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<br /> _ 500d8—f{i.OPP cE BARTLETT CO..Printinp,Li(hographing and Couaet�S�applies:O�raalac,. �` � - --v
<br /> FRO�lT I hereby certify tha,t this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> --J_pYt11__A. --S�d�'1K_�.21---� Y�:i.�'.�. ____ _._ _ filed for record this-- --------2�__ _.--.___---day of_------ -T��'�h---- ------- - -
<br /> 3, D,, 19_1.1__ , at- - �-:_1�5___- -- -----o'clock -- --$� M•
<br /> -- _ - - _ ___ -
<br /> __ -_ _ - _._ _ -- - Warranty
<br /> T� Deed. -
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<br /> _ _.- ------ Richarcl,._T�,�a,n_k_ 3.n _ -- - - - R�� te.r r�f aEeds
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<br /> Depu�y�.
<br /> Ka�ow All 1Vien b� Z'hese Presents e
<br /> That--- -we, -.Tohr�-�. 1��,nl�in--and_rdna C. �danki.,r�,- his_ wi�e, - - _ - - --- - -- -- -- --- ----
<br />' of the Cou��t of--- -.__C�a�'C1�11 ._ __ -------arld State of- - --------�������,�a-- ---------- --- ----- -------- ------- -- --------Grantor-�----, in consideration
<br /> , Y ------- -
<br /> ot'the sun� of------ ----4n�--7�01].�.r----C---�,nr�.._o_ther_--can�_ider_atians--�--------------------------------
<br /> --- ----- - ------ - - --- -------------�?��t'�
<br /> in hanc( pa.id, do__- --- .-- --hereby� CR:4NT, Ij11RC_1IN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto---- -.-- ----�il-Ch�,7'd ��.T1k111-. -- ------_._. ____._- -------- ------- ---------- -
<br /> of the Coun_ty of--- ---------Iidll- _--- --- ___.- ---- ---._----a1zd State of___-----.NE�?'t�rd,�l��, -_-- _ _-- --- ----- --- -----------.__._, Grantee_______,the following
<br /> descri�ed premises,sitt��,ted 1n the County of__._______________-__$a.11__�____._______ _______.____and State of Nebraska, to w�it: �
<br /> -- -- - __ --- - - - 7.'�:�-�torth—���t �u���er-_(�1=�)- o�-Sec�ion-Fti�,������r� (3:�-� in- Tayvns�.i}�- ----- --------- ---
<br /> __ _�.�+re�v� -t a.2-� rrort�,- o�' Ran�c �we�ve- (�.� �- �'es�-Q�'-tne -6tn-P.�y-- -- - ----- - - - -- --
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<br /> - - - -- - -- -- - - - -- -- - - ----- - - - -----�---- -- - - - ------- ----�
<br /> Together with a11 the tene�n�nts, herediLan�ents, and appurtenances tQereunto beion�inb, znd all the Esta,te,Right, Title, Inte,rest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsc�ever of the said G-rantor_5____._., , of, in, or to the sam�, or any part thereof.
<br /> TO K!�VE APvD TO HOLD t1�e above-dascribed pl�emises, i�iih the a,ppurtenances, unto the said Grantee__ _____and to_________�i�________ ___._____heirs and
<br /> I a,ssigns forever. And________ ._YY'�__ _____-_.___hereby coveizart_______with the said Grantee_._______that__________�e__________hold________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> titlP; that_____________W�_______----_ha_SY{:_good right and Ia��ful authority to sell a,nd convey the same; that they are free a,nd clear of a,ll Iie�s and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever- - - -- - --_- ------- ------ --- - -- -_ __ -- - ------ - -- ----- ----- --- ----- - - -- ------ -- -- --------- --
<br /> -- - --- ----- - --- -- - ---_ - -- - -- --- -- - -- - - ___ ---- -._- ------- - --- ----- - - --- ---- -- - -- - ---------------- - --- - ---------
<br />' - ' - - - - - _ - _ _-- - --And - -- - -- --- �fF�- - - - ---------covenant------to warrant and
<br />�, -- - - / __ -
<br /> _ _ _ -- - -
<br /> �
<br /> defend-�e�said premises against the latic�ful claims of aIl persons tivhomsoever, .___.____._.______________________._____.______.________________________________
<br /> Ilated the-- - - 14�1� --- - -- - ---da3' of----- -1�E��'���- - - -- ----- - ---------A, D., 19---1-1---�
<br />, . VV L1�lYL'�J�.) -----'--'-"---"--t:�-l}l�t:l--'-lYr--i1d.C-�-.i1c111--'-------------------"-----'--"-'
<br /> I -- ------- ----�',(�7��.---C-.---:l��:k�.�------------------------------------
<br /> ---- -----W-.W-.-1�1c���c�;e- - - --- ----
<br /> ss.
<br /> ------- - Cr��CiE�- ---County, � On this-- - -- 1:��1'� --------------------day of-- - ------. _--l�a�'-��1- ------------:-----A. D., 19--11--, before me, the
<br /> �
<br /> undersigned, a Tvc�tar°,�� Public--------------------------------------within and for said County, Personaily came----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> �'o�n A.--.��.�i-n---a�a,d-Ed�a--G-•-��arakin-,----hi-s--�uife, ---- ---------------------------------------------- ----------------
<br /> -- --- - - ---------- --------- ---�--- ------- - ------- ------ --�---_ ----- - - ----- ------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person.;�_____whose name�_____�*�___________________________afr'ixed to the above instru-
<br />!- ment as grant��r_�_____, and______tX�.�yy-----------severally acknowledged the same to be___��e��_____________voluntary act and deed
<br /> ���� fo?' the pnrpose therein expt°essed.
<br /> ��
<br /> IN L�ITNESS WHE�EOF I have hereunto subscribed my� and aflixed my ofl'ieial seal at________________________________________,_.__
<br /> ----- -- - - - -L3.S�4_y��-�.���-------on the date last above written.
<br /> "'__'_'___'________________"_____�'f'4�iri��i'���V_'_'"_""""____"'"'______'.__"_ .
<br /> Nottiry Public.
<br /> My commission expires---------- _ ___�"_8�y--21:�_�-r------------------------------------------------------------1��;�------
<br />