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�� T�,� <br /> � �� � � � ° �� ° � <br /> .� I� � a <br /> . _ <br /> 50018-�.LO�I'&$A1�'CLETT CO.,Printi�a9,LiChograPhin_g and County Su:pplties;Om¢hc„ .' " _ `_�� -�v—°--- "" <br />_- -__: . _ _ <br /> . _. __ _._:_ _ ,-___ .__� .__ . _.___-__�-:—-_ _. <br /> —._-----:— ---=�--_ .— _ .__'_'_____.:__: <br /> FRO�'�1 I hereby certify that this instrurnent was entered on Numerical Ilidex and <br /> filed for record this--- ---- ----$_9�h-----------day oi-------------Mt3rGh .------ _------ <br /> A. D,, 19 1_l __, at -- - - -- -_ _ _3.30_ _ ---o'clock____. �'• _M. <br /> ____---.__H.D,�o�ae__&_Wife _--- ----- - Warranty <br /> - TO <br /> Deed. � ° <br /> -- ���/�ti���- <br /> - ._ - <br /> Re�ister of De �s ��¢�c��e�c <br /> _ --- Eu�ene_�oland _ -_ -- <br /> - - - -- - -- _ _ _ - - -- -- - -- <br /> Deputy. <br /> I���+w All IV�en �� Z'hese P��sents: <br /> That_----._.�es_ �3.D,1��,nd_.7es��s---��ox�a,--_hus_�anci_._and _!�_i�e ------- ------ , ------- -----._ _. ------ <br /> of the CountY of------- ------- --Hall------ ------- -------and State of___.. --------- --_ N.ebr3ska ---------- ----- .- --------- --------Grantor-�--, in consideration <br /> of trie sum ot'- --- -T�V.O..Ht111d1^_8c� ��_�00_.04�- -_ ---------- - ----- ------------ -- --------------------------- ----------------- ----- --------------------DOLLARS, <br /> in harld paid, c10---- --- -----hereby� GP��:�'T, I3ARG-,4IN, SELL, A�'D CONVEY unto---- --�'�1-�-Q118 _Bel_3�d__------------------------ _---------- -- <br /> of the County of_----- __----- --- -------Hall-__ -- - _ _- -___---and State of---___ ------__N_e_bT3.S.��i _------ --- ------ ------- ---------------, Grantee-----_,the following <br /> clescribect preii�ises, sitizated iv the�Co��n��y of _Hall_____ ___and State of Nebraska, to wit. � • ' <br /> -- -- -Lots_ Numborocl_ CnQ__.(_�._)- an�i__��o- -(�-}_ _�unnjl�i�lg--Addit_ion--t-Q--the_. �_i�_y_---Qf._rr�.nd---Isl�n�.s---Nebr_�_s_k� <br /> - - __ -�t_ _bsing �._suh-div�.�ian---4f- Fr�nk P,Barks s�b-d�v3si�-r���ber-��reQ- (3) -- af ,a- ���� af- t3�e -- -- <br /> --- E.ast- -h_alf___(E,-�2--)_ _of. the-- North _Ea�t quart-e-r- -(---2d-•-E-•-1�4---)----�f--Sec_t_ion--Ten._ _(1��___'T_o��n�hi�---E1ev�n-- <br /> -- (_ll-)- .�iange_ _Nine--��) -�ias�- o� -the__rith- P.i�.- -- - --- -- - -- <br /> -- - - - - - - - --- - --- - --- -- --- -- --------- <br /> --- -- - -- -- --- - - - -- - -- - - -- --- --- ---- - - -- ---- - - - - _ ---- -- - - _ - ----- ---- - - -- ---- -- ---------- <br /> ----- - --- - - - - -- -- - -- --- _- - -- -- - -- - -- -- -- - ---- _ - ---- -- - ---- ------------ -- - - --- - ---- ---- ---- - - ---------------- <br /> To�ether wit�� aIl the tene�nerits, 1�ereditaz��ent��, and appurtenan_ces thereunto belonging, �,nd all the Estate, R.i�ht, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Glaim and . <br /> Demand whatsoever of�re said Grar_tor_._ ___ ____, and of'eittiar of them, of, in, or to the san�e, or any part thereof, <br /> TO H:�VE A�tiD TO �C�LI_� t,he a,bove-described premises,with the appurteria,iices, unto the said Grantee_________and to________ _._h.i8______._______..____neir,s and <br /> a,ssigns forever. And__._._.______�g____________hereby covenant_______with the said Grantee________.__tlzat_._____�e._________hold________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; that____._Ir+l6____.__________ha_v�3_goed right �nd lau�ful authority to sell and conti�ey tne same; that tlley are free and clear of all liens and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever-- ------ - ----- --- -- - --_ _ - - - --__ --- - - - --- - -- -- -- --- -- -- - ---- - - -- -- --- --- ------ --- - -------- -------- <br /> - -- - -- -- ---- -- - - --- - - - ------- - -- --- ----- - ------- ----- - -- - -- ------- --- - ------- - ---------- -- ----------------- <br /> __._..------ ----- --- -- -- - -- -- --- -- -- --- - -- - --- - --------- ----- ------- --------------- ..------------ --- ------------------------------------ <br /> -- --- - And--------------- - --�e- --- ..._-- ------------------covenant------to warrant and <br />, defendlt�s.s�irl pl=emises against the lawful clairtis ot'all persolls tivhomsoever, __.__._____ ' <br /> -- - - -- ----- ----- - - ---- ----- ----------- <br /> ._ <br /> --- - -__- -- _- ---- -- -- ------- --- -- - - - -- - --- - - - -- <br />� -- - -- - ---- - -- - _ - - - --- -- - - ------------ ----------- ---- -- - -- <br /> Dated the-- -- - - - -�'5 T�- - -- -_daY of_-- --._�3az'Ch--- - -- ---------- - -- -�---A. D., 1911-- - � <br /> ti�ITNESS -------------------H.-I3.y�_OrBB-- ---- ------------------------------ <br /> � ---- -- -------Je s�i e--�i ar s e--------- ------------------------------- <br /> T_,_atC�Harr�,��n ----- -- - <br /> ------ --- - - --- - --- -- - - --- --- - ---- --- � <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> ss. <br /> - - - - h�:.1 -----County, On this _u5"---- -------------day of_----- I�1�_Ch-- ---------------------A. D., 1911----_, before me, the <br /> undersi�neci, a ivotary 1'ublia___T_,_�7,C_,Hti�^;r;i.�4?2?.________within and for said County, personally came_________________________________________,.________.____.________________ <br /> - -- -- fi_._T_.-�;i�?x_a�--anci--Je#sia ---Fdors_a,--hu�Uand-�ntl---�rii'-e_- ----------------------------------------------------- <br /> - - - - ---- ----------- ----------------- -- ------- -- ---- - -- - - ----- --- -------------------------- - ---------- ---------------�--------------- <br /> to rr�e personally known to be the identical person__s____whose name�_._____�7C_Q____.__________________a�xetl to the a,bove instru- <br /> (uE'�AL) ment as grantor�________, and_______th�y_._______severally acknowledged the same to be_________theiT_______voluntary act and deed <br /> for �he pur�ose therein expressed. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed r��d and affixed my ofl'icial seal at_________________________________________.__ <br /> __________,rra:��__I_B_�anGi___�1�br_��_1c�____________._________on the date last above written. <br /> T.O.C .Harrison <br /> ---------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> Notary Public. <br /> 1�VIy colnmission expires------------------- - - Feb7�u�rv---1Q---�tD_,�---------------------1�---12--- <br />