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<br /> FROlI? I hereby certify that this instrunrent was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> -- - - - --- - -__ - - -- - - - -. -- ---- - - -
<br /> filed for record this--- .--- _u-�_------ --------cIay af ?;�arC11
<br /> �, D,, 19 11_, at - .-- -1_�v0_ _ _ _ __. _._ ..__o'clock--- ..._ ._..1''� - -M. '
<br /> Johx� -l�l.l.�n._.�_ �v.if Q -- -- -- Warranty I
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<br /> l�epu�y.
<br /> I�a�ow 1�11 1VIea�. b� Z'�ese �'re�ent�:
<br /> T11at we,-- J�hn_ _�111an ana_ _Fanr;ie--I�.,Allana hi� _«if.e.� - - - -- -- - --- - - - -- -
<br /> - --- -- ---- - - ---------
<br /> of the Ccun�y of_.___ --------- it�ll.-- --- - --------- ____and State cf------------- r7ok;:,;�s'•:3 ---- ---- ------ - ---------Grantor-�---, in c�nsideration
<br /> ofthe sum of - - I'ort..y- QO_�]�0� __ --- --- -- ------------ ---- ------ -- ------------------------------------------------------------ DOLLARS, ;
<br /> in hand paicl, do____ _.___..__hereby GRANT, BARG�lI�', SELL, Ai�'D CONVEY unto_______L.aO �.�_l_l�n._____ _________
<br /> of the County of- - - iI311- -- - - and St,ate oi-- -- i�e'�l a`��*�.- -__ -- _ - - -- . _.. _, Grantee - ,the following
<br /> described premises, sitt�ated in the County of___________________ ______TI�11__.. _ _______ ______. _ _.__._and State of Neuraska, to j��ii:
<br /> -- - S,ot.__�'_o_ur-- �1_)- in..�1.o ek_ ��3.x -��)- of__I7ni.u_e��it;r-�'l�cg-�� -�hc� Gi t� of- ���r�d ���.��c�,- -�Ia�1-Co�n�y,---
<br /> �Ta���.a�ka, _�-�s auxveye�,, �latt ed__�n�. recorcie�• - -- - - -- - � -- --- --- - - - -- -- -- -
<br /> -- - -- - - - -- --- ------- - --_ __ - - -- -- - -- - - - -- --- ----
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<br /> - ----- --- - - ---- -- - -- ---- - --- -- -
<br /> - - ---- - - -- --- - ----- ---- - - - - - - ---- -- -------- ----- ----- ----------------- ,
<br /> -- ---------
<br /> Toaether with ail the tenements, hereditaments, and appurte�iances thereuni.o belonaing, tind all t1Te Estate,Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoei-er of the said Gra.ntor____�_____, ��ll�e�c�a� of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> TO H_4VE AND TO I�OLD the above-described premises, with the appur�enances, unto the said Grantee____.___and to________h_i�_________ _._heirs and
<br /> a,ssigns forever. � And____________�`�e_________ _-__hereby covenant______wit,h the said Grantee______.__that__.__!K�_________.___hold_______said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that___.____��fe__-_____________hav�__good right and lawful authorit,y to sell a,nd concey the same; that theyare free and clear af a�ll liens and incumbranees ,
<br /> whatsoever------ ------- . -------- ---- ------- - ------ - -- --- --- --- - - -- - - -- -- ---- - - ------------- -- - ---- --- -- - ----------------- ---- - -- ---------------
<br /> --- ---- - -- - - - ------- --- -------- - --- - - --- - ---- - - - - --- -- - - -- - ---------- ----- --- ----- ------- ---------- ----------- ----------------------- ----------- ----
<br /> -- - - - - - ---- -- - - ----- - -- -- - - -- -- ----- -- - - - -- -- - And_----- - -- ----- ����a--- ------- -----------------covenant-------to warrant and
<br /> tri� , �
<br /> defend� said premises against the la�vful claims of all persons whomsoever, ______________..__- ---_--_-.---_--__--_--------__-__--------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> I)ated the- - --��z'�tl---- - - --- ---�a3' of- -- - --j.1��._C�1---- - -. ---- - -------A, D., 19_11----,
<br /> WITNESS ---------------------�Tahn--Allan__ '
<br /> � -------- ---------�'anni_a__.L..�111an---------------------------------- '
<br />, -------
<br /> - -------- - -- ----Rax--�?-•- ,��.�.an - - -
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<br /> ss.
<br />� ------- ------Ii�il-- ----County, On this---- ---- -�?n�7.-------------------daY of_------------:��:�_�h-- -------------------A. D., 19_11---, before me, the '
<br /> undersigned, a Notary Public------------------------------..----------------within and for said County, PersonalIy came----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ','�
<br /> ---- --�Tohn__A_�,la�--�n�.__ranni-�--��_,��.lan-,---�.is__�t_i�e-- ------------------------------------------------ -
<br /> to ine personally known to be the identical person�3_______whose name_fi________��@_____________________afI'ixed to t1�e above instru-
<br /> C'EAL� ment as grantor_�_______, and__________thQ3T______severally acknowledged the same to be.__._.__�he_3r_________voluntary act and deed !
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed, '
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed�n'��ad and afi'ixed my official seal at___________________________________________
<br /> ��_�,nd__Z_�1�.71C�___,�11__�_�id__CO7ari�3r_,______..._____._on the date last above written. �
<br /> H.E.Cli�'�c�rd
<br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My commission expires-------------------`7��1t���;*----- -----�t�--------------------------------------------------j9--�-�----
<br /> i
<br /> i
<br /> ,
<br />