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<br />� 500�8-KLC)PP&73ARTLL+'TT CO.,Frxnting,Lithographing and County Supplies;O�nahe. - --
<br />----,:-..-_ __,,�,_ _..,r_ _��.._ _ -_: -_- - - —_ ,__: __•-- -- -- --_,__ _ ., , _ - _ _-:-- _-- .____._ _ __ ___- _-----=--- - _—
<br /> -- --- ---- --� _ ,. �_
<br /> ..-,-_. ____.. __—_ ,_ ..- ?.
<br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> filed for record this-,------- --�8�h-- ------day of---------i�:�aT.^,h
<br /> --- -- ---- - - - - - - - --- -- --- -._- - - - --
<br /> - - - - -- -----
<br /> �. D., 191�. --, at---- ---�•�Q - - - -- -- - o'clock - F ---M•
<br /> - -•
<br /> -- iiobQrt--.� ,Dil�,, �i-n�le- -._-- Warranty
<br /> TO Deed. � /� ;
<br /> - - �-e��--/s/���
<br /> - - - ----- - --- --
<br /> Regi�ter of Doe (�x�c�'�
<br /> J.E.Dill
<br /> - - -- - - -- - -- -
<br /> -- -- - - - - - -
<br /> �eputy. '
<br /> I�now 1�.11 1VIen by The�e Present�:
<br /> That_.-- r�o1J:=rt--.!�,i�i�.l_; s171U1� - -- - - -- --- -- _- ------ ---- -- _ --- -- - - ---�--- - -------
<br /> of the County of_ -- -- �i311- --- --- ---and State of--- i,T_e:;�i_3b-k-�. - -- -- ----- ------ ------------Grantor------, in consideration
<br /> of the sum of -- --- - - �iy��G�?_...��U,T�Cl�"�d-�- F_i.f�Y -------------------- ---- ------------------- --• ---------------------- - -- ----------------------------------------------_DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid, do.--.----------hereby GRANT, B�I�GgIN, SELL, A��TD CONVEY unto---------- -`7.�'�.,I?ill----------_.. .__------- ---- --_---- . --_------------------.--------------- -
<br /> - -- -- -- - -- - - -- -
<br /> - - -- - - -- - -- - --- - - -- - - -- - -- - - ---------
<br /> of the County of_--- ------- -------__Hall., --------------_ --- _alld �State of _--I��'���Sk�_---_ --_----- -------- - ------------.._, Grantee--------,the following
<br /> described premises, situated in the Coulity of_____________________ __�a1� ___and State of Nebraska, to ti�•it:
<br /> - - -
<br /> .Fractional._T,ot--��x--l�-�- �n- �'x_a�t_i_cnt�l Rl�ck__�'igh�_een �18) -��-�=.�'.-��.-����-!€ �r�;�iv�o�- to---�x�.n�. - ---------
<br /> I�l.anc�_,_ �;��_ra���,--�n�__�'�act_ional.__ I,o�-�tix ��) - ir� -fr-a�v:�o��1 -���ock--T���al�e jlr)- in ��e- --
<br /> -- - -------- --
<br /> ori;inal to:�:�n nov� Cit� _of rrana IUlana idQUra�'_la Uubjoct_ to a ::lort�,a�e in_�ura af Ei;ht __
<br /> - _ -- - - - - - - � -- �
<br /> -- rxunci�eci__��liar�--in f avox_o�'--�iome--Savin�s--ran�, -- -- -- --- - - - - - - -- - --- -
<br /> -- - ------ --------- - - -- - --- ------ - - - -- -- - - ---- - ---- - - -- - -_ -- - - --
<br /> --- ---- -- - - - --- --- - --- - -------- ---- -- ------
<br /> -- ----- ---- -- - - - ------ - - -- -------- -- - ------ --- --- -- -------- ---- --- -- -- ------------ -- ------- -- - - - -------------------------
<br /> Together with all the tenements, hereditalnents, and appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, �,nd all the Est�,te,R.ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_________, and of either of them, of; in, or to the same, or any part thereof,
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_____and to_________h1�____________.__._____heirs and
<br /> a.ssigns forever. And________._____�_______________hereby covenant__._.__with the said Grantee.____.____that__._____Z ___...____hold._________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> �
<br /> title; that_____._.__Y____________________ha_Yp_good right and lativful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever--------e�cp�?t_--a�--aUoY4---�-�a�e�-- --_ - ---------- --- ---------- - -- - ----- ------- -- ------ - ------------------------------ --- ----
<br /> --- - ----- -- - - - ----- ----- -- ---- -------- -- - --- --- ----- --- ------ ----------- - -- ---- -- - - ------ - -- -._ -- ---- - - - ----- ----------
<br /> --- -- ------- - -- -- --- ------ -- - - -- ---- ---- - ----- -- ---
<br /> --- And----- ---- --- - - I- - - - - ----- ----------------covenant------to warrant and '
<br /> �t�ia
<br /> defend �said premises against the lawful claims ofall persons tivhomsoever, ____e.�Ce�?t___a5___abo_v__8___�t�t_eti____
<br /> Da,ted the----mtiaexl�y—sE3vonth------------day of_-- ---- I,��TCh--- - --_._A, D,, 19--��'---•
<br /> WITNESS ---------------------i obart---�T�Dill-----------------------------------------
<br /> -------------------------------- -------- ------------------------------------------------
<br />�' - -- - -------------------- -- �-,-C_��Ii����an------- - -- ---------
<br /> ------------?i�11------------Count , �ss. On this_ u��h ---------day of_----------i�t:arCh------------------------A. D., 19_.�-Z__, before me, the ;
<br /> Y ----------------
<br /> undersi�ned, a Notary Public_______a�?�o1nt Qtl______________,.__within and for said County, persona,lly came__ _________.__ ___________________________
<br /> -------------------I�obert.._ J.L�ill_,_.__sin�,le
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person. whose name___________ZS________._________________af�ixed to the above instru-
<br /> (S�AL) ment as grantor_________, and__________1?�?____________s��cknowledged the same to be_____.___hi�.______________voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed. .
<br /> ,_,,�„�
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto snbscribed my��and afl3xed my ofl'icial seal at______________________________________________ '
<br /> ------- xr_ancl --�a�ancl-�---=`%°�?-r-x--------------------�-
<br /> ._____.__on the date last above written.
<br /> -------------------------�-_-�-=_'r_'._us t_on----------------------------------------- '
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My commission expires----------------------- ------------------- ----�l��.s�'_--��---------------------------------191�------
<br /> i
<br />