ ____ <br /> -- -- - - --- - --- -_ --- - - --- -- -- _ _ - - - -_ - - --- --- - -- -- --- - - -- - -- - - -- ---- --- -- -------------------- --- --- ---- -- <br /> Dated the- -- S��Io11�h _ -__- ---- --da,y of_- -_. - - April --- -- -- ----- --- - ---t�. D., 19_.11 -• <br /> VVrITN�S,S '---"'��J..�_��_�-'-�4e��Y�.'-,�Y_QUI1�2i.V�T--------�-----�----""-'-"'--"-- � <br /> � - Zv4abe_�.__E_.Neum��er--- ----------------- <br /> - --�- ----- - -- -Leo--T..�_chmi���el� -- -- - - --- <br /> _ <br /> . <br /> STATE OF NEBRASK A, <br /> ¢ . <br /> ss, <br />'', , -----'.,3�C���_f�x --- ---County, 1� On this-- - --- - 7th--- - -----------day of----- ---- -�x r�1 ----- --------------A. D., 19_11--, before me, the <br /> undersigned, a i�ccary Publi�----- ------------------------u�itliin and for said C,ounty: Aersonally came------------------------------------------------ ----------- <br />� Ph_��.�.�--����h--NQUr��y�r__�rd_.:�iak?e�- F=I'Z�um�y-e-r>---hus_h_az�d__�n�i_��zea--------------------------------- <br /> - -- - -- - -- --------------- - -- - - -------- ---------___-------,.. --------- - --------------------------- -- ------ ------------- --- ---------------- <br /> (�EAL} to me personally l�riown to be the identical person_._�____whose name_S_.___ar__e___________________________ai�ixed to the above instru- <br /> ��e,nt as grantor_�_______, and______tn�Y-.________severally acknowledged the same to be____t h6ir__________.youluntary act and deed <br /> for lhe purpose therein expressed. <br /> ::a:?1@ <br /> IN t�'ITNFSS ti�HERL+'OI+9 I have hereunto subscribed my�and af��ed my ofr'icial seal at____________________________________________ <br /> LinCO lny_ __.__.__on the date last above written. <br /> --- - - --- ------ ------ - - ---------------- <br /> -- -------------L�Q__J..�_�hMi��_el------------------ <br /> � IYotary Public, <br /> My cominissior� expires--------------- - - - --------- --1�d2�r?----�'��-------------------------------------------�`�--'4------- <br />