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<br />~_ - 50018—KLOPP&L'APTLIiTT CO.,Printing,Liihographi�ap and Co�ent�Supplies;Omah^. ` � "
<br />_ . _ ..:_ _ _---.__,.
<br /> _ _ . _ _. _.,___ _------ —.-_,_---r—_ ---._—.--- - __,�_ :
<br /> FROnT I hereby ceriify that this instrument tivas entered on �urnerical Index and
<br /> filed for record tliis---_ _ --30�h - -----day of------ ----�I2tTCh
<br /> �, D,, 19 .l1_ , at- -- -_.. _ . 3 -- -o'clock- - - P._M,
<br />' - _ PQter �.PQte_r�--� wife _ __ -- - Warranty
<br /> �� Deed. � �}
<br /> ��%L���c' !�!���
<br /> --- - - - --
<br /> Register of Deeds i%oaa��da�
<br /> -_ _ __-- �prague__ �_,I�o��- . -- - _ -
<br /> -- _ --- - - ___ _ -- ---- -- - ----- ----- Depui,y.--
<br /> _- --_ - _ _ -- - -- - --- --,
<br />� _— --_-------__ ------—_—_---
<br /> I�r�ow Al� lY�en by '���se Pr�sents:
<br /> That_. _- - we, Peter___B_.�?_e�_a��_ .anc�___Ax��.�__C ._Pst_e���- --- -- - - --- - - - - -- - -
<br /> - --_. - -- -- - - -------
<br /> hu�band and wife
<br /> of the Couni,y of__--------._ _ -------r��l_1----------- -- ---------and State �f_--- ------- __ -- -N8Ur3Sk�, --------Grantor�----, in cnnsideration
<br /> ofthe surn of- ---.Ei�Y1t_-�iundre�l__F_���y--&_x1o�QQ------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ---------------------------------------- -------DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid, do___ _.._------hereby GR�iti'T, B�IRG�'�IP�, SELL, AI�'D CONVEI' unto---------�pT3gti�._D.Ro85_ ----- ---- ..__ _
<br /> -- - -- -- - - ----- -
<br /> II'� - -- -- -__.._ - -_-- _ _ _ - - -- - - - - - _-- --- -- -- - -- -- ---- - ----- ---
<br /> of t1?e County of__- - _.----- --Iiall_ ------- -- ---___. ----,------a11� �Stats of__ ._-- ----.__ -- ----.--- ----2Je�?:Cask3-------- - ---- --., Grantee-----,the following
<br /> �escribed prarnises,rittta-Led in the Ccu�iy of________ __ _--__ H�11 _______and State of Nebraska,, to ti��it:
<br /> - --- -
<br /> --�1Q_c�_.ilumUa-r--Trao----(2) - i-n- Plaas�.nt--H.om�--Sub--d-ivi�ion--of--pa�t- --of---�hQ--East _half---of---th�---S_�uth---Ea��---
<br /> -quarter ._of of --S�cta.on Nnmbe_r. Twenty-on�-- �21.) _i-n-T-rnv��k�-i�-- N�h�-r--E�eve-n---jl1.)----North---of--Aangn---------
<br /> i1
<br /> - u_mber NinQ-- -(9)---�est_ o�' _tl.�e-- �th --P__.�d.___acc9x.s��n�--�o__t?�s- -�aG_o�_�ed--�zlat__t�_�_xeof•------ -------
<br /> -- - -__- - _ --- -- - --- - - - - -- - - - -- - -- ---- --- -- - -- - - - - -- ----- - -- - --- -- -- - --- - --
<br /> -.--- - ---- -- - - -- _ ---- -- - - --- - - - - � -- _ -- - - -- ------ -- - --- - -- - ---- - __ --------- ---- -- - ------------ -------
<br /> T��ether wit� alI the tene�net�ts, �aredita.l3ie��ts, and�,ppurtenances therelznto belonging, and aIl the Esta,te,Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> II Delnar�d tivhatsoevez° of'the said Grantior_.___.____, azlci of either of theln, of, in, or to the same, or a,ny par� thereof,
<br /> TO K_�T✓E Arwl� TO HUL.L' the abore-described pre�r?ises,with the appurterances, unto the sai� Grantee_. _...__and to__ __.___.__h_i__�_____________________heir�s and
<br /> a,ssigns forever. And____________ _o?e____________hereby coi�enant_._____with the said Grartee____._____triat________�tr�___________rold_________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title,; that___ __.______yTe___._____.__havE3__good right an� lau�fi.l authority to sell �,nd convey the san�e; that they are free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever------ ---- ---- ..------- - --- - -- -- - - --- --- - - -- ------ --- -- - -------------- -- - --- ------- - ---- - -- - --- ------------------
<br /> -- -- --- - - - - -- -. -- - - - - - ---- - --- - --- ---- --- - ------- ----------- -----�-- ---- -------- ------- -------- -- - - -------- --- ----- ----------
<br /> - -- - -- -__ - And -- - -- --- -�,tE3- - - --._- ------------_covenant-------to warrant and
<br /> defen��$saici prelnises aga,inst t11e lawf'ul ciailns of all persoi�s whomsoever, -----------__....__ .---------------------- ---------------------------------.-----------------------------------
<br /> ----- --- ----_---
<br /> ---_ - ---- �- ---- _ -- ` - - - - - - -- -- ---- - -- - --- ---------------------- - - -------- ---------------------------
<br /> 17�,ted the-- -30th _..__- - -- -da3' �f- - -- -- - -- Z�3r�h ---------- ---- ---A, D., 19_ll --•
<br /> WITNESS Peter B.Peter�
<br /> , ---------------Ann�__C_._P_��_�.x�----------------------------- --------
<br /> --- - --------- -- - -- - S_,_C_.F3ugt_on--- - - - --- -
<br /> ss.
<br /> I ------ -- -ti311--- ----County, On this- --- -- ---3Qt��--------------------day of_---- ----�d�rC-h---------------------A. D., i9_�.�.---, before me, the
<br /> II undersiFr�ed, a iloiary Public______________,_____________._____________within and for said County, personally cam.e _______________________________________________
<br /> Peter B,�etars and Anna C.Pe�ers
<br /> - - - - --- ----- - -- --- - ----- -- -------- --------- ------------ - -- - - ----------------------------- -- ----------------- ------------------------
<br /> - - --- -- --- - - ------------- --- ------------------------- -- - --- -----�------- ------------------------------------------ ------------------- ---------------
<br /> to 1ne personally known to be the identical person_..s_______whose name_s_._a�e____________________,______affixed to the abot�e instru-
<br /> �SEAL) rnent as grantor____3______, and_____t�he_�t________sever°aliy acknowledged the same to be_______thQi�_________.voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> 714' I�'ITNESS WI�EREOI' I have hereunto subscribed my� and ai�ixed my official seal at_____________________________________________
<br /> _rrand___Isl�nd_,__P�ebraeka._____________________________on the date last above written.
<br /> --------------------- 5.C.Hus t on
<br /> ------- --------------------------------------------�--
<br /> �,r Notary Public.
<br /> My cominission expires---------- ------ ------------- -----JuIY--F:��--�--------------------------------------1`�2--------
<br />