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_ � <br /> �-������ __ <br /> , � �� c � o � r �� � � <br /> � . , � �.� � .� o <br /> __� ..� <br />= 5�648—C�i.Of'P<?-BAI{TLL'T7'CO.,Pra'n'inp,Li!ho�raPhirq an�l Cor�;rf,j S�tppties:0-naka, _, „_>_ ;: -. :.-.--_,--- -----=--,—=-- . <br /> F�OT� I hereby certify ���,z this insiA�t�rtent ;�as entered on Nurr2erical Index and �� <br /> file� fer rec;�r�d tl�is___ --- _ �� ctay of P:1�rCh <br /> �, D., 19_�x , a� -- _ .- �� _ - o'cIock- - - - �'� -M• <br /> - - - _I,_c_av.itt �C.�,o11_in� .��_ srif_e_ _ , Warranty <br /> �� � l�eed. �j <br /> -.. - ' - /�-�- <br /> - - - - <br /> �pgi�ter af i�e� ��c��c�t <br /> _ _ __ �Yi_lliam _�`,s�iQ�rell_ .._ - - ___- <br /> - -- --- ._ .. . - - - - - - --- <br /> i��putiy. <br /> _ - -- -._ ____. _ __ __ - .. __ _ -� <br /> now Al� en b� �'he�e �'resents� <br /> , , � �,� , . �� . �, , . <br /> I'hat-- --- -- rr�e_�- L�avit t _,�,_Pol�._ina ana_ r_i_�nce� --F,.,��c�l.�.Zns.,_ -------- <br /> - -�hua_utzna_ anu_. �rifa) - - -- - <br /> ' _ _---a�nd �S`��,te of-- ------------- --- IJeLr3Uka _ - ------- ------ --Gra�ntor--"'---, iri cnnsideration <br /> oi the Count� of-- -------- ��a11---__- ---_. __----- f <br /> of t?�e suln or- --�.�x_�t_un�lreci__�.na- n��lOb- ----- - ---------- ------- - --- ------- _ ---------DOLLARS, <br /> in ��ana p�,i�i; �o--- -----------1�erebJ U.t�t��ti, L�1�tiG�il��, S�;LL, �1V� CONV�Y un_t,o- �`�_1_1i3rt'i---1',_ Ho�,e-1-1--___----- <br /> - - -- --- - - <br /> "ia7.1__ ___ . _ .�tzd S�at.e of I e�'�'��"� _---------------- Grantee---__,thefollowin <br /> of t11e Courii�✓ �f- -_ _' _ _- _ _ - __ -- - -.__ ._ g <br /> -- - �11 <br /> ctescri�et'pre��iscs, sitt��,ted in �I�e Co<<1�t,;�of ��x_�____ _ _________._____wd�d State of Nebrasha, to ti�•it; <br /> ��x�<�ction�� �,Qt- :�� . , '�7�re�: t��� �n-��x�c�ion�l--filc,_cl._.T��o.nt-�--���)- -a.=�r�;�.axks A�-cl-itior� - ancl---------- <br /> .:ra_c��.cznal_ 1Qt _TY�ree---(�_}_ _an_.�'�actis�n�l--.�1��1:__�'_ive- --(-:�-}- �s�llinu___Aci��t_i_on---bnth--in----th�---C-i.-t�r-------- <br /> c�f raranci. _z�l.anu� ,Ye:;��=�_�.ka__,_ _��� wurvcye.�., �'�-r:tte�i �?�ci .l�e.c�y.s�ea.,.__ ._ ._ - - <br /> - . - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - --- ------- - -- - ------- --- -- --- - - - --- - -- -- - - ------ - - ----- --- ---- - --- <br /> To�ether witt� all tne �enerlenzs, her���i��,n�er�s, �nd appurtenances tlie�•eunto bel�zi,�ing, �,nd all the Est�te, Rig�it, Title, Intarest,, vower, Curtesy, Ctaim and <br />�'��� Demand whatsoever of the sai� 6't°antor_____________ and o�eit�er of them, of, in, or to the same, or any pat�t thereof; � <br /> TG �I�Y✓E A1��D Tfl il0r;? �he al�ove-described premises, wit,h the appurten_a.rces, unto the said Grantee_________and tc_____________.__�?_��______ ___,heirs and <br /> a,ssig�ls forever. Anct___ ___'�'�� __. ________.___hereby covenatit_______tiviih the said Grantee___________that___________Gde_____.holc�_________said Premises by good and perfect <br /> title; lhat_______�'1�__ __ __ _______haYE_gcod rig�it a?�d la�ifu? a,uthority to sell a,nd convey the same; tliat theyare free a,nd clear of a,ll liens and incumbrauces <br /> whatsoever---- -�-�`�J e ct_-t o-t ax a s--f o r--1.�7,U_an�i _s ub�_�r�lz�nt. _t_�x-� --- -- -- --- - ---- - --- -- ---__ - - - -- -- <br /> ---- ------- ------- <br /> -- - - -- - -- -- - - -- - - --- - -- - --- ---- -- --- ---- -- - --- -- - _ - -- ------ - -- ---- - - ------------ - ------------------- <br /> -------- --- - -- ------ - --- --- - - --- ---- _ _.- -- - - - - ---- - __ ---- - - - -- --- - -- - - -- - ----- ---------- ------------ ---------------- <br /> -- -- - - - - -- - <br /> - _ <br /> - - . _ _- - -.An_d -- - C`8-- --- - - - -- - _�----------covenant-------to warra,nt and <br /> defencl:�,sai� preir.ises agail�st i�e lau�ful claizrs ef all pet�scz�s whom_soever, __._����I?� -_at�__ ai��OVe _________ ____ _ <br /> - ------- ---------- <br /> - --- ------ <br /> --- - --- -- -_ - ---- --- -- ---- -- - - --- - -- - - --- - -- - -- - -- --- -- --- - - - -- - ------- ---- - ------------ �- --- --------- <br /> Da,ted the--- �h i��.ietYi__ __ --- - - ---day of -- - - --.7tt1-y_ - -_.._- -- - ._ - - - ---A, D., 19_1�----� <br /> �JITNI�SS' -------------------_T,eaVitt---�-,_P0��1.-�-��------- -------------- <br /> ' ___Franc-es---N._I�o_ll_ina--------------------------- <br /> �. C.�Iu.��an ' <br />' -- ---- - ------ --- _ - --- --- - - -- % <br /> S'TATE OF' NEBRASKA, • <br /> ss, <br /> -------- ���-�,-J. - -----County, On this- ---- -�Uth------------------day of----- ---_.Tul'�_------------ ----------A. D., 19_10---, before me, the <br /> undersir;n_eci, a iVocary Public--- --------------------------within and for said G'ounty, personally came---------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> -- - - Lea_v_i��----"�•.r 4`��.����"san��s ---��..��c�llina------------------ --------------------------------- ---------------- <br /> . . „ <br /> - - -- ----- - -- -- - -- -- - ----- ------ -----�- -��tisU�nrl--ana---�Krzz e----�------------------------ ---------- --- ----------------- <br /> to n�a personally ��nown to be the identical person___�______whose nanie__s.________a�_.�_________________�,f�i�:ed to the above insira- <br /> rrent as �ral�ter.�_______, and________��ie_y__.______severalty ack�lowledged the sarne tio be_____tihQir_._________.yoluntary act and deed <br /> , for �he �ur•pose therein expressed. <br /> �.EAT�} ��r ti�r17�NLSS WFIEREOF I have hereunto subscribed mly�t�and afCixed my o�cial seal at____________________________________________ <br /> _____ ___Gr�nCI__T.;_lanci.,____�_ie=�_;_��i��____________on the date lastabove written. <br /> �'. C.Hust�rA <br /> ---�----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> Notary Public. <br /> l��y comznission expires---------------- - ---------- -----.Tu1_y_ K,S-----------------------------------------1�`-''-------- <br />_ 1 <br />