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' ' <br /> T� �' ��' � � <br /> - - _ ___ - - <br /> - - - - <br /> -- <br /> '?e�i�tar of P�e �����c <br /> Jar:Q� P.L..x:�on <br /> - -- - - - - <br /> --- --- - ------- - ----- <br /> llepu�y. <br /> �.�o�v A�.l 1'�en by Tl�ese Pr�esents : <br /> T1�at �'r�.ecixich ,Tulilx�_��il- -ancl---:�_I��lt�ri�x �ah_l_,___hu���ana_ancl--t�rife---__ __----- <br /> of tne C,ountT� of---___------ T'��� _ . .i1�'ai°as :3-- ----- --- - - -----------Grantor-�---, in cnnsideration <br /> _ -- -_ _ _- ---and State of__ - - -- <br /> of the sun� of- �iVe_ T�1,:��l��Cl_-r.--n�/_1_UQ --- - -- -------- - ----- -- --------- - - ----------------------------- ----------DOLLARS, <br /> i <br /> in hand paid, do--- ------- ---hsreby G��t1�!'1', B�1R�gI11�, SELL, �iND CONVEY unto---- ---J�,r.1�� �_,_L�xselt--------------------_..---_. ---- - <br /> -- _._-- - ------- - <br /> _ - _ -- - - -- -- - - - -- - -- - -- -- - ----- - - -- - --- - -- --- ------- <br /> ��all an� State of_---_ ------ Ii�1�x�:.ta_ Grantee---__._, <br /> of�he County of_ - -__ _"-- _ -- - - _ - -- - - - - --- - - - , the following <br /> described preznises, sltua�,ed ir�t�ie Calirrtti of _ � ''•���-�-__ _ _- _ _._-----_and Sfate of Nebr�asl{a, to u�it; <br /> � / � � J / / / �'// <br /> � +.>`<�/ / ��//�' �7a���.f,��.,,�ri,s 1� �1��=�./1.(��/ir El z1tp�✓�t%-a �/! 7.���: // �� ���sr�O�i>�/"Cors-r/it/ l�t -ui d��i.(�6LGae'iev/ <br /> 1 � i �y �,[/ / �J <br /> (J�1-6YI���_�'/p1u�1� `�{���).L�/.�d',�� . �//l.�1�1>ULz -,�'/-"r�.LZ_f�.�lP��'L�Z����ft� _ :�l�GG���.2/Z/_�l :z�S�_���?'�_ . ..LZ_��l,IIL����_ ___ _'.LLFL� <br /> � `/��ot.t2�i.���.��b��/�.����-'?�� ��1.�'���7� � ����._ .4'��.-��L-G��6.��[`�4flF����._ .��c2-���1_ _�1�� _ .�"1��C-�� _ _ <br /> .���-�J�,����!, ' (.��',%�t������g��'�-�� �j"� ,���:���.y��� ��_��"�� �����o��������L�_�� _ <br />� � �� � , % / �/ " ; �/ ' - ��%p ���_� <br /> ?��1'��-'�QG��e��'�c��iv�1.��qr�it�,c�.v��/u� ._�/_ ��Lo/f�.U�L��G"j-�i�i7�lia r�i�c2 .d� �/ � �ZC ��/ ���2 -������-' <br /> � o I-�, / " i� ���!� � -� �.Sll�oG .21�G'-:Lar�it��i-E� --�'���� �'�'�O`- - - - - - - - ��� - � <br /> �,���a�- -�_�--��Zd�l L��!.�3'<t=z� � . - a2��`,r � � - � -- ' - -- - - - <br /> ��?�11�°�L�����a� r�������� �; ���a�;���/,�i-�i�.J�s�� �/`/J'�rt���� ���z��L-- - � -�r� lo=�� � <br /> l ; . � . . - . . > ,,� -$ <br /> �.l�ic�-�t�GC�. �--- yr-ye-��s_c ._e%'�r�«z..,Z�l�r�i2�i.<�'�zl��-�v_ _.L��s-� .-tw',l�.L_����-�i�r-�._:��-/��,-�js�ik"�`''G�- -,°f-P�rrr�G�-w---�lr-.�-_.�s-L _ �G���_������ixv <br /> � ' / L2���GGL.�1-P � J � / �� .�/t ��.�J _ -LC�� ��-�����.a G i.r-�r/ .. <br /> ., � yy , � -C-O-xi�`G.. ' .C(/-�t-�i_�r� .���ii�"��..:1f2��,s..f r�-G� <br /> ��� � /� � �'' � � Z������.�._ ��/// ..� _ �f� _- ----��--! ���-- -r 'CG_�=�- �- ---°S"//J_C`f`�,.,lL�s'�->/_'��-filG. <br /> ��"�.�✓('i�� ` ��O:ZL� ��4.�rr�_1�_ P_ov�I- 11y�,R/_ �� ��L f`�� .� �� �-�`U�� _ � __�/�2�������L� <br /> A� ,,����=,� ���,,u���.���.��- = �� _ _ -�����__ �._ ���� � ���,�r�_��9 <br /> ._�, f G�_��_ ���� _ % � '.� - <br /> � ��.__- _ _ _ _ __ _ _ �?�� � -_ _-- --- ---- . <br /> - --- - - - ----- <br /> - --- - <br /> - - -_- -- .- - - -- - - ---- --- - - - ------- --- --- - -_.-- -- ---- _ -- -- ---------------- <br /> Together witla all the tenel2�ents, hereclita,lnents, arcl appurtena?iees tliereunto belon�ing, all the Estate, Riaht, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and . <br /> Demand wha-tsoeti��r of tl�e said Grantor_�_______, a�d of eitrer of them, of, in, or to the same., or any part thereof, <br /> TO �34ti'E AI�'D TO H�LI) tl�e above-c�escribed prer�ises,tivith the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee__..._._.__and to__ ___________..__hi�___ _ _ _____heirs and <br /> a,ssigns forever, �_nd__ _._:._�`_?�_ _.__ _________hereby covenant_______with the said �rantee_____.___that___ __._:__`':'�______hold______said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; �hat__________�"'�___________ha_VE_good right and l�,fh;ful authorit,y to sell a.rd convey the same; that tlzey�re free a.nd clear of all liens and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever------------ --- - - ---- - -- - - - .__. ---- ._-- ---- ---- - -- _ --- --- ----- -- ------- --- -- - ------------ ------------- <br /> ---- --- ---- -- ---- --- - - -- _- ------ - - - - - - -- - - - - - - ----- ---___- -- -- --- - -- -- ------------- --- --------- - - ------------- <br />' - � -- - - -- ----- ---- --- - --- -- -- -- - -- - --- ... --- ----- -- - ---- -- --- - ----- - - - ---- ----------- --- ----------- -------------------- <br /> ..- - --- --- - And ----- - _--_._ - - I -- - -- -------------covenant------to warrant and <br /> ViitJ <br /> defend � said premises against t.l�e l2wfi�1 claims of a11 persons�vhomsoever, ____.._____ ________________._.________________________._ <br />�,' <br />' Dated the--- - -�7'�71-- -- - -__ ---da3' �� - - i;i�rcli -- ---- -- ------- ---__A. D., 29--l�- � <br />� WITNFSS r^riedrich RTuliva i��hl <br /> '�,laltha P�,hl <br /> ----------------------- <br />� �i.A.�:a;�daxcis <br /> STATE OF NE�RASKtI, <br /> ss, <br /> -------- ---- ila:i=3-- ----County, On this- -- -- - �.�th--- - ------------day of_---------�_larCh--------- -------------------A, D., 19__i7-__, before me, the <br /> undersi�neci, a Nviary Public------------------------._---------------within and for said County, Personally came-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- � <br /> Juliu: -i?ahl -='rc�--.?a�l_tha-Palil-,---hv�_.�ana---anc�__�zrife-.------------------------------- <br /> -- ---- --- -- ------ - ----- -- ----------- - ------------ _ --- ----------- ------------------------------- ------------ ------------------ ---------------- <br /> l`='i AZ.) to me personally known to be the identical person_�_______whose name__�__�r�______________________afl'ixed to the above instru- <br /> rrient as grantor__�____.___, and________: _ : ______severally acknowledged the same to �e______�n°?_r.___________voluntary act and deed „ <br /> for �he, purpose therein expressed, <br /> r.ara <br /> �ld ZJITNESS u'HEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my �i4 and af�'ixed my official seal at______________________________________________ <br /> ___ _ �r��nCl I�lanci�____ _____ __ ___________ov the date last above written. <br />� .'____________________ '__��A_�_LMft�\3.2{a41�Q_______'___________-..._..__ <br /> `Q� �J Notary Ptzblic. <br /> �Viy commission expires-------------- -- ---�------- -----------�---------------------------------------------------------19--13---- <br />