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— --� <br /> t���� <br /> �, <br /> D � D ° 0 ° D <br /> . a <br />�—� � 50bd8—?iLOPP&BARTI,PTT CO..Prirtin9,Lzthographing nnd Co��nty Supplies:Ohnahc: � � � �'�--- - . __ ___ _._ __. -- <br /> FR01VI I hereby certify that this instrun7ent was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> filed for record this __ �7 ___._._______day of__________ __as�a�'�h_ <br /> �, D., 19 11_ , at------ �_.�� - - --o'clock-- -- --- - �'�- -M. <br /> - _._ <br /> Edt�rarc� rJi llia.z:ls__ �°�_ t;��i.f� -__ _ �arranty <br /> TO r Deed. ' <br /> -- _. - �_- --- - <br /> - Te -ister of Doe � (� .���x <br /> ___1..�.�ax�isGr - _ _- - __ _ <br /> -- - - -- --- -- _ _- --- -- --- ,- -- <br />� I�eput,y, � <br /> I�n�w 1�11 1VIen. b� �'liese Pre�ent�: <br /> 7'hat--- -_- - "' �-�ar.c1_ �'Ti_1liariis__�nd_?_:_in� -��i_l_1_i��s --- ---- -- <br /> t�e� Eci., <br /> l�u�l�,and ana ;,�ife <br /> of tl�e County of-- -.--------�i�ll. ,__ _ ---------- __----a,nd St,a,te of_. ._ ------ ';e�:��as1:� -- ---- -- -- ------- ----,-----Grantor----U-r in corzsideration <br /> of t�ie sum of_.____ _ _____�'�ri �I1cz__T_�0�10_G_ ' ________DOLLARS, <br /> in hand paici, do__ . _- ---_.__liet�ebv GRANT, �ARG1I_N, SELL, 91tT.D CONVE�' unto- ---_�'_•�•�������n <br /> .-_--�(A.��__--_.....--- r �7 , � . <br /> of the Countti of---- -_----__- �� ___._ --------ard State of____------- ---- - --------1,� �T�1��_�;�.-- ----------- ------__ _-----------------, Grantee----,thefollowing <br /> described prelnises,s�tizated izi the Coulitv of_. __________ G'���1 ____a-nd S�at;e of Nebraska, to wit: <br /> f= - _ --- _ _ - --- - <br /> I -- - _�a�t ��ur�i'�e:� T_�_e�s*c�_ _ (1���.. _in ��1��I:_s�_u���er__i_tiine. _�`�) 1n CQ11�ge__Adui�is�n__�_o__:��e�t--I���;�n--�� �t7iQ--- -- <br />� -- City of_ Gxana Ielar.a, . i'�ux��.:?a:�., _���_ �urv�_y�_c�,--��_latt_F�_�_a:=c1---recvyaer�-.-- ---- - <br /> . _ _ -- - ----- ----- <br /> - ---- - -- -- ----- - --- - --- ----- - --._ . - ---- - - .._ - -- - -- -- -- ---- - - - ---- - ----- -------- - ---------- ----------- <br />� Together tivitIl aIl t��e tenernenis, hereclitarne�f�s, an.1 appnrtenances t�iereunto belonging, znd �,ll tI?e .Esiat,e, Right, Title, Inte,rest, Dower, �urtesy, Claim and <br /> Demand whatsoeve�° of liiie said Grantor__s_____, an_d of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof, <br /> TO 1H4VE AND TO I�OL� the a�ov°e-�lescrit�ed �reniises,with the appurtenances, unto the sai�1 Grantee________and to._____�?z�____.________...._________heirs and <br /> a,ssigl2s forever•, t�nd______.._____ __'�M1T�'_ ----__hereby covenant_____.__with the said Grantee__ ______that____'�`�'e___________hold_______said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; that_._______t_�Q_______________ha_=JQ_good ri�ht and Ia��ful authority to sell a.nd convey the same; that theyare free and clear of all ]iens and incuml�rances <br /> . t <br /> whatsoever__�uK?_wCCt--±o--�1�.----�.�.:e�__ _-- <br /> _-- - - - ----- -- ---- -- --- -- - - ----- -- ---- - ----------- - -------- - - -------------- <br /> ----- ---- --- --- ----- -- __-- - - ---- -- - - -- --- - -- --- ----------------- - -- - ------- ----- - - - ----- -------- - - ---------------- - <br /> -- --_ -- - ._.-- _ ---- -- -- =-- -- - -- - - - ---- -- ------ -- --- -- ---- --- ------ -- - -- --------- - ------ --------- ------------------- <br /> , „, <br /> __- - - --And---- --- - - - - ---- "�Q- -------- ---�---------covenant------to warrant and <br /> defend �sai�d preirises a�ainst the lativful clai�ns af all persor�s Whomsoever, _�S___�.c�cvp___u_��'�_o_Cl._____________________________.__________________________ <br /> -- -- _---- - ---- - - ---- - - ---- -- --- -- --- -- - -------- - -------- ------ --- --- ------ - -- -- -- ----- -- --- - ----------------------------- <br /> I�ated the--- --S i:�uh - --da,y of_- F'e1�x'uar`; ---- ------- -----------------A. D,, 19--11---� <br /> T�ITNESS �cl�,�ard �'illiams <br /> � <br /> -------------- '_;ina__�,__._�'illi_ams--------------------- -------- <br /> J�t;,e� r.��i11 <br /> _ <br /> - - -- --- - -- --- - - -- - ---- --- -- <br />' -------------------------- ------------------------- <br />'� as y�er rec�uest ,oa_Ut�€�; �th of a�;�tract <br /> F .,, - - - --------------------- - ---------------------�--------------- ---------- <br /> I� -- - - - -- - - ------ -- - -r <br /> ,� . <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> ss, 16 th <br /> ---------------------I1_a11----------County, On this_---------------- ---------------------day of_---------------r_e�:.xU��y_-------------A. D., 19__l�.__, before me, the <br /> undersi�ned, a 1�otary Publi�---------------��,�>U1n�dd--------u�ithin and for said Lounty, Personally ca,lne----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> -- - - <br /> Fut�ara �Ji1.l i��m� �nci 2.iir�a �!1i1'lia��s <br /> .,------------------ <br /> husband �nc� wv:ife <br /> - -- ---- - --- ---._------- -- ---- ------ ---------- -- - ----- - ---- ------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------__..------- <br /> to me personally known to b� the identical person_�________whose name___�______ .�_____________._______af�ixerl to the above ilistru- <br /> t"E�.L) <br /> rl�ent as grantor__�______, and______th�;�__.______severally acknowledged the same to be_____.���_?_r__._______voluntary act and deed <br /> for �he purpose therein expressed. <br /> nA�:e <br /> IN tiVITNESS WHEREO� I have hereunto subscribed my�and a,f1'ixed my ofl'icial seal at_____________________________________________ <br /> �:�a7�a T 7�;�rCi�__ir�;br.________ __________ _ __on the date last above written. <br /> s7,r,n��.z <br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> Notary Public, <br /> My co��nlnission expires----------------- ---- -------------- �au1y*_16th-------------------------------i91�------ <br />_� �� �I <br />