<br /> t� �"�--�
<br /> � � rr _D ° 0 ° �
<br /> �: �. a
<br /> _ _ _ _
<br />— 560�8—SL/JPP if^BA1fiY'LETT CO.,Printing,Lithographing and Co�nt;�Supplies;d�zafi�: ' - ``� --.'- _�—.� �_ --� -._.�_
<br /> _ _ _ ___ __ _ _ .. _
<br /> �'R�'�� I rereby certify that this instrunient u�as entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> filed for record this--- ----- --- ------�th----day of----------Ap�'-1-1--------_ - -
<br /> - -- -- - _ - _ -- - - -- . - - -
<br /> �, D., 1911___, at _.._ __ -11.3D -- -dclock --- - - - �,_�_M.
<br /> �'aul_C.���inhold �: _�ife-- ___ _--- Warranty
<br /> i� Deed. '
<br /> -- -- -- -- -_- --_ _ - - -
<br /> Re ister of DeQ ,� �a��,
<br /> - . _ S.l�lc in_ou� Ha�r:��n__ -- --- `
<br /> -__. _ - -- - __ _ - - -- -- --- -- -- -
<br /> _ _l�eputy ---
<br /> Knodv �l�l l�Ien by T�ese Pre�ent� .
<br /> Tha,t,_- -�'uul_ .O.�ei�i.o�.� an�i--�o�a_.�_.�teinhQld_}_.his_ _vrife ..- ---_ - - --- - _ __ - - -- -
<br /> --- - ---- - - - --
<br /> of the County of---. ---------. H311 - --- --- . ---and State of_-- - --------TdebrABka _-------._----- -- -------- ------- -----------Grantor--�---, in consideration
<br /> Fift _. . . . ---. .�.. . ._. . ._._ . ._. . . _. . - -- - • -•
<br /> . . . . . _. .
<br /> of the surn of -- � o__�`?-'�-- a'�__�-_i_'s--�-'�--'�----s--�`-x-�---�-=---2--� ------- �-=�---�----�- �-M�---�--�-�'-�--_s_-i_-i_-_�__`_i_�OLLARS,
<br /> in hand pa,id, do.___ ______.___hereby CR.Ai�lT, Br�RG�IN, SF.I�L, AN� CONVEY unto_ _S._AlClTlou�3___ H8yr1321_
<br /> --_ .--- _ - -- -
<br /> of the County of_---_ __----__i�a.l�.------ ---------- _ ---------------and State of __ __------_ ----�.1B�T2�� :.s1_----- ------ --. ------- -------_ _ ----, Grantee--------,the following �
<br /> clescribed premises,situatecl in the Cotal�ty of__. _ __. _ ____�"�all_ _______, ________- __._._-__----_and State of Nebrask�, io wit: A three siaed traet of gxourid
<br /> in �2�e sauth��e�t corner of Lot nurnber 16 of the Gounty Subdivision of the southeast quarter of the
<br /> southaast qu�rter- of-the �outn�;e�t quarter vf -section i�_ Tae�msh-ip- li-�an�e- 9 -�ee�t, -sa-ic� ��-ac-�- �f
<br /> land bein� n�ore ���rticularly cies�'iY�ed as follot�rs, to-t:jit:- Be�inning at the Southwest corner of
<br /> -
<br /> Zot "16 0� tha County �u]�divi�i�n c�� �he �ou�heas� quax�er a� thQ southeas� quart�r af t�ie �aut3�wost
<br /> c_uarter of section sixteen (16} of To�,n�hip Eleven (11} northZ of R�n�e nine (9) �uest of the 6 P.��i.
<br /> in Fiall. County� T�8UTc38'r:a anc� runn�.n�; thonee north alor�g the Riest bouncl�rti* line of said -lo�---�ixteen
<br /> (16} .f_grty_,.four_ feet _�4�_j _thQ�c:Q r�nnir_.�__ln__ a. s�.utY�east�_xly _uirection__in a___�3ne. �,��a11e1 rry�ith__the
<br /> grest �cund.ary l.ine of the pu�:Iic street next ea�t of saici Point , to � point on the �nutri line of �saiti
<br /> l�at---si�.a_en,---�Rll�ich---�oint--:�-ies- -ir�-- i��ie---a�.1:�v--s.h-oulc�--�-�.id- -al-1-e-�--b� _r-e_gularly--�-lattad---ir_:_lins--R_ith---�ha
<br /> alley in f;rie blocl: east t�aeraof, tnence tire,t alon� the south boundary lin� of said Iot r.umber 16
<br /> - - - - -- - -- --- - -- ---------- --- ---- -
<br /> to-�Y�a -��ace t€ -�re�3n��n;:- -�- -- -- - - -- -------- --- - - - -
<br /> - ----------
<br /> - ------- - - - - -- - - - --- -- - - --- - - --- -- - - - --- ---- - ---- -- ---- -- - -- - ---- - - - - ------------------- ---------
<br />' � Tc�etner tivii�a a�l t1�e tenements, ?�er�r'itan�ents, aud appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, z�d all the Estwte, R.ight, Title, Znterest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim ai2d
<br /> Dema,nd whatsoever of the �a,id Gra�tor___________, and of either of�thezn, of, in, or to the sanle, or any part tl�ereof� � �
<br /> TO K_qVE AIVD Tc� HOLI� the above-described pretr�ises,u�ith the appurtenances, unto the sairl Grantee__._____and`to_____________h1�__ _____________heirs a,nd
<br /> a,ssigns forever, And______ __,_��e__ ____.__hereby covenailt.______with the said Grantee__._._._____tha.t_ _______v2e._ __hold____ __ said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title,; bhat___ `_�e ___________.___haVe___goc� ri�ht and iawful authority to sell and carti�e,y ihe sa�me; trat tlleyare free and clear of all liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever_ and_ �_o_�iureUy--�ors�ey t_c_ _�a_icl_ �r��n��o--�.11--�-i-�i�s---�r�a--��x'i_�'�_]�e��es__anci_::ea�ement_s �re---r:1�y--have
<br /> _
<br />, as o�rner�_ _of__�aiti___t_ract _,��ove__ci_e_�cx_ibea_k�y__v_:ixtue__of___one___agre_e__z:ent __ent_erea_inta betv�een __t7ie St .
<br />'' �'ran�is S:;.sterhood �nci Joa,chim �3oeh1 u-�on e�, � � c --� �----
<br /> - - -
<br /> _ ��t 1��, 1�01, in rsferenee to tY!e �.e�er con.�tructed
<br /> --�_ar_�u�h-�>a�'��-. �:� -t 1:8--��ac t - -��' -1-arr�i ��ove-dae c�e ci Y�.�re�r�.---- - -- ---
<br /> - --- -- - - - And ---- - --- t�1�- - -- --- ---------------covenant-------to warrant and
<br /> ti�o
<br /> defend �aid premises a�ainst the la,wful claim.s of a11 persons whomsoever°, ______._________ _ _________ _ ______ ______ _
<br /> - -- - -- - -------- -- - -- -- --- - ------
<br /> --- -- - ---- --- -- - - -- . -- -- - - -- -- - ---- - - -- ---- ----- - -------- -- ------------ -- - - - --- ------------------- ---------- ------- - ----
<br /> I)�,ted the- - l�th -- ---- -- --da,y of-- --- -- Fe�ruary --- ---- -- -----A. D., l9_��-----�
<br /> WITNESS Paul 0.'�e inh old
<br /> -------------Rnsa__R.7�einhQld---------, --------
<br />� ---- --- - - - �a�,�arci �t..�a_ino__ - - - -- --
<br /> STATE OF NE}3RASK q,
<br /> ss. 15 th P ebr uar t
<br /> ------ - --I:�_7.�. - ---County, . On this-- --- - ------ ----------------day of-------- ---------- ------------�--------------A. D., 19-�g---, before me, the
<br /> under•sign.eu, a IJot,ary I'ublic�ul�'__cGm1:�i_e_�_ionec�___wiihin and for said County, personally came____________._________________________________________________________________
<br /> --�au�--Q._����nl�olci__and_�s��.a__L_��e_inli_c�ld-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> to Ir�e personally known to be the identical person�______whose name_�_________ar�_____________.______aff'ixed to the above instru-
<br /> �`FAI`� each tl_eir
<br /> Ir�ent as granto�.___c_____, and________._,______.________severally acknowledged the same to be__._______=__________________voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed. .
<br /> n mQ -
<br /> IN tiAJITldESS Wt7EPE0I" I have hereunto subscribed my acl�d and afr'i�ed my of�icial seal at____________________________________________
<br /> _._____s_�°�T��i.__I_813nsi___,__I�1ebr�$.kA____________._______._on the date last above written, '
<br /> --------------------------------�ay_ard__H_,_Pair e
<br /> ------------------------
<br /> Notary Public, •
<br /> My comrnission expires-------------------------ii_OV---1-4-------------------1�1Q----------------------------19------------
<br />