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', <br /> ����� <br /> i�, __ D � ^� �� � � <br /> D D � �� a <br /> � . <br /> � U <br />-- �SODJ8--KLOPP&BAP7'I ET?'�C�.,Prin.tinP,LiGhar�raphing andCox�nty Supplies�O�naha:� ,.� � � �� _ � � _ -.- ._=,-: _� __:—==--- — - - <br /> ����'� T 1�ereby certify that this instrument was entered o1i Numerical Yndex and � <br /> filed fof° record this--- ----�1_:.t----------day of______--2��.�'�h_----- --------_-------- <br /> -- - --- .__ - -- - --- - _ -- --- - <br /> �, D., 19_-11-- ; at__._-_- --- - ----- .1�.-�.0--------_o'clock_____-----.._._...A.---M. <br /> C1�.uu.�---Elliot_t ��� '�fii�_- - ____--- Warranty <br /> -__ _ <br /> • Deed. " ' <br /> TO ���- � <br /> -� -- - - <br /> -u��� ----- --- -- - -- - - _ <br /> o�,i�ter of Pe , Co�t���ea�c <br /> _ - -_ �_,�7.Palrn�� _ __ _ _ - - -- <br /> - - - - - - -- - - -- - - ----- <br /> � �eputy, <br /> -- ----- - <br /> - - - -- ._ _ .-- - - -- -_-- <br /> �.�o�v A�1 �Ien by T�iese �'resents: <br /> That _ - �YQ, Cl�u�ie �11iot_t_ und t��:z.r-i-e �1_.�1Ziot�t,--�_ �u:�a�n�.. anu _=w:i�'�� --- - - -- <br /> of the County of_- --------- iia11 -----and State of_.-- -------------I.eb��.:�_I_�_--- ------ - ----------Grantor__�___, in consideration <br /> of the sum_ of_---- _Foi ty—�i:� =.Lt2�C:�'E� _---ty�-c�_�Q._00-� --------- ------- -- ----- ---------DOLLARS, <br /> in hand�, do__ ...-- --- --�let°eby uRrl�a'T, �rlRc��I�'�', SELL, AI�'D CONVEY unto- --- -C_,�T.P�1S�'.@x_._..__- ---- - <br /> of the Countv of- - - -- - - :Ial1 _ _ - �,nd Sta�e of_ ---- -'`-'7e�;�ae��l�� -- - __- -- ,, Grantee- -,the following <br />'� described premises, situaied i� the G"ounty of_______ _ _ �•��� ______and Sta,te of Nebraska, to wit: <br /> _ Lct- -P���,ht -��) in _C��c�s_x_ �?ar_k---1i��:_i.tic�n_-t-c----ti.�---�z�t,T__cf --�'r-�n.d---I�l�nd, - -- -- - - <br /> :in �iall C�ur�:z'.� :;c i.;iaw 1��� �A__:��ar?re�-eti_s �la�t,PCI _�ritl_.�c uc}ra _- ------ - -- <br /> --- - _ - - ��. - _--- - <br />' - --- --- - - _ - - - -- -- --- - ------ <br /> - <br /> _._ - - - - -- - _ - -- - <br /> -_ -- -.__ - - -- - - - - - <br /> - --- - -- - - __ -- -- --- -- - - ---- -- - - -------- --- - ----- <br /> -- -- - - - --- -- - -- - ---- -- -- ---- - - - - --- - ---- --- - - -- - ---- ---- ----- - ------- ------ -- -- --------- <br /> Together with all ihe te�emer_ts, l�ere�litarnents, ancl appurtenauces therettnto belon�ing, and all ttie Est�,te, Right, Title, Interest, �ower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Demand whatsoevet� of the said Grantor_�______ , ancl of eitlier of ihem, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof, <br />' TO KAVF AND T(? I�OI�D the above-describec� prerrlises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantae__._._arzd to____ ___ll_��__________. _._________heirs and <br /> assigns forever. And____ __�`��____ .__ __ _.-__hereby covenant_______u%ith the said Grantee.__________that______ _ T'�_�___..__hold________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; �h�t__________t�1�_.___________ha_�rc3_good rigllt and Iac��ft�I authority to sell a;nd convey the same; that the3��,re free and clear of a,ll liens and incnmbrances <br /> whatsoever---------- ---- - - - - - - - -- --- -- --- - - -- - --- -- -- -- --- - ---- -- --- --- ---- ---- - - ----------------- <br />' -- ---- �---- -- - -- - - - - - -__ --- --- -- - ------- -- --- ----- ---- - -- - --. ---- -- - ---- -- .-- --------- ----- --- --------------- ---------------- <br /> --- -- - - -- - - <br /> _ -- - __-_ . -- <br /> - ---- - - _ _And -- - -- -- - - __-- '�'Q -- -----------covenant-- ----to tivarrant and <br /> tiie <br /> defend � said premises agai�st t,l1e IavafuI clairris of all persors tivhomsoever, ____________________________________..____________________ <br /> - -- ----------- - ----------- --------------- <br /> ---- ----- - ---- - - - - ---- --- - - -- ----- --- - - - - - -- -_.---- --- -- -- - ---------- -- -- --- - - - ------------------------------------------------- <br /> l�ated the-- -- - - 14t7% - - - - -- - --da,y� of- --- 1��_s�_�r�ra.i;��- ---- - ---------- --_A, D., 19--1Q - � <br /> Td%I Z'NL'SS - ---------------------C_�-�?�C�.-�---�1X�Q_��------------------------------------ <br /> A:'i C�J. Z lJ �i'�����V lI� <br /> _______"___.....__'_'_"___"____-___A.+�_a-tl-����a:l 4V-.l,L"_'____________"_"___.._____"_____"_'__"____ . <br /> "______"__'________"__""_"_"_'____'_'___""__________.."_________"____'._'_____""_'_____"'__"-"______"__"_' � . -__"_"___"_'__"'_'_'___"_"___"____"_'"_______"__________________""'"_"____'_______'_"__"'"_'"_"'_ <br /> STATE OF NEBRASK9, <br /> , ss, '�roVembe _ <br /> - -- -��a1_1__ -------County, On this------ --- -_�.�:'��1 --- ----------day of_----------- '-- - ------�--------------A. D., i9-1-Q---, before me, the <br /> undersi�necl, a idotary Publi�__ _______._______________within and f'or said Coltnty, personally ca,me <br /> - --- C].auue -all._iott -�-{ica.__i�r��i�__.i��.E_llio-t-t - - ------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> ���,-, <br /> --- -- - --- - --- - ----- - - ----------------- ----- -- <br /> _ -d_lUS_i�c3S'x�--�11C�-1�h'_l�$-------------------------- --------------- -- ---------------- <br /> ��,:1''f?,S') to zne personally known to be the identical person__�____._whose name__�__________a?�________________,___ <br /> ___ _ ai3'ixed to the above instru- <br /> lnent as grantor____�_____, and________t�i�Y.________several�y acknowledged the same to be_____�71�lz___________voluntary act and deed <br /> fo1° the purpose therein expressed. <br /> '`"ir.'1r:8 <br /> Il�' ��ITNESS WHEREl1F I have hereunto subscr°ibed my� and aff'ixed my ofi�'icial seal at________________________________________._.__ <br /> _____________�r�_inu__I.�Iana_,___1�_;.�"�x'______________________________on the date last above written. <br /> -------------------- ---"�'_ti".i��l�t Qri <br /> ------------------------------------------------ <br /> . . �Tt::i � �5 � Not�,ry Public. <br /> 1�?y co�llnission expires----------------- �---------- -------- ------�'------------------------------------------------------j�'=------- <br />