<br /> ���`� �.��� • 4E
<br /> � r D � � -
<br /> D � D O , Dd
<br />- : _ _ _ _ � _ ��_ _ - — _ _
<br /> 500�8—KLOPY&SAPL1'LETT CO.,PrintinD,LitliagraPh4rig¢nd Couaily Supplies;Ornahz. � ��� � A
<br />— _ ___ __ ___. _,,-. .,,_ _ _ _._ _ —
<br /> FROiYT I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Nurnerical Index and .
<br /> filed for record this--- ------oth----.--------�ay of---------Ap�.�.1 _-_------- -
<br /> ---- -
<br /> �. D., 1911___ , a,t__-.__ _- __ ..- 11_._30 -o'clock __ - -- A. -M.
<br /> - Ira Gx if f in__�_�v�if-e -- --_ - - Warranty
<br /> -- . _ _ _ _
<br /> TO Deed. • �
<br /> _ - -- - - `' _ - - - -
<br /> F.e g i s t e r of D e a d _ C�xa��C.��e�
<br /> - '+-.C_.ribbon�_ _ _ - _ -- _ _ __ _ _
<br /> -_ . - - - - -- __ --- - --
<br /> - - v�puty:-
<br /> I���ow �111 l�en by �'lzese �'resents :
<br /> That-------_ Ira �riff.i.n__�n�i__Sarah___A��'riffi-�-,---hu�r�ancl_�- .�A,•_if$ ------ --- -- , ------ ---- --- _ -----
<br /> -- --- -_- ------ - -- - -- -
<br /> of the Caunty of__ _ _ _ ��a11 --and State of_ _________ __ 218'oraska. __-__-__ ______ _ _ ___- ._ ___-_ -_-_-___Grantor__�___, in consideration .
<br /> of the sun7 of- ---- Tt�:s_nty-�'ivQ �iuncir.erl__��__OO�1Q.t7 ---- ----- --- ---- - -- --- --------- - ------,------�--------------- ----------- ------DOLLARS,
<br /> � in hand paid, do hzrebv �PAi1rT, BaRG!�IN, SELL, AND CONVEY nnto_--!�•�_•�?��?'QOns_ -------_
<br /> of tlie C�unty of_.- ----.-------�ia11.. _. . _. -----a�1d Stia,te of__._ _ -------- -11ek�xa�ka-------- --- - , Grantee--____,the following
<br /> _ _ - - - -
<br /> dsscribed prelnises, situated iv.i11e Courity of'__________ Hall_ _ ___ _____,_______a�� State of Nebraska., to wit:
<br /> I Fr�ctional_ _Lot Five_ _(5�_._in---�lock__�zx__-(E-�- --in_-���ulciin�- -and___rre_g�3s- �cic�.;.tion_-to �he Cit of
<br /> --- --- �'----- -- ---
<br /> -- Grand I_�l�na_,-__a:zd �_� _mu;�h- -�f--1ot -Ei�Y�t___(�_}_ c�f___C.ount_3r Suhdi.uisi_on_ _r�f---th�--Snu�h__Ea�t_ q,_uarter---a� the
<br /> I -- --�ou�h__Flast q.z.�ari;�r- o���ct-�o� :���e��. {16) in- ,o�v��hi�-�l�ve-n -(11) Nart� -c�#' Par�ga-�aine_ , -�ast-
<br /> - c'f ..�__1ze s_�xtii -P.1�i._ �;iix.ch__tc,_etii�r_ _vritl�__s�i�i---�'sac:tiQn�.l--io�--iive- -(5-)_--ma�.;e -on�.�u�l_ _�ot__66 feet-------
<br /> --_�1�.�e__�'r_ontag�_on_I'ir�t---�tre_ot--in -�aiti--�it-y,--anu__132---feet--�.e_e��_ _i_a�in�--alang---th�---e:s_t_erly--ui�e--- .
<br /> I of- �7e�'_er so�__S_tre_�t �n__said �ity. - - - -- -- - -- - - - --- ._ - -- - - -- ---- -- ---- - --
<br /> - -- -----
<br /> _- - _ -- --- --- -- --- -
<br /> -- -- _ - -- -- ---- --- - -- - -- - -- - --- - - - - - -- - -- ----------- - - ----
<br /> Together wit� aIl the tenelnents, reret�itarrents, and appurtenancss thereunto belon�ing, and all the �state,Right, Title, Interesf, Dotiver, Curtesy, Claim and
<br />' Dernand whatsoever of the said �rantor__s___ ____, arld of either of ihem, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br />' TO H.!�VE AND TO HOLD the a.l�ove-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee________and to________.__�_�$_��___________ ____heirs and
<br /> a,ssigns forever. �1nd_._ .____�'�'�__. ___ ._____hereby coven�,nt__ .___with the said Grantee_______.___that________4�8_______hold__________sa.id premises by good and perfect
<br /> tit.le; tha.t__�`Je_._______ . ____ _._ha___V_agood right arld I�,wft�l authority to sell and canvey the same; that t1:ey are free a,nd clear of all liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever_ exc-��t_-�zJ-o-xnUxt_�;a�e_s-__ona___of__�1Q00,_�C--anri--t_7ia___o_�lie-r- -�8C��_._00___�r�i�l�---t_l�e----inte�.:QS_t _�.�'�ex_�i�y__
<br /> - -1_:�t_,_�91�__��'Zi.�h__�.IiQ-�_�zr_ci:la�Q� �ssur.le� -r�• a����a- t-�--�a'.�-- --- -- --- --- -------- - - - --- ----------------------------------- -
<br />�' - --- -- -- ----- - - - ------ ---- --- ------- - ---- -- ------- -�---- ----------------------------- - -------- ----
<br /> _ - -- -- __- And -- ._..�xjQ- -- -- - . --- -- - - -----------covenant-----,_to warrant and
<br /> �?`�' sub 'ect to taxes of 1911
<br /> deferid f�said premises against the lawful claims of�11 persor�s uhomsoever, ___..,___ ______�._.__________.._____.._._.._________________._______________________________________._,__
<br /> -- - -- _ - -- - -_ - - �- - ---- -- ---- - - - - - ---- -- - - ----....-- -- - --------------- -- --- - �------- -------�------------------
<br />, llated the- -- -- - 6�h --day of-- -----April- --- - -.. - --- --- -----A, D., 1911 ----,
<br />, WIZ`l1ES�S -------�----------I r a_,r���f x n------------------------------------------•----
<br />;
<br /> I
<br /> - ------ - - -�ar�h �_._rr iff-iii-------------------------------
<br /> h
<br /> ----- - ----- ���hn__8._Th_o�p:�ar.-- - _ -- -
<br />' ss.
<br /> --- - -- -i�3�� - --- ---County, On this-- - - - 6th_----- - -�----------day of_-----------A�ri i-- -----�----------A. D., 1911____, before me, the
<br /> undersigned, a IVo�ary Pu��lic----------------------------------------------within and for s�,id County, Aerso�ally came-------.-------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> - --I ra__�r i f a i n_ana--r�,,ah--.�,.�i i f�_in� -- ----�iu�t�anci--u'--�if e------------------------- ---------
<br /> - --------- - ---- ----- -- --�- ----------- ---- ------ ----- - -- - ---- -�--- ----- �--------------------------------- ----------------- ----------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person__�__.___whose names_________�_e_____________,______afI'ixed to the above instru-
<br /> �nent as grantor�_______,, and_________�ii�_�t_._,__severally acknowledged the same.to �e____._____�heix_____.voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> r ama
<br /> II�' ��'I1N�SS WH�R�OP I IZave hereunto subscribed my 1�,�d�and af�ixed my of�'icial seal at_____________________________________________
<br /> ��EAL j __ _ �rand__Islancl2__I'tetr______________.__.___________on the date last above written.
<br /> -------------------
<br /> --- ------------- -�?or.n__R.Th_oM�s on---------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> . My commission expires---------------- - ------------ ---------F'elay_-----��---------------------------------19_��-----
<br />