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<br /> FRO?l�f I 1�ereby certify t,hat this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> filed for recorcl this---- --1�- ---- -.---- ._ __.__day of----?._I_3TCh----,---- .--- __----------
<br /> :�, D,, 19 1�� , at_. - -_ _ - 3_._4fl -o'clock- -- --- - - -F-•-1�1,
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<br /> ---_ _ -- -- -- - -- - --. -- -_. ----- ----- - --- -- --
<br /> of the County of------.._ - --���.11- ------- - _- -----and State of.--- ------ ------ -]`;el.,r�x��<�------ -----------Grantor------, in consider�ation
<br /> cf tne sun� ot' -- T�41���t� Fiv�._��unci��ed anci__n��1�Q- -- ----- - ------------------------- -- --- --- -- --------------------------------- ----------DOLI,ARS,
<br /> in hand paid, do___ ---- ------here�y CR't�IT, BARG_4IN, S.EI,L, A��'D CONVEY uuto-------- -Fx�CI I�Ohli.n�--. --
<br /> of the Count3� of_-------_--- -----S��i.I.------_ _-- --._--- - ---�nd State of--_. --------- ----T7ek�.ra;�I;t�---- -------, -., Gra.ntee ___._.the following
<br /> described premises, situated in the Coa�lty ot___ _ _ _ _____ _.___=���_Z_ __ ________._________________aud State of Nebraska, to u•it;
<br /> - ---Fr_act�c�na1--L�t--1��Z�;e� i��r}e---��,�- -��.__3�10�� �,�,;;�-e-r--�.�v�n- ��'�--_Q�---�7al�i.eh_�__ Ac�clition to---tho__Cit-y---of_
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<br /> - - - - - -- --- ------- - -- ------ - ---- _ -- - - --- -- ---- - -- ------ -- ---- - ---
<br /> ToDe�her t�ith all the tenements, her��iit,a�nen.ts, and appurt.enarices thereurto belon�ing, and a11 the Estate,Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the s�ic� (�ra:ntar_._________, a�d of either of them, of, in, or to t11e same, or any part thereof,
<br /> TO KqVE AIVD TO FIOLD the above-described premises,with thE ap�urtenance,s, unto the said Grantee____..___and ta_____.__.h 2�____....__.___.._____heirs and
<br /> I' a,ssrgns forever, And____ ___ ._ _ I__________hereby covezia•nt_____with +he said Grantee____________that________I_________hold________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; i.hat_____________ �____________ha_v�.goorl right an�l laz�ful auihorit,y to sell and canvey the same; that theyare free a,nd clear of all lielzs aizd incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever------- -- ------- ------- - -- -- - -- -- -- _.- ------ - - -- - - -- -- -- --- -- -- ----- - -- ---------- -- -- -------------
<br /> . - And------ -- -- I ----- - - -----------covenant------to warrant and
<br /> +h
<br /> defenc��'n said pretnises against the latic�ful elainis of a.11 persolis ti�liomsoevet�, -----.-------------------------------------------_ ---------------------------------------------------------
<br /> P
<br /> Dated the- - �ix�e entY�- - - ---day of__--- - --I�iar ch.---- - ------ -----------_A, D., i9--11-- •
<br /> WITi�'ESS ----------------------�Cil.�a�`t---'7_._Pi-�.-�.--------------
<br /> --- - --- -- --------------------------------------------------------
<br /> �T�.r:e s �.1)i 11 _ --- -
<br /> ;1
<br /> ss,
<br /> - Ha11--- ----County, Qn this------- 17 t7t--- ------------------day of'------------J:1ar�h.-------------------A. D., 19--1--1--, before me, the
<br /> undersi�pned, a llotary 1'ubli_r.____________ai�Oint�ci____________within and f'or said County, personalLy came__, ________,______________________________
<br /> -- -- --�'!4�e:�-t -=7-.I�,i_ll ----- --�------- -------------- --- - ---- --- - ---- ----------------------- --------------------- ----------------
<br /> - r� ":.r.�la z;;an �
<br /> --- - -- ---- ------ ------ -------- ------ ---------------- --- ------ ---- ---- -------------------_.------------ ----------------- ---------------
<br /> . (�EAL} to rne personally known to be the identical person__________._whose na,nie_____._________��_____________.______af�i;:ed to the above instru-
<br /> rnent as gra.ntor______.____, and__._____�?Q____.________severaliy acknowledged the same to �e__.____._.h��____________voluntary act and deed
<br /> for° �he purpose therein expressed. .
<br />, Il�' i�'ITl'dE�S WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my��Cd and aflixed my ofl'icial seal at----------------------------------------------
<br /> _ __ x�`and__I�l�xnc�,�__I1e�r_________________on the date last above written.
<br /> �7.E.�i11
<br /> --------------------- -------------------------------------------�--------�-
<br /> .iul _ 1Utli Z� Notary Public,
<br /> 1i2y co1�11_nission expires--------------- -------- -- ------- ------y------�-----------------------------------------�9----- -
<br />