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;� <br /> �� � �� <br /> . D D ° 0 rU D <br /> 0 <br />-- - 6001$-RLOPP&BARTI.F,TT CO.,Printinp,Lilho�)raphing and County Supplaes;nmahc.. ` - '" - �- ^'= '_-�`:-� '- -=`��-----`—'— � <br /> FRO�YT � I herel�y ceriify that this instrumen_t was entered on Nuinerical Index and <br /> filed for recorcl this---- --- 3r�i_- --------- ---day of__------A�ril------------------------ - <br /> A, D,, 19 .i1__-, at----._ _ -.-- ---- - -4 - --dclock- -- ----P, -M. <br /> -- --- --r�ida _P_�rd��rr -?',- hu�s'�and- --- ------ - -- �arranty <br /> TO Deed. � <br /> i���_,�-�.��� - <br /> - .__ - - - ___ - <br /> . Register of Dea C��dec�t,�c <br /> --- �iec.4_or--�_.Al_exande r -- .- ____ _ <br /> __ __ _ - - -- ------ - - - -- - - -- <br />� � Depu�y�. <br /> _ - --- __-- -- -- -- -- - -- <br /> - - - - <br /> ------- ------- <br /> -- ----- --- <br /> I�now A11 1V.�en b� 'I'hese Pr�sea�ts. <br /> Th�,t -iylicla Perclew.__ana Fr<�nk_ �i_._P_e_rc�Q��r� - - - -- -- - -- - ----- ----- - -- -- - -- - - - --- -- -- <br /> -- -- _ - - -- - __ ___ - - wife_-ana husbana --__ --- <br /> of the County of------- - ---- --Hal.l------ -- - ----and Sta,te of__ -- NQ�ra_��3 ------- ------- ---- ---- ------- ----------.Grantor---$--, in consideration <br /> ot'tne sum ot'- FourtQen Fiur.drod_ ar,�1U� --._---- -- ----- - ------------------------------------DOLI,ARS, <br /> in hand paid, rlo__ .._ _ ____hereby GRArti T, T11Ri�_�IAI, SELL, A��'D CONVEY unto_ __ __.H�_c.t_v�___B_._Al���nc�S�r _____ _ <br /> of the Couni,y of_--------- - Hdll_.__ _- _ --- -----__aud Sta.te of_ iTe�?4��lc�__---------- - -, Grantee-------,the following <br /> described prernises,situatzd in the Coilnty of________. -____-____ ______I-ia11________..______________and State of Nebraska, to wit, <br /> -- -Lo�---Ei�;ht--(�;_). _ in__B1_c�c%- Fi.ft_��n_---�1�--)--?n--H.�_,_G_lark!�---Ad�i�3_Qn_-t-o -�x_an�i- -I_��and,--.T1_ebr.�ska------------ <br /> �s sur_ve�,red, -platte�- anc�_�acarci�c�. - ---- - - -- ._ --- - - - - ------ -- <br /> - - - - - - - - - - ____ ---- - - - - - -- .- --- ----- -- ----- - - --- -- -- - --- ---- - - - - --------- ----- --- - ----- - ------ <br /> --- - - - --- --- - - - - - _ - - - - -_ -- -- - ---- - -- - - -- - - ---- - - - - ------- - - -- - ------ ---- -- -- -- ------------ <br /> - --- -__ - - -- --- --- -- - -- - - - - - --- -- - - - - ---- - --�--- - - - -- ----- -- --- ---- ------ - ----- ---- ------------ ---- <br /> To�Qthet°with all the teziemez��ts, here�it�,���elzts, a.nd appurtenar�ees thereunto belongi»b, a,ncl all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Delnand whatsoever cf'tlie said Gra,ntor___�_____, and of either of them, of, in, or to the sai�le, or an� part thereof, <br /> TO F�AV"E AND TO HOL�'� the a.bove-�Iescribeci premises, ix�ith the appur�enances, unto the said Grantee_______and to____._.______hi�____________________heirs and <br /> assigns forever. �lnd________.._?'�'_e____ ___ _____.hsre�y coveriant__ __with the said Grantee_.___._.__that_________�;e_______hold_______said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; that_______��'_e._____.__.______haYQ__gaod rig1�� and la�x�ful aUthority to sell and convey the same; that tlleyare free and clear of all lieris and incumbrances <br /> wl�atsoever---Q��-�p�--t�x�s f-s�r- 1�11 ----- - -- ----- -- ------ ---- -- ---- -- --- - - <br /> --- ---- -- - ----------------- ------ -------------------- <br /> - - --- -- ---- - -- - --- - -- - - .._ - -- -- - -- - - --- - - --- ------- ------------ -- - --- --- ----- -- - - - ----------------------------- ---- <br /> _ ----- --- - -- - And--------- --- - --- -- -�e--- - - -- -------------covenant------to warrant and <br /> tJ.1Q + <br /> defend�'o saicl prelnises ag�,inst t11e 1zu�fU1 clairns ofall persons ti�,Iiomsoever, _____._.o.C_e_�?_�___aE3__�.u_oY�___�_ta�6C�_______________________.___________________._ <br /> --- - __- - - -- _ ----_ -- -- -- -- -- - - - __ ----- -- -- ------- - --- ---- - - -- -- --- ---- ------ --------- - - -------- - - - -------------------- ---- ----- <br /> Dated the- - 3_ rcl _ __ --_- -- - - --day of_ -- -- A�2ri-I- - -------------------------A, D,, i9----��--� <br /> �1 <br /> WITNESS .�iida Pardev� <br /> - - -- -- - -r_-_r_ank__H.Perc�ev�----------------------------------- <br /> ----- -- --L.�t_.Brin:in�er- ---- -- <br /> --- - -- - � <br /> , <br /> ------- -------- - ---- ----- -- --- -- ---- -- --- -- ----- -' -------------------------- ---- ----------------------------------------------------- <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA., <br /> ss. <br /> I On this- - ------3Td --------da of_------- ------�Pr-�-1-- --------------------A, D. 19_11--- before me the <br /> , - -- ia�._l. - - - ----County, ---------------- Y , - , , <br /> undersi�,ned, a P�viary Public________________________..____._____________within and for said County, personally came <br /> :.:ida Percie�r and Frank H.Perde�v <br /> --- ----- -- ------ - - ----- - -------- ------------------ - ---- ---- ------ -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> - - ----------- --- ------ ------------------------------ - - - - - -._.. - -------- ------------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------- <br /> (SEAL) to me personally l�rowri to be the identical person__�____whose name__�________��'�_.______________________affixed to the a�cve instru- <br /> ment as grantor_s_______, and______t liey____________severalIy acknowledged the same to be________t h�_ir________.VOluntary act and deed <br /> for the purpose therein expressed, <br /> r�arne <br /> ?N ti�ITNESS WIiEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my��and at�'ixed my o�cial seal at____________________________________________ <br /> _ _ _ _ Jranci_ _Is1�nu�__Iv?ebr______________._________op the date last above written. <br /> ------------------------------L_,_R.I�r i n in�er----------------------------- <br /> 1V otary Public. <br /> My commission expires__..___ _._____}�ax ch___16 191�� <br /> -------------------------�----------------19------------ <br />,.._ <br />