.'C� ��
<br /> � � .-',� �� �� —
<br /> D � D � �0 D �
<br /> _
<br /> 500�8—KLOPY cC-SAI�TLETT CO.,Printing,Lithoprap)azng an�1 C�unty SuPplies:O^�eahc, ' �� ti`---i --
<br /> FROi�1 I hereby certify that this instrurnent was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> filed for record this---- ------._l�?t----------------day of----------ApT_i1_._- --------- - -
<br /> �, D,, 1911 , at - _ -- 3=5Q _ __- --o'clock- - --- - P, -M.
<br /> --- -ren_�a�a.n .F_.�_cucici�r--�-"-�-wif e___ ___ �Varranty
<br /> TO ' Deed. �
<br /> �/��e�'��-�
<br /> ,-ue _ - - -- ---
<br /> Raglst�r of �ee s �����a�cx
<br /> ---- - -- -- _Fannie__ rall�char_ ___ _ ___ _
<br /> _ _ ___ - ----- _._______ _
<br /> -- - - -- - - --
<br /> --Depucy.--
<br /> I�now .�11 l�en by Tl�e�e �r�sents:
<br /> That __ �'_e, Benjarnin_F.Scuc�cler__and_Flora__A.�cudcier_,_ _______ _
<br /> . ---- - - -- --- - - - - -_ --- -- - __ - --- ------
<br /> husband � ~_�if e
<br /> of the Coiinty of_------ ----- �rall -------- -------�,nd State of-- -- -- -- - - -._ a=8�r,a5ka.--- -------- --_._-----Grantor___----, in consideration
<br /> of the su�r of Gne Hunc�r_eci_ Fi�'ty 3nd no�l(70 - -------------- - ------- ---- - --- -- -------------- ------------ ------------------�----DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand pa,ict, do__ ____ ______hzreby Gt��NT, B11RC:1I��i, SELL, Al�'D CONVEY unto_ ______Fa_n_11_i.e __ra31a.C_h_6r______ _______
<br /> of the County of---- _- -__ __H�11___ _-- -_ - ----------------and State of_--- ------------ -----Tvebr--- ------ -------- ----- --, Grantee------_,the following
<br /> describecl pren�ises,sitnatecl in t�le Gounty of___ . _ ____ _��3I_l_ .. _ ______ __ .________and State of Nebraska, to �vit:
<br /> _ L_ot_ 4 ir___Scucic,er_'_s_ Adclition_ __to_ the_ vi�l�.�e__ of__Dor.i�-�han_,_ rlel�raska_ ________ __ _
<br /> -- _ --- - - - ---- - ----------
<br /> - _ _ - -- -__ --- --- -- -- -- ---- - ---- _ - --- ._ --- - -- - - - - -- -- ---- - ---- --- - ---- - - -- - --- ----------
<br /> Toaether witl� all t1�e tenemes�ts, heredita,�nent�, and appurtenan_ces thereuuto belon�ing, and all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and �
<br /> Denland whatsoeyer cf the said Gralltor_.___ _..._, and af either of them, of; in, or to the same, or any part thereof,
<br /> TO Kr�VL AND TO HOLD tyi� above-described premises, i�ith the appur�en�,nces, unto the said Grantee_______and to______.__11�r__..___________.___.____heirs aild
<br /> a,ssigns forever, Al2d__ __._.�xT�__________ .____hereby coti�enant________with the said Grantee_______.__that___.__'ye___________hold________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that_ __________ _'_`�e___ _,___?�a__ve��a� I>z�ht anii lati��ful authorit,v to sell �,nd convey the same; that theyare free and eleat� of all liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever- ------ - . --- - -- - _ _-- ---- --- --- ---------- - - - - -- -------- -- ------ -- -- - ------ -- - ------- --------------
<br />� - ---- ----- - - - -- -- - ----- -- --- -- --- - - - - - --- - - --------------------- - -- -----------
<br /> ----- - - ---- - --- ----- - - -- -- --- --- --- - -- -- --- - - - - - - -- - ------ - ---- -- - - - - ------ -------- - ---- -------
<br />� --_ --- -_. .. _- And--- - - --- vl6 - - - -------covenant---- ---to warrant and
<br /> �lefencf�said premises aga,insti tlie lativful claims of aIl persolls uhomsoever, --..._.__--- - __ _ _------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
<br /> -------
<br /> -- -- - - -- - - - -- ---- ----- --- - - -- --- - -- ----- ' --------------
<br /> --- - _ __.. ---- - -_._ - ___ -- -- -----
<br /> I�' I�ated the- -- _. 3rci _ - - --_ - -day of_---- - - FeliTU�ry -- ------ --- -------------A. D,, 1911----�
<br /> \
<br />', T�VITNESS ------------------�sen�j_aniin--F._S cucl,a er
<br /> - ------ -------------------
<br /> ------ ------F 1 or a_A_,_Sc ucider--------- ----------------------
<br /> -- - ---- - �--,_E_.Fun� - __ _ . -- - _ ._- - - -
<br /> - ----- ---------- - ----- --------------
<br /> - ----------------- ------ ---------
<br /> ----------- ----- --- - --- - ---- - - - --- - - ,
<br /> STt�TE OF NEBRASK%l,
<br /> ss,
<br /> �l s�-- --- ---- ---------day of_-- ---------------1+Iar Ch ------------A. D., 19___11_, before me, the
<br /> ------- - �i3ll -- -- ---County, On this--- -- � - -
<br /> undersi�ned, a 1�'otary Pizblie _________________________.________within and for said County, personally came ________
<br /> _�-----------
<br /> - - - �er__jarnir-F_.Scudc,'.er---�nd_F1ora--A_,_�cucicier-,- h��sl�and--=&,�__wife-,--------------- ------------------
<br />', ��EAL)
<br /> to rrie vers�nally known to be the identical person__�_______whose name__________________�'e______.__________affixed to the above instru-
<br />, ment as grant�r___s_____, and______th�y._.______severally acknowledged the same to be________thei�_____._.voluntary act and deed
<br /> i'or the purpose iherein expressecl,
<br />� I1G` ��IITNESS W HEREOF I have hereunto subscribed m� am
<br /> 3 ' and af�'ixed my official seal at_____________________________________________
<br /> ____---__-__---_-L�__C_ni�h�n,�---21.��r�,r=-�------------------on the date last above written,
<br /> John Schvryn
<br /> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My co1��r�ission expi�es----------- ----------� --------I�iar-----�_�_J_th-----------------------------------------19_16-----
<br />