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<br /> 5004$—RLOPP cf B�RTLETT CO.,Printinp,LithoprapFinr�arzd C�unty Sacpplies;O�nahe, " -- `=�� �
<br />— _ _ _. ._ _ _ _ _. .— _ _.
<br /> FRO� I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Inde� and
<br /> filed for record this____ _ --- --2£��h---- ___�lay of------ I�I_ar_Ch------ ,-----------------
<br /> . ,
<br /> �, D., i3__ll__ , at--- - -- � --o'clock -- -- --�'_.M.
<br /> iiiomas ��.Tlall_:i�x �n� ,;t�.��. - -- --- - __ 1�larranty
<br /> -- - -- -
<br /> T� Deed. � '
<br /> - . �i��z�L - �
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<br /> Regist�x c�f n�ed� 6�t&�
<br /> E.I;Iinerva__En�;l�n1�n - - __ --- _ -__
<br /> -- _- -- -- - --
<br /> -- - - --Depuiy�,.__
<br /> I�nodv 1��1 1VIen l�� T�iese Preserit� :
<br /> Tha.t - - si��mau ?�,_�Ta:��.i�_r_��ncl__�;_�xati_. _C_��valli�-�'} hu�}�ancL__anr�__��;if�-�-- -- - - - --- _ - - --
<br /> of the Count,Y of--- ----_--- I�all- -- ---- ---and State of------ --------. .- - -- - �;���-szk i.:�_ ------- -----------Grantor---�., in consideration
<br /> ot'the su�r� of------- Thr�e TYiou�anc�_ Five_ �._:tznclroa--a7�d_._no�- ------ --------- ------- ------- ------ -------DOLLARS,
<br /> - --------- ---- --- -------
<br /> in hand pa,icl, do__ .. _-_ -------herebv GR�1NT, BI�RG_AIN, SELL, Al�'D CONVEY unto_�.��i_inQ_rvd__�ng1��z1--____.___
<br /> of the County of-- - - .... . '� � -- r,eUrask�--- - -- - - - - - �
<br /> �-�a�1-_ _. _____ _ an� State of___ _ _ _, Grantee_____.__;the followin
<br /> described prernises, sitl��ted il� tlie Count,y of__ ___ ____ _ r�ai1________ _._---__---- -_--__and State of Ne�raska, �,n tivit: �
<br /> -- - L�t__ I"ur,zl��r_-rTine-- -(�-)_-:in --�_1_a_ek.__iIum�e.r__�ix _�-��---in__�u�.s_el--�l�nal-a-x-�-$-- ��lc�i-ti-an--to---��ar��-I�l-�,na,------ :
<br /> ���^;1���:;a_� -�� .surv�yecl,- �31a�ted-�.��.-�ec���QCi. - ___- -- , - - -- -._ - -
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<br /> --- _ -- - - ----- �- - _ _.___ - - - -- - - - - --- -- - ---- - -- -- --- - -- --- - -- --- - -- ------ - - ----- ----- ---------
<br /> - --- --- - - -- -- - - -- --- --- - - - - - - - - - --- -- -- -- -- - - -- - - --- - - - --- ----- --- ---- ----
<br /> � To�ether tivitli�all the tenements, liereai�a�uents, and appurtenances thereuuto belorl�ing, and �11 tha Est�,te, R.ight, TitIe, Znterest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand wr.atsoever of the said Gra�2tor�_______, ard of either of them, of, in, or to the sanie, or any part thereof,
<br /> TO H.:�VE AND TO I_�OLi1 the ahove-described prev�ises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee___.____and to___ _.____h�r_ heirs and
<br /> a,ssigns forever. �ina_. __________�`Ie ___________hereby covenant__ .___u�ith the said Grantee__._._ . __that_.______�`�!.�__________hold________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title,; that__________�'�'_�___.___________12aV�_.good rigrit and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that theyare free and clear of all liens and incumbrar�ces
<br /> whatsoever_-------------- - ---..------- ---- --- -- - - ---- - - -- - ---- -- -- --- --
<br /> ------ ------ ------- -- ---- ----- -- ---- - - ------------- -----------------
<br /> ------- - ---- -- - ---- . -- - -- - ---- - -- -- - - ---- - -- - - - -- - ----- - -- - -------- --- ---- -------- -------------------------- �
<br /> - -_._. _ _ - -- ----- And ---- - -- -- --- - . -- -- �p -- -----------covenant--------to warrant and
<br /> u�l° '
<br /> defend�o said premises against the lai��fuI claims of all persorls whomsoeti�er, ___...___ _____________________________________.____ _ ' <
<br /> - ------ - -- --- ---- -- ---------- ---- --------
<br /> llated the- - - - - - w8th_ - - - - ---d�,y of - - ?.,;ia�!°�h- -- -- -- --------- --------A. D., 19_ll----�
<br /> WITNFSS -----------------�---�'1 i o���---r�.��al l_i e r---------------------------------
<br /> �arah C .TJa.11 ior
<br /> ------------------�-----------�_a.il_t_��_�n 1.���.�------�__.__..--------._ .
<br /> On this-- - --- -- - - - ----------------------da of------------ 'laTCh
<br /> ----- � - --- Hal�-- -- ----County, ss. 2�3th Y ------'°--------------------------A, D., 19_ll----, before me, the
<br /> undersignecI, a tYotary Public__________________________._ _______within and for saici County, personally came____
<br /> -i��oma:�--�_�_,��a.�-�.-i�-r_��-�- -��.���---�-t��`a��.-�.�-�---- ------- ------- -------------------- - -------------�---------------------------
<br /> to m_e personally known to be t�ie identical person._�_______whose name_�_________�_r�_________._______.______ai�'ixed to the above instru-
<br /> ��'��'� ment as grantor�_______, and____�1?Qy_________.___severally acknowledged the same �o �e____��iE3�.x___________,voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> illil�
<br /> IN �VITNESS �4VFIEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�'and af�'ixed my ofl'icial seal at_____________________________________________
<br /> _______________�i_an�l__I�l�indi__i���3Ur_.______------_--------_on the date last above written.
<br /> __--- ---
<br /> --------�.R.F3rinzn�er---------------
<br /> � NotZry Public.
<br /> My comrnission expires--------- -----------?`-ax_CYl--------��'-----------------------------------------19_�4-----
<br /> I
<br />