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<br /> 5011�8-1fLbPP&BARTLL'TT CO.,Printing,Lxfhographing¢nd County Suppl2es;O^r.aTia _ __ __
<br /> ;_ _:, --- ----- ---_ -- ------ ---=_ -=— ----- -__--- .--. _ , ---- -- --- —_- _ -_-- -- - --° _- -.°- -.—
<br />___ _� .-. . _..----- _. . �__.� _- ._
<br /> _ -- - �___
<br /> � FRODI I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and ,
<br /> filed for record this---- -- -._ 3rCi------------day of------ _-Apr-il------ -- --
<br /> -- - ----- --- - -- - -- --- - - --- - -----
<br /> A, D,, i9 11- , at -.. -- -- 14-, - ___o'clock --- - - - - A•--M.
<br /> -- - --- Lcl�Vaici_F.-S-ar�cls -� �if e - -- . - Warranty
<br /> TO Deed. o '
<br /> - ��!1�.�� - -ctic� '
<br /> -- �- 1 -
<br /> - Re ister of Deed :�,�
<br /> Jo�_a�hina R_;�sa -- _- -- �
<br /> - - - --- --------- __ ---- - ---------- ------- - -- --
<br /> Depuiy.
<br /> Know All 1VIen by Th�se Prese�ts a
<br /> That_ - we,__�c�t�rard--F,_San�a--an�l_Lanit_a__�anda_ - - - - -- - - - --- ---- -- --- -- - --- --------- - -
<br /> - --- -- - -
<br /> -- - --- --_- - - -- - - - - --- -- --- ---- -_i_t_usband ai�cl wif_e____ . - -- - - --
<br /> -- - - ----- --_ --- - - --- -- -- -- -----
<br /> of the County of__. ---_-----------F3oone-----------------------and State of_------------ --.. I1�.�,nQi6-- ------- --------- ---------------------------Grantor_8_._, in consideration
<br /> of the sum of--E�._�;ht_�ex1t--�-l�in.clr_�cl--�x�S�--T�4�104 ------- - ---------- ---- ----------- -------------------- -------------- ---DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid, do___ __ .________hereby GRA?VT, BARGAIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto____•Toaey�h.ine__it_O_s_9______ ______,____ _
<br /> - - --- ----
<br /> of the County of_----.----------------.- . iv'�'�rask-a----_---------------------------., Grantee-------,the following
<br /> tia��.- -- ---- -- _and State of_ ._. - - - -
<br /> described premises, situated in the County of_____ _ __________ ______J�all__._. ___ __________._--_-_--_-a,nd Statz of Nebraska, to i��it:
<br /> ----8�.__o__c k--�3t�i�'a�_r__�'ourt_�sn---(14-)----�ni�---tlia___�ts��---ilalf--Qf__B_�ac.k___N�1�_er--Fif_t.een-.-�15.�---in_.P_1$�san�--iiome----------
<br /> ----Sub--Iliui,�:i-nn--of--pa��----o�--t��a-�a�t- �al�- af t��a Sau�h-Ea�t ��ar--t-e� of--Sect-ion--lJ�bBr--Tv�!en�y------- --
<br /> _ Cne (�:l)___Tor:�n�i�ip_._r1u_r1Uer.___E_leyen___(11_)_.__N__orth.__of___Range_��lumber_N_ine___(9)__�6_e__�t__of the 6 P.i:i. in ____
<br /> ---�iall,--C ounty- �vQb:,�ska• - -- - --- - - --- --- - - --- - ---- --- --• - -- - --- - - ---� ---------- --
<br /> -- -- -- - - --- - ---- -- --
<br /> - -- . -- - -- -- - - ---- ---- - - - -- --- - - -------- -- ---- _.- - -- - - - - ---- - - - - - ---- --- - -- --- - - -- -- ------------ ------ ------
<br /> Together with aIl the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon��ing, and aIl t11e Fstate,Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor____s_____, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof,
<br /> TO .�AVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_________and to__.___..____��er.____.__________heirs and
<br /> a,ssigns forever. And_.__________t�le____________hereby covenant___ ___.with the said Grantee_____.____that________we___..___hold________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title.; that__.______�e________.____ha_48_good right and lawful authority to sell a.nd con��ey the sarne; that theyare free and clear of �,11 liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever----------- --------- - ---- --- ----- -- - ---- --- ---- ------ ------ - --------- -- -- - ----- ---------------- ------- -- -- ------------------
<br /> ----- - ------ --------- ------ - - - --------- - -- - ---- ---
<br /> - ---- --And---- - -- - - -- -t�7E3--- - -- --- -----------------covenant---- ---to warrant and
<br /> t�18 �
<br /> defend tte said premises against the lawful claims of a�ll persolis whomsoever, _ ___-________..________.___.________.______.______________________________________,_______._____________________
<br /> Dated the----- --- ----- I4t --------day of_-- -- -----��ar,Ch -- - ------ --------A, D,, 19--11----•
<br /> WITNESS ----------------------Ed�vard__F_.Sancis.-------------------------------------
<br /> ------------- �- �--I,en�.�_�.__�ana�----------------------------------------
<br /> -- ----- ----------------�,_D_._C_�xnvrall ----------- - -----
<br /> -- - ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------
<br /> ----- ---------��ols._Ellin�son----------- ------- - - --------------------
<br /> STATE OF :.Illinoa,s
<br /> ss. � . fiiar_ch 11__
<br /> f3oone-- - -------County, On this-- - -�.,_ZxtBPnth -----------------day of_-------- --------- - -----------------------A. D., 19---- - , before me, the
<br /> undersigned, a Notary Public____________________________________.____.__________within and for said County, personally came____ ______________________________________.._______.___.________________
<br /> ------�_d�v���__F_�S_a.na�--�ncl_Lenita_"anae----------------- ---------------�--- - ------ -------------------- ----
<br /> hus'uancl and rvi�v
<br /> (SEAL} to me personally known to be the identical person_S_______whose name__B--_________3���-_________________afr'ixed to the above instru-
<br /> ment as grantor__y_______, and______..__tlif�_,�_..____severaliy acknowledged the same to �e..____th$�r___________youluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> IN ti�ITNESS tiVHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�and afCixed my ofl'icial seal at________________________________________
<br /> ______._______Ca�Z�r on,_____,Illins�is_______________________________on the date last above written. '
<br /> F.D. CornUr�ll
<br /> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public. ;
<br /> My commission expires--------------------------------------- ----t'�u�u.t---------2°------------------------------1913------
<br />